teacher went off at me in year 11 for wearing a leopard headband =/ but failed to tell the other girl in my class off for wearing headbands/little hand made hats/etc. i swear me and this teacher were going to get into a fight

she wouldnt leave me alone! it was always at the end of term when she would pick on me... "THATS NOT UNIFORM!" "YOU SHOULD BE DOING THIS THAT WAY!" "THOSE ARNT SCHOOL SHOES! THOSE ARE BALLET FLATS" (they wernt ballet flats :mad1: they were mary jane shoes :mad1

fkn bitch.
she also told me off for talking in class but the people on the other side of the room were talking too!! i have a grudge on this teacher. she's a snitch too. she ratted me out to the principle about how i had a black eye and i wouldnt tell her how i got it GRRRRRR
in year... 9 or 10 i think, i got sent out for the first time for refusing to do my maths work. she thought i was deliberately copying what my friend was doing =/ (she got told off by the head teacher a few minutes later and was told to apologise to me)
in year 4 for coming into the room and screaming. had to stand at the back of the room. (hey man! wouldnt you scream if someone came up behind you and tickled you!)
again in year 4. was in the computer room, this guy took my workbook and i was like GIVE IT BACK, teacher was a ex-army corp =| *screams at his loudest voice and huffs over to us* WHATS GOING ON HERE! WHY IS YOUR BOOK OVER THERE?! YOU TWO COME TO THE FRONT OF THE ROOM NOW! WRITE YOUR NAME IN THE GREEN BOOK!
i was never so scared in my whole life. and i ddnt even do anything wrong

the guy took my book

fuck he scared the fuck out of me this teacher. i saw him put a year6 guy in a headlock in the playground once

coz the kid was chucking one of those FUCK YOU fits. lols bogans.