I think it makes sense to study year 11 topics rather than year 12 topics-because year 12 topics for a lot of subjects, such as physics is built upon the skills and knowledge learnt from year 11, unless of course, you had tuition or self-studied in year 10, so by now you know all the year 11 stuff and can spare some time to learn HSC content.
To relieve any anxiety you may be feeling about the next two years
Check out my response to this thread:
It basically covers study tips for your science subjects(if you do any of the sciences, i.e biology, chemistry, physics), it has links to threads including my responses on how to maximise your marks in English advanced-can be applicable to English standard since what I am writing is about skills and study techniques, rather than specific modules. It has links to other threads where my response will tell you how to study efficiently and smart during the senior years-for both school term and your holiday. I think if you read through my response and go through my responses in the links within my responses, you will find a lot of tips to help ease the transition to senior high school
Remember to relax in the holidays as well. My best wishes for you to have an ENJOYABLE and PRODUCTIVE holiday. If you have any questions, you are welcome to pm me
Happy New Year in advance and I hope this helped