PRIVATE RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS are here to accommodate individuals certain needs, like prayer/who they worship/clothes, they are NOT, I REPEAT, NOT encouraging segregation
i concure. Being from a catholic school which, in spite of what people may think, has students who aren't catholic even those who aren't religious. in my school less than half, probably even less than a third of the entire student body is christian. here is my point:
religious schools are not as narrow minded (yeah they may have been 50 even 20 years ago but they aren't now) they promote multiculturalism and therefore a multifaith society. the modern day christian is not taught that anyone who isn't christian is going to hell they are taught to except people for who they are and what their belief system are, therefore religous schools, such as my own, are not promoting a secular society rather an accepting one.
to those who choose to dismiss religion and those with structured belief systems without having experienced it: you are making society secular as you choose not to accept.