Geez, you're so possessive. Stop embarrassing him or her. Your username is XPAC, if I remember back to, like, 12 years ago when wrestling was cool(ish) there was a wrestler called Xpac. So even though her username is a "damn site better"hay ass wipe! Thats my friend you're talking to. Firstly, she's a girl so why should she grow balls u gay fuck! Second, her username is a damn site better than yours so suck it! Third, go fuck a donkey.
But there is such a huge list of things that could go wrong. Damages cost to hotel rooms when ur smashed, predators, drugos, gate crashers, abuse, etc. why go there when I can have a kick ass time at my besties house 2 celebrate, with my frieds looking after me so i don't fall into a swimming pool and drown instead of them getting high as kites and letting me be hurt n do stupid stuff.