The last f***n time ever to need to speak German. Gott sei Dank! I did decent until i tried to remember te word for to apply for like 10 seconds...argh. How did i forget- sich bewerben. Mir egal
Nicht frage mir! Es war quatsch! Besonders fuer Extension... ich bin nur froeh, dass ich kein mehr auf Deutsch sprechen muss. Doch: ich muss immer mit meine Deutschlehrerin Deutsch sprechen. Ach nein! :apig:
I found the speaking alright actually. i memorised some of my writings. (trip to Austria and my music idol) Hahaha ^^;;; i went for 12 minz. But i was stunned @ my first question ("Hast du Haustier?") Wow but then again i told her i was incredibly nervous and a bit unsure with what i would say.
Went reasonably well. Nothing I couldn't answer except I got a bit confused with one of the questions which was something like "when you get up early, how late do you go to bed" with the early and late part confusing me.....