Well unlike this year, next year will not be a burn out :burn: for me! I find that i am much more relaxed with my studies if I keep going to the gym, riding my horses and doing farm work than sitting on a chair studying every possible thing and gaining weight!
I am still doing well at school though and I still have time for study.
My rules for studying are;
- Do not study to early hours of morning! unless you have been lazy and need to get an assignment/homework in, don;t use it as punishment.
- Study by the syllabus of all subjects.
- During the week I like to go by this acronym
H = Homework
A = Assessments
S = Study
- When studying poetry in english, I like to annotate them with bright text boxes to make it easier to read when revising the poetry before an exam.
- Film - If studying a film in english, I like to watch it/listen to it while I am studying either English or maths. I find it helps me memorise quotes, and enhance my understranding of the film.
- I don;t have a strict study time table. I find it is easier not to as my life has too much variation. I like to study subjects that I found i didn't quiet understand that day or what I feel like doing. It is no good trying to study maths or something if you are sick of it.
- If I don;t feel like studying or I am too tired, I just browse this website, it is a form of study! providing you read!
- Make the most of each lesson - I never bludge, always write notes off the board, write down notes from your teacher's explanations. At the end of each lesson while everyone is packing up, read the board, read your notes, read questions or something! Ask questions! always ask your teacher - make them work.
- Don't set high expecatations that you can't meet. For example if you get 65% in a maths test and you aimed for 80% you will probaly just disapoint yourself. Based on your last exams, estimate your performance.
- Hand in drafts of all essays, assessments and speechs to get them verified by your teacher prior to the due date. This will allow your teacher to tell you if you are on the right track or not.
- Each Friday afternoon/ Saturday make sumaries of each weeks work for each subject.
- Have FOLDERS for each subject, loose leaf paper and a notebook. Loose leaf paper allows you to scribble and do study notes while your notebook is just for classwork.