Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minutes (1 Viewer)

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Sep 6, 2006
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

I'm imagning this survey was to be completed for ur HSC year?

1.Gender: Male

Age: 26

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? No

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? I didnt really have any. Just get above 90.

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? Yes, casual. ( 3 days/week. 3 hours after school, weekends free :) )

5.If part-time or casual- why? Saving money for schoolies!! :D

If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Food <---- I worked in a Deli
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours <---- usually this
¨3-8 hours <---- if there was a major exam

¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? No. I really regret not taking my HSC seriously. I knew I could do well without trying, hence didn't try... In reality i should have been doing 12-15 hours/week to master the content.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? Usually 1-2.

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine
¨Other: I found examinations pretty easy most of the time. My downfall was reports/speeches etc..

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities

¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much


Jan 19, 2010
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Male

Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? Yes (2010-Year 12)

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? Achieve an ATAR or around 90.

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? No job

5.If part-time or casual- why?

If not- why? I'd rather spend the time I have studying, I'll have 3-4 months for a job and the rest of my life for a job once I finish the HSC, but I only do the HSC once. Therefore, a job can wait

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure x

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours x
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? I feel it's not enough as of yet, but gradually I will build up.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? 6 or 7

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying x
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep x
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed x
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities x
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money x
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps x
¨Don’t hang out with friends much


Oct 21, 2008
where i live
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Female

Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? Year 12

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? To get an ATAR of 85+ and to get into the course I want to do at uni which atm is a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary)

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? no job, am loooking for a non time consuming job that will take as little of my time as possible every week (so that I can continue to study) mainly so that I can get experience whilst I can be payed a lower minimum wage than adults, which will probably help me when I need a job while at uni.

5.If part-time or casual- why?

If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? Yeh, maybe sometimes more though when there are assessments are coming up. It's adequate in terms of school, but not really for the rest of my life (socialising etc.), but I'm achieving pretty good marks with that amount of time.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? About a 7, i generally feel well prepared but am extremely stressed about what to study, whether i'm doing enough, did I waste too much time on one part, have I studied the wrong thing, is it enough to keep up my ranking, will I achieve my personal standards...

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine
¨Other: There's just so much pressure (mainly put on by myself, but also from other influences) to achieve and do well in order to achieve my HSC goals.

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed ( I tend to hover at either extreme depending upon what's going on, rarely am I in the middle of being happily stressed)
¨Rarely get stressed

¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much

Hope this helps :)


you've got the love
Jul 1, 2008
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut
Gender: F

Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? 12

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? 96+ atar

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? casual

5.If part-time or casual- why? because I need $$

If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?


7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨12-15 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? yes most people do less.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? 8

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Too tired

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep x
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed x
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities x
¨You save your money x
¨You spend your money x
¨Hang out with friends heaps x
¨Don’t hang out with friends much


Active Member
Mar 9, 2008
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Male

Age: 18

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? No (finished it in 2009)

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?
- To do well in the HSC (no specific ATAR, just do well compared to my cousins)

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?

5.If part-time or casual- why? because it's a family business

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours
¨Other: N/A, this can't apply to crammers like me. No such thing as regular study for me

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
... yes, I did well in nearly everything

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine
¨Other: confidence in my ability to fluke it, calmness

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much

I save my money so I have a lot to spend. Far too extreme to accurately give an answer.


New Member
Feb 3, 2010
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Female

Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? Yes, year 12

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? ATAR of at least 72

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? Casual

5.If part-time or casual- why? Money, experience, socialisation

If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? No. I'm slowly starting to increase these hours as i very rarely am able to complete all of my homework/assignment/study.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? around a 4. Due to not studying enough i think i'm not very prepared when it comes to test times, which makes me stressed.

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much

random bus

Jan 14, 2010
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)?
3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?
85 +
4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?
5.If part-time or casual- why?
saving up for study trip and i need the money my rents are poor
If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
yeh i feel i could be more

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?


10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much


goldmambo #5.
Sep 6, 2007
Not Cooma.
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut



2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)?
No, completed HSC in 2008.

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?
They were to do well and get into uni to study B Commerce/B Law (achieved)

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?
Part-time job.

5.If part-time or casual- why?
Because I felt that I could manage working 20 – 30 hours/week on top of HSC workload/social life.

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
Yes. I made the most of my time in class, and this meant that when it came to studying, minimal effort was required.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?
8 - 9

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Your study arrangements are fine

11.Tick which are appropriate to you: (during HSC)
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps


New Member
Feb 3, 2010
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Male

Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? Yes

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? Atar: 80+

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? Casual

5.If part-time or casual- why? to earn lots of money!!!
If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)
¨3-8 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? No. Probably not but the nights i work i just couldn't be bothered studying as it's too late. I guess i don't have enough time!

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? 3

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Do few leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨Don’t hang out with friends much



where are my hair
Jul 22, 2008
Uni Grad
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

im so bored that im gonna answer everyones IRPs haa



2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)?

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?
to get an ATAR above 90

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?

5.If part-time or casual- why?
casual because everyone at my work is employed as casuals (yet we all work set hours), and because i need the money

If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
retail/community/health (i work in a pharmacy)
and yes i worked during prelim AND hsc

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
during my HSC, i studied about 1 hour per week maybe, until 2 weeks before the HSC and i started cramming in maybe 10 hrs a week or something

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
hellll noooooo. shouldve studied way more. because 1 hour a week is barely enough time to get homework done, let alone study, which means i had to cram when the exams came round.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?
about a 2

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
couldnt be bothered, procrastination

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much
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