Serius said:
wow nice post, i think you explained yourself very well. After reading all that i fully suport you in your endeavours, no more snide remarks from me. Some people jump on the bandwagon of no sex till marriage [ heard of the pledge, or the silver ring thing?] thinking it is the right decission for their life, some people arent commit enough or dont have strong enough ideals to go through with it after they make the initial decisison.
me personally? its not really for me, and even if i could turn back time i would probably make the same choices. The way you put it makes it sound very romantic, but i doubt i will ever find a girl that would could possibly conform with that ideal, and so i have no desire to keep my v-card[ do guys even have v-card? meh probably another issue]
Thanks for your kind words mate. I didn't think I would be talking further than marriage from this thread but I will endevour to answer all of your questions.
Serius said:
1. couldnt a guy just lie about it so that they got a really nice girl, who had strong ideals AND was a vergin? iam sure there would be the guilt factor, but if she never found out and you dont mind losing a little sleep it could happen right? If you were a female with the same morals about sex after marriage and what not, would you be worried about this?
1.Yeah I am sure this could happen. But in reality I know I could never live with the guilt of a constant lie with my most loved. A Marriage should be completely open and honest about everything if it is to work, and this definatley includes things that happened in the past. I think if someone was willing to lie about being a virgin then a lot more of their morals would not match with the same morals as the virgins. I am sure that it is possible for a guy to live a fake, nice "perfect me" life and trick the girl though. Also another consideration, would a guy who doesn't care about virginity be willing to hold out and not have sex with her until marriage? Just a thought. Not sure, if I can answer your question about being a female for obvoius reasons but I can say that from my own point of view, it is really easy to tell where people stand in their morals by the way they live out their entire live, not just in regard to viginity. If they didn't match up then I think I would know and would subconsciously stear clear of that person. I imagine that much of that would be similar for females also.
Serius said:
2. I am not sure i understand your stance of remarrying, in the event of a spouses death you are a widower, would that make it morally wrong for you to meet other people, not have sex with them, remarry and then consumate the marriage? like you said there is more than one love in everyones life, and its not asif yout ex-wife wouldnt want you to be happy
2. If your spouse had died, then there is nothing wrong with remarrying either a virgin or someone else who's spouse had died. This is because both poeple have fufullied the promises made for marriage. Make sense? Personally for me what I meant though, is I don't think I would ever be able to have that same happiness back again (even if my spouse was happy for it) so I would not remarry in the hope that after death I would be re-united with them again.
There is nothing morally wrong with the remarrying in that scenario if that is what you meant.
Serius said:
3. In todays world you may be seen as a bit strange by some girls because you dont want to sleep with them, this might make it hard to find a do you deal with this? Do you only meet girls at church or something?
3. I'm a fortunate enough to have found the most beautiful person I will ever know who holds to the same values as me. Together we have both agreed that we would not have sex before marriage. She is from my school, but you hit the nail on the head when you said from church. A lot of families teach very different values, to the world we live in, in churches. Some of my most moral friends are from church. So to answer your question, yeah I am sure it would make it a lot more limited if looking for a girl with the same values as I hold. I mean a guy wanting virginity is strange right? But it is not impossible to find one.
Serius said:
4. If i may ask, has your erm experience with girls been limited by your morals? Like did you find it difficult to get a kiss off a girl for the first time and erm have you had a long term relationship with a girl, who was fully aware of your situation [ you dont have to answer this]
Depends what you mean by limited. I'll assume you mean physically since you mentioned kissing. Yeah of course it has been limiting, but that is the way it has to be. I cannot expect to have my morals valued if I am not willing to put them into practice. But personally, I don't see this limiting in a bad light, in fact I am glad it happens this way because it means that almost everything I do physically will only be shared with the person I intend to marry. Getting my first kiss? lol. It wasn't that hard, it was year 7 although I think that it was more of a peck than a kiss. Truth be told if there is a difference between pecking and being kissed by someone you love, then I have never been kissed. That is something I am glad of. Because it means it is one more thing I can share with "the one".
Long term relationship? I am hoping that the one I am in will be as long term as is possible - marriage.
Serius said:
5. How far do your morals go? I know you dont do sex yet cause u aint married, but kissing seems fine by you, what about the stuff in between? you said consumate the marriage so iam gonna assume intercourse, is oral sex, masturbation, hell touching a girl, or even seeing a girl naked [ in real life] is that off limits? what about porn? iam gonna assume you watch it and iam also going to assume you masturbate but ive known people who are full on about this and like u said, didnt kiss till the altar. [you dont have to answer this either]
"... iam gonna assume intercourse, is oral sex, masturbation, hell touching a girl, or even seeing a girl naked [ in real life] is that off limits?" All of these things shared with a girl are off limits for me. These, in my opinion should only come after I am married.
Pornography is also off limits. I'm not going to lie and say I have never seen it, because it would be almost an impossiblilty in the world we live today. However, porn is still off limits, I don't go to pornographic webites, or have any video's, pictures ect stored on my computer. Lusting after another woman other than my wife is what makes it wrong. It would make me feel as though I had degraded her and she was not good enough. I don't want the one I love to feel that she can't be everything I need. Because in all honesty, she should and will be everything I need.
Masturbation (solo, not with partner) is very different again in that even christian opinions are divided over it. If you want my own opinion PM me because I don't think it would be appropriate to talk about here.
Serius said:
and a little friendly advice: yes the emotional connection is pretty good, but dont beleive all the hype, sex is good, its fun, it feels good but it isnt all like OMGZ BEST PLEASURE EVER! FEELS LIKE IAM DIEING OF ORGASM SO GOOOD sorta thing, so dont expect fireworks behind your eyes and a body wracking wave of pleasure, aint gonna happen, especially on your first time[ and probably hers] the best thing you gain from it will be the emotional experience
To be perfectly honest I am more interested in the emotional connection and bond that it creates than the actual physical pleasure gained from it. This is why it is so important to me that I and my partner only share it with each other. I don't want them or me to have that same connection with anyone else, that way the bond between each of us is stronger.
I hope that clears it all up, let me know if there is anything more