Do you really think that was a wise decision?this is extremely delayed..
but i scrapped my whole artwork yesterday after 7 months of work on it.
i think that sounds fantastic! is it possible for you not to scrap it but simply turn a corner (as my art teacher would say) with it? You should identify what you aren't happy with in your BOW specifically and then firstly see if you can fix it still using your old idea. Because at this stage of the year there is little point to starting again and not using all of the work you have already done.ok, i am rather stressed lol. i scrapped my art work this morning, and i have no idea what im gunna do now i was doing etchings of my grandpa, i had 20 of different aspects of the face. do you guys have any ideas 4 me, il take anything iv hit a blank, i didn't like my work cause i idn't think it was going 2 turn out, and had a poor theme/concept
any help if possible please would be good
Hmmmmmmm you are right but i pretty much have 2 start gain, i didnt think(stupid me) that etchings when u print them print the opposite way, so i had 2 start again the other day anywaym iv done like 4/20. so im not sure now wether 2 go on n finish the 20. My art teacher is, well no comment, so i asked another one today and she suggested i change from a etchings to documented form. i could use the etchings i did at the begining of the year, these are full face a3 sized and put them in different landscapes. so for example i could have a cube or building blocks like leggo (little kids have them) and cut one of the prints up and stick it 2 the sides of the cubes and photograph in his childhood enviro or even on a kids colourful rug, and i could set one on fire 2 represent war in an outdoor war enviro. or dirty one up n put it in a work shed.i think that sounds fantastic! is it possible for you not to scrap it but simply turn a corner (as my art teacher would say) with it? You should identify what you aren't happy with in your BOW specifically and then firstly see if you can fix it still using your old idea. Because at this stage of the year there is little point to starting again and not using all of the work you have already done.