Jesus, did anyone here actually watch that movie?
I'm not one to complain about movies being talky, I mean, Bergman's my favourite living director, but nothing happened! In the first two hours, there was the one action scene at the beginning and then nothing of note again until the battle at the end. That was decent, but would've been so much more enjoyable and fulfilling had I not been so mercilessly bored by that time.
Geoffrey Rush was underutilised - I didn't much see the point of bringing him back. Keith Richards was nice while he was there, but could've/should've been so much better. And Depp - why was his role so downplayed!? And why was it suddenly all about Keira Knightley's character? Hers is by far the least interesting of all the mains. The film would've worked best focusing on Depp and Bloom's characters, but instead was The Keira Knightley Show, as she further displays her cringeworthy lack of talent.
They should've edited the 2nd and 3rd movies into one movie of equal quality to the first.