What have you done so far in prep for the half-yearlies....I feel crap at the moment as I haven't even started studying for it...what should I do to cover all content?
Mine are in 3 weeks now. I havn't done any cramming as such but I've been revising a lot throughout the year. I need to practice a lot of the calculations in my sciences though... that is kinda one of my concerns and just need to practice a lot more.
I should revise my essay structures for English and really get a better thesis since the teachers didn't really like my first one.
-Slowly writing my speech for English.
-Studied this terms work for Eco, gonna go through some revision for last years.
-Making sure I know my Graphics Calculator for G.Maths. Completing each chapter with care.
-IPT - nothing so far. We've been doing in class revision though we don't really pay too much attention :\
-We don't have to do anything for Accounting
Printed off past questions for physics/maths
Revising them constantly.
Starting SOR notes and studying them, same with IPT
Writing English essays and writing the speech.
Reading Orlando for extension english.
Finished Advanced essay, and 1/3 way through EE1 creative.
But apart from having up-to-date notes on everything else, nothing.
So worried about english. Have to do an essay, a speech and a visual rep for Adv & a creative + essay for EE1. Tis draining the life out of me.
All ive been doing is typin up my notes on the computers, after that ill prob just cut em down a bit so they are all summaries. Me an my friends have been typin up notes for different subjects we share so that we dont have to type up all the notes for every subject.
Also, ive been a bit lazy on my english, i need to write a narrative and i cant seem to get started......