Survivor : Pearl Islands (2 Viewers)


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
Originally posted by routemarker
Well here's the CBS chat transcript with Skinny Ryan.
well from but dont go there as they are 2 episodes ahead and im spoilt :D

here's Nicole's from the first episode

SURVIVOR Host: You all have a lot of great questions for Nicole, so let's get begin! If you're just joining us, we're chatting live with Survivor Nicole Delma. We'll get to as many of your questions as we can. Hey, Nicole! Thanks for being here today. Are you ready to talk to take some questions?
Nicole: Yes, I'm ready.

rattler: Nicole, were you and the others given any sort of education regarding the dangers that awaited you on the island?
Nicole: We were not informed ahead of time, but we were informed of what we could and could not eat.

Maria: Was it worh traveling all of that way to be there for three days?
Nicole: It was absolutely worth it, because even after I was off after the show I got to enjoy Panama for the remainder of the time.

SURVIVORFan: How did your family react when you were voted off first?
Nicole: [laughs] My family took it with a grain of salt because they know my personality, so it didn't really surprise them.

weebee: Why did you try to get people to go along with your vote instead of "laying low" and waiting for someone to approach you regarding how to vote?
Nicole: I think it was just a natural instinct, because someone was bothering me and annoying me, so I wanted to take control and eliminate that person as quickly as possible. I'd never watched the show before, so I didn't know much about strategy.

bree: Nicole, what went through your head when you found out you could be wearing that thong for 39 days?
Nicole: [laughs] Ew! I actually was hoping that we'd have some Reward Challenge in which we'd get some of our clothes back.

scrappy: Nicole, how did the clothes issue hamper your perfromance in the Challenges (if it did)?
Nicole: Actually, after we jumped ship, I got used to running around in a dress. The hardest part was sleeping with the sandcrabs crawling up it.

frank: What was up with the guys stripping down nude during the Challenge?
Nicole: [laughs] I still never figured that one out! Osten seemed ready to take his clothes off from the beginning when he ripped his shirt off. I think it was somewhat of a male bonding experience that we'll never really understand.

marmaque: Did Osten and the other guys go nude around camp or just in that Challenge?
Nicole: They didn't go nude intentionally, but Osten's shorts were hanging off him for the entire time, so he was basically nude. [laughs] He wouldn't do anything to fix 'em, and Brian O's shorts ripped open at the crotch, so he was having trouble with things hanging out. He actually sewed his shorts with some wire and string, but they didn't show that.

sparkyewu: What did it feel like when Jeff said that the game started while you were on the ship? Were you scared, excited? Or what was going through your head?
Nicole: I started giggling, because I think I got nervous. My heart started racing, and I immediately switched into competitive mode. The next thing I was worried about was being one of the first ones to shore.

Tyler2000: Was there any traditional SURVIVOR Challenge you wish you could have parcipated in if you could have stayed?
Nicole: Something that involved simply running and not pushing 300-pound objects! I think I would have done a lot better.

mawshimp: I thought I saw some "cuddling" during the crab attack the first night. Who was that?
Nicole: That was Tijuana and Osten, but apparantly they were just keeping each other warm. Meanwhile, I froze because I wouldn't let Ryan O. touch me! [laughs] He tried to cuddle with me and Darrah.

Bucanner_Bay: Nicole, were you dissapointed that Lill told everybody your plan to vote out Tijuana?
Nicole: I was disappointed that Lill told, because she had me fooled with the uniform. The most obvious threats aren't necessarily the ones that are in your face, but at the same time, I think it's all part of the game.

kelkel: If you could tell Tijuana one last thing, what would it be?
Nicole: Oooh. [laughs] Calm down! Life's too short. [laughs]

wentino: Nicole, you said that you knew you'd get into trouble by "mouthing off." So why not try to curb that?
Nicole: I did try to curb that! [laughs] I think that the conditions and everything make your true self come out, at least in my case. I was too tired to take it.

DanieuBleau: How bad was Osten's overreaction to everything?
Nicole: [laughs] Honestly, I don't know why Osten volunteered to do this, because he's so scared of everything in the outdoors. He must have gotten us out of the shelter six times because he "saw a snake!" It finally got to the point where we didn't listen to him anymore.

Peach_faerie: Niclole, why did you go to Lillian and not someone else?
Nicole: The boys weren't really an option because they were already starting to bond when they built the shelter, and Darrah was sort of friends with Tijuana, so I wasn't sure that she was the right person to go to. So Lill seemed like the only obvious choice left.

rink: Hi Nicole. Did y'all know that Rupert stole your shoes, or did you think the locals did it?
Nicole: Until last night I had no idea what happened to those shoes! I thought they were lost at sea. I thought it was funny because Rupert was so funny about the way he did it. But I would like to have the shoes back! [laughs]

iGGy: Hi Nicole, What was the high point of your brief appearance on SURVIVOR: PEARL ISLANDS?
Nicole: [laughs] Walking away from Tribal Council! The very beginning was fun too. The very beginning and the very end.

Tyler2000: What was it you didn't like about Tijuana ?
Nicole: Speaking to me and everyone else, she was very condescending, I thought. That may have been just how she was in the game, but if there's one thing I can't stand, it's being patronized by someone that's my own age.

cafunston: It seemed like people were pairing up. Did you know that Ryan S. & Lillian had a close bond?
Nicole: That was apparant from the very beginning. They were the only two that would really go and get the water, and then for some reason they wouldn't tell anyone else where it was.

drakez: Nicole, how hot is Ryan Opray's body?
Nicole: [laughs] He's not my type.

CeLeRoN: Hey Nicole, do you think you could have survived the entire 39 days with that dress?
Nicole: With the dress? Yes. With my mouth? No.

Evy81: Why didn't your team stay together when you went into the village?
Nicole: We broke apart immediately when we jumped off the boat because some of us were stronger swimmers than others. Darrah, Ryan O. and I swam to shore while the rest held onto the raft and came in slowly.

DanieuBleau: Nicole, were you embarrassed by the way Morgan acted with the villagers?
Nicole: Yes. [laughs] I saw yelling, people raising their voices simply because of a language barrier not because they had a hard time hearing. I think that respecting them and the fact that we were in their town was important. People acted like they were there to serve us.

kasie: I just have to know: did you guys get shots beforehand for yellow fever, and did they give you pills to prevent malaria, and all that? It seems so reckless if they didn't.
Nicole: We did get shots beforehand.

drakez: Nicole, you're hot! hot! hot! Having been back from the show, how's your massage theraphist bussiness going? Is that getting better?
Nicole: I still kept my old clients, but I haven't been seeking any new ones. The volleyball season is almost over, so it's slowing down.

voteMEoff: Hi Nicole. Were you happy to follow the Drake team through the obstacles rather than clear all the debris for them like they did for you? Why did the Morgan team "run out of gas" when they did one-third the amount of work compared to the Drake team?
Nicole: No, we weren't happy to be behind them, because everything they cleared out they threw back in our path, including logs and rocks. I think we actually ended up doing equal or more work because we weren't able to keep the momentum going because we were behind.

merlot: How bad were the insects? Are the living conditions as rough as they seem?
Nicole: I think that it was rougher than what you'll ever see on TV, and people don't really understand how real it is. Even after three days it was like I had chicken pox because of the bites.

drakez: In your opinion, why did Morgan tribe lose after leading for a while?
Nicole: We basically hit a bad bump in the sand, and we couldn't push it. You couldn't see from the shot, but it was uphill, and we just couldn't get it to budge.

CincinnatiBengals: Nicole, great dress. All of male America loved it. Did you cut yours up at all?
Nicole: I did cut off the bottom to wrap the fabric around the bottom of my feet and make shoes.

cafunston: Nicole, who were you closest to in your tribe?
Nicole: Darrah. She was a really nice girl who didn't do anything to offend everybody. But at the same time, she had a good sense of humor.

CaptainMajibb: Nicole, are you planning on appearing in Playboy like Jenna and Heidi did?
Nicole: I'm open to it at this point, but nothing's been decided.

iGGy: Hi Nicole. What effect do think this exposure will have on your immediate future?
Nicole: I'm not really sure what to expect. This is all new to me.

cafunston: What was the one thing that you did not get in the villiage that you wished you did?
Nicole: Blankets that were not infested with dog fleas! The blankets we got were the ones they were letting their sickly dogs lay on in the village! [laughs]

rink: Nicole, how far was it from the ship to the village, and how long did it take you all to swim it?
Nicole: I think it was probably at least a half a mile. It was further than I've ever swam. It took us maybe about ten to fifteen minutes. I'm not sure. It seemed longer, though, because we thought there were things in the water with us. We'd seen sharks earlier.

grand32: What was the first thing you did after you left Tribal Council?
Nicole: Showered! [laughs] I didn't eat too much. Actually, my stomach had shrunk, so I didn't eat much. Then I slept really well.

DannyBoy: Nicole, considering you wore such a sexy dress, was it your strategy to use your sexuality in the game?
Nicole: I thought I would be able to, but as soon as Ryan O. started making advances, I realized I wasn't going to be able to fake that part of my personality. I think that might be part of why I was voted off also.

topcntryfn: Was there any sexual chemistry out there, between anyone?
Nicole: We had some talks that there was something going on between Tijuana and Osten, but it was never confirmed while I was there.

toddr: One guy shows up in an Armani suit, one woman in a scout uniform. What was your first impression?
Nicole: I didn't know what was going on with the Scout uniform but I think it was a good way to win trust automatically. As far as the Armani suit, I felt bad for him because he probably lost a lot of money when he jumped in the water.

jclaire: Any interesting stories from the island that didn't get aired?
Nicole: There was a period on the second day that we were there that I cut the head off a chicken and then we roasted it, and they didn't show that. It was the first time I'd ever done anything like that. It was probably one of my strongest memories of the experience.

kaycee73: Nicole, what was your goal on SURVIVOR? Was it simply to win the money, or was there something else you were hoping for?
Nicole: I was just hoping it would have a positive impact on my life and be a memorable experience one way or the other, because I never really expected to get on it, and I never really had a set goal. They approached me; I never went to an audition or sent in a tape. I was approached on the beach to do the show, but had never previously contemplated doing it.

Punished: I noticed that nobody was talking on the ship. Was there already a sense of competitiveness firing up?
Nicole: There was a gag rule on the ship. We weren't allowed to talk until the game officially began, but you could definitely feel people sizing each other up and down.

emilita: Nicole, were you disappointed in being put on the Morgan tribe? Do you think you would have fit in better with Drake?
Nicole: I absolutely think I would've fit in better with Drake. Watching the footage of them last night a lot of the people in their tribe seemed friendly and funny and even sarcastic. It made me laugh, whereas our tribe was just very uptight it seemed. We didn't do a lot socializing.

Yargs: Did you ever flash anyone for trade as Osten had suggested?
Nicole: No. I was offended by his comment because it was totally unecessary, and I don't think he realized that Panamanians are very respectful and would've been offended if we'd done that. The men there are actually pretty reserved.

twind: What was the best thing someone in your tribe bartered for in the village?
Nicole: I would say it was either the matches or the tarp because we would have been in a lot worse of a position without either of those things.

AnneBonny: Why didn't you buy clothes while in the village?
Nicole: It was about 110 degrees, and we didn't at that time imagine that it was going to get cold at night. I don't think that even the people in the village would have had any clothes to sell. A lot of them were missing clothes themselves.

RICHIE77: Nicole, even though you didn't get to use it, what was your luxury item?
Nicole: My massage lotion. The only constant request I had for massages were from Ryan O.

SURVIVOR_lover: What's one thing you missed while on the show that you didn't think you would?
Nicole: Private time. Time to be by myself and not worry about everyone else.

Ian_: What was your best deal made at the village?
Nicole: I was the one that got the beans, the rice, the candles, the lighters, the blankets, the tarp, and the potatoes, with a little help from Ryan O. I didn't rub it in, but I don't think anyone ever realized or appreciated that.

Portia: Did you think that having to go with the clothes on your back was unfair?
Nicole: Because I'd never watched the show before, I didn't know what to expect, except the worst. So, it was fair to me. Not fun, but fair!

AnneBonny: Nicole, when you were confronted by the tribe about what you said to Lill, did you assume that was it, you'd probably be voted off?
Nicole: I definitely knew I was in big trouble at that point, but I was hoping that Tijuana's personality might do itself in and that they might give me the benefit of the doubt. At one point while I wasn't near the tribe, I heard she cried big crocodile tears. That must have won them over.

Maria: When you first saw "blackbeard," did he look scary to you?
Nicole: [laughs] Rupert looked half scary, half endearing, but I definitely thought that physically he was a threat.

dizzyupthegirl: Do your friends treat you differently than before you were on the show?
Nicole: Actually, my friends are pretty down to earth, and we all try to avoid using the "S" word for fear of overkill. [laughs] In my town, within a five-mile radius there are six people who have been on reality TV shows.

mi5zons: Did you have a boyfriend on the outside or someone close cheering you on?
Nicole: I don't. I'm not involved with anybody right now.

dizzyupthegirl: Is there anything you would have refused to do to win?
Nicole: Before the game began, I thought "no," short of killing or maiming someone, but once I was actually in the midst of it I realized that faking an attraction to someone or getting naked was a lot more personal than I thought it would be, and I wasn't going to give those things up so easily.

SURVIVOR Host: I am sorry to say that our hour with Nicole is up. Nicole, thanks so much for being here to chat with us today. Do you have any final comments for the SURVIVOR fans?
Nicole: Thank you and keep watching! I think it's going to be a great season.
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~*HSC 4 life*~

Active Member
Aug 15, 2003
Nah, Osten voted for 'Skinny Ryan' it shows you whofvoted for who at the end after they show you what happens on next weeks show

i thought that was suss


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
Survivor Africa's Lex has his own Column in the Santa Cruz Sentinel where he reviews the week's Survivor Episode.

Episdodes 1 & 2

Lex van den Berghe: The Skinny
Ahoy, scallywags, Pearl Islandis delivering

Were only two weeks into the season, and "Survivor: Pearl Islands" is already delivering.
Last weeks season premiere was terrifically entertaining and with its decidedly light-hearted tone, it looked like this "Survivor" was shaping up to be more fun than hardcore.

But tribal life in Panama heated up this week big time. And not because of food or wildlife or the climate nope, it was all about the people.

Since Ill be covering the first two weeks of "Survivor: Pearl Islands," why dont I start with a brief list of episode one highlights and observations:

I loved the market-day launch into the game. It was a perfect combination of "Survivor" and "Amazing Race," and took me right back to my goat-trading days back at Wamba in Africa. I felt for those 16 shell-shocked greenhorns.
Let me tell you, being dropped in the middle of a small village, without command of the local language, and then being told you need to perform certain tasks thats the ultimate culture shock. Add to that the stress of opening game day and you have the perfect recipe for wickedly good entertainment.

Rupert "Blackbeard" Boneham made a phenomenal showing. His decision to plunder the personal effects of his opponents and use them for barter was so perfect it almost seemed scripted. (Hmmm, wonder if ol Rupert was nudged by a clever producer?)
Speaking of Rupert, I have to say Ive never known another "Survivor" from any season who was so universally popular with EVERYONE after just one episode.

Rupert is truly beloved by ALL demographics. I just returned from a trip to Canada (the ultimate "Survivor" fan base), and Blackbeard was the hands-down fave there too. And me? Well, Im driving the Rupert bandwagon.

The 15 others on this cast live in his huge shadow, and Im sure more than a few of them are not digging being eclipsed by his larger than life personality and popularity ratings. Ill bet that if they knew on the island, what they know now, hed have been the first voted off.

OK, whats up with the identical Ken-doll beefcake dudes of the Drake tribe? I call it the two-headed Shawn/Burton beast. These guy sare indistinguishable like Twinkies, two in a pack. The only way I can tell them apart is that Burton has more chest hair than Shawn (oh, and Shawn seems hell-bent on acting like a complete imbecile most of the time).

Jon Dalton, a.k.a. "Jonny Fairplay" (a nickname dating back to his days as an amateur wrestling promoter) cant distinguish on the beach from on-stage and entertains/tortures his tribe mates by rapid firing crude wisecracks like a potty-mouthed Woody Woodpecker.
Tribe Drakes self-appointed court jester is not exactly getting rave reviews from his tribe mates either it seems his sophomoric comedic stylings have already gone stale, and Im expecting to see Jeff Probst hitting a giant gong at the next tribal council to signal Jonny Nitwits ejection from the Pearl islands.

I wont spend too much time talking about the immunity challenge last week, except to say it was brutal, as is always the tradition for each seasons first challenge. Drake kicked Morgans ass, and as if a crushing defeat wasnt humiliating enough, three of the four Morgan men decided to compete in their birthday suits. (Note of advice to the naked man trio: Dont hold your breath for the Jenna & Heidi deal.)

This weeks episode
OK, on to this week. The drama kicked in, and the thin veneer of social propriety peeled away, revealing peoples true colors. Some came out looking good. After all, cream usually rises to the top. But that said, dookie also drops to the bottom.

Osten, the ultra-ripped African-American, decided only four days into his Survivor adventure that he was done, and he wanted to go home. It seems hes chilly, cant sleep, and is afraid of catching a cold. HUH?! Would you like a mint on your pillow perhaps?

If this crybaby doesnt find a little courage and grit soon, hell end up being the very first "Survivor" EVER to quit the game.

Andrew has shown us that simply being unanimously elected leader doesnt necessarily mean youre qualified for the job. Hes been an absolute failure as Morgans top dog, missing every opportunity to boost morale and strengthen his team. If I didnt know better Id think he was deliberately sabotaging his tribe.

The food situation this season is enough to make a "Survivor Africa" alumni go postal on CBS. This cast seems to be gorging themselves on pounds of fresh fish daily.

I literally sprayed my TV set with a mouthful of beer when I heard Rupert announce that he was "full" and could "eat no more." WHAT?! I suppose therell be pie-eating challenges for immunity next.

The Morgan tribe suffered another two devastating losses this week in both the reward and immunity challenges. In an interesting twist this season, Jeff Probst announced that each reward challenge victory granted the winning tribe the right to pillage one item from the opposing tribe.

Not shy about kicking their rivals when theyre down, Drake sent the feisty Sandra over to Morgans camp to collect the only valuable item Team Morgan managed to buy at the market the tarp that made up most of their shelter.

This blow to morale was more than they could handle, and certainly contributed to their immunity challenge defeat and second trip to tribal council.

My boy Ryan Shoulders, the offbeat produce clerk from Tennessee, was sent packing this week thanks to a tribe of spineless dullards who blindly followed the lead of King Andrew and Osten "the Quitter." When they cut what they considered to be the weakest link from their ranks, the Morgan tribe couldnt see that what Ryan lacked in bulk or brute strength, he more than made up for in spirit, enthusiasm and a positive attitude.

Ryan certainly deserves to still be in the game far more than Osten,whos spent half the time crying about how much he wants out.

Things dont look so good for Lillian now, the Boy Scout leader who was Ryans only ally in the game, and she could go next.

So far the Drake and Morgan tribes have proven themselves to be textbook examples of the functional and dysfunctional tribe. The folks of Team Morgan seem to be making every possible error imaginable while Drake plays a perfect game.

But the game of "Survivor" can change completely overnight, and roles sometimes flip flop. With three consecutive defeats, the Morgan tribe is taking on water fast but they still have a fighting chance, and if any of them want a shot at the million doubloons theyd better startdoing a little pillaging and plundering of their own.

Contact Lex van den Berghe at


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
and the Chat Transcripts are from dont go i know ho goes out 2 weeks in advance so im very spoilt...


Oct 4, 2003
Yeah, that would ruin the ending if you happened to go there, when the series comes to a close :p


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
Darrah the mute was cast aside as lilian was chosen to be voted off. Damn can you freakin under stand darrah? they need to put subtitles. chat transcript with Lillian

SURVIVOR Host: You all have a lot of great questions for Lillian, so let's get begin! If you're just joining us, we're chatting live with Survivor Lillian Morris. We'll get to as many of your questions as we can. Hey, Lillian! Thanks for being here today. Are you ready to talk to take some questions?
Lillian: Yes, I'd love it! Please!

DanieuB: Hi Lill. Good job. How hard was it for you to leave the game over Darrah?
Lillian: It was very difficult to have to leave. I felt like I'd shown them that I was an asset to the tribe, I felt like I'd shown it in the area of skills with fire building and fetching water. I did try my hand at fishing, which was unsuccessful, but I did give it a good try. I feel like I would have been more beneficial to the tribe, but I wasn't that pretty face that Darrah was. These young men like those pretty faces, and she had the Mississippi drawl, which is very charming and seductive to a young man.

HockeyPerson: What is your opionion of Darrah?
Lillian: I believe that she was a young girl not used to working hard in the outdoors. I am sure she worked hard at what she did in her chosen profession, but she did flatter me on a number of occasions. She said I reminded her a lot of her father, which I considered a high compliment, because she was very close to her father.

CubScoutJo: After you were voted off, what did you enjoy most about your time in Panama?
Lillian: I enjoyed the first thing I ate: it was a piece of a Snickers. It was like heaven! It melted in my mouth. I'm not a real big candy eater, but I did enjoy that. I enjoyed smelling fresh sheets and being warm at night.

SurvivorInNYCJungle: Who did you snuggle with at night so that you wouldn't freeze?
Lillian: I wouldn't exactly call it snuggling. I just put my back next to Ryan S.'s back, and it did give us some warmth. Ryan Shoulders has more character than Ryan O. will ever have.

rattler: Lill, the look on your face always seemed to indicate you were angry. Was that true?
Lillian: I was more sad than angry. When Ryan got voted off, I felt it was a great injustice. It broke my heart, because I felt that Ryan S. was my only friend on the island at that time. The rest of them were very into themselves or getting their alliances going; they weren't interested in me. Ryan gave me friendship and listened to me when I had concerns. One of the things he said to me was "Don't give up until your torch has been snuffed out. Don't give up, Lill." And he was right.

gogogadget: Lill, Andrew said he'd be up front and let you know if it looked like you'd be the one to go. Did he?
Lillian: I think he didn't. You have to understand that Andrew was our leader. He had a lot on his shoulders. Look at our tribe: the strongest member probably seemed to be gone. Andrew was dealing with that, dealing with trying to talk Osten into staying. He was also dealing with Ryan O., who was going to him and saying "I believe if you vote off Darrah our alliance is void." He was dealing also with a tribe that had lost six Challenges. That's a lot to bring any leader down, and then he hears from Jeff that they usually execute leaders with this kind of track record.

pearlessence: What is wrong with your tribe? I mean, there is no unity, no organization. Can't they see that?
Lillian: I think if we'd started out winning something, we would have been better off. We lost five Challenges, and that becomes detrimental; it makes you feel defeated. You spend your time trying to figure out how to make it better, how to bring everyone together. You start pointing fingers like they did with Ryan. They were upset with me about a fishhook. There were two other people in the tribe that lost fishhooks that are still there. So, I really don't believe that me losing the fishhook was my downfall, it was an excuse.

Lost Hook: Lill, inquiring minds want to know: who else lost a hook? Come on, dish!
Lillian: I'm not going to say that at this time. They were all trying to do the fishing also, so it wasn't just me. They were out trying too, and I'm not going to point fingers like they did.

IHateMorgan: Lill didn't you ever want to tell Osten, "Stop whining like a baby"? How could you deal with that?
Lillian: I had compassion for Osten. Osten and I, on a couple of occasions, prayed together. Osten explained to me that where we were at in the jungle, this was my thing. That I was capable of survivin; this was my element, and his jungle was the city. In the city, I'd be lost, but he was lost out here in the jungle. I could see what he was saying.

Lost Hook: Lill, what do you think your troop will say when they see you wearing your buff as a shirt?
Lillian: I think they've already seen it. I think they were more shocked by the panties I was wearing. I took off my pants during a Challenge. They were hindering me swimming because they are a heavy material, and I didn't want to have them wet during the night time.

Survivor Louie: Lill, were you embarassed to be seen on national TV with no pants on and only panties?
Lillian: Good question. Was I embarrassed? No, somehow some people don't think that the adults can be normal. They don't think that we act like adults, so we wouldn't like their kind of music or have their young opinions. I think my troop would be embarrassed for me with me running around in my underwear.

MorganBehind: Lill, do you think the lack of focus (the guys taking time to get nude) lost the Cannonball Challenge?
Lillian: No, because when they decided to get nude, we were at a standstill. We were waiting for the Drake tribe in front of us to do most of the work, and we were just standing there thinking how smart of us to let them do all the work. But in the long run, it hurt us. The right tribe won that one.

DanieuB: Lillian, did you believe for one minute that Osten couldn't make it any further in the Immunity Challenge?
Lillian: I think Osten is used to winning. I think Osten probably has not failed, physically failed, too many times in his lifetime. I think he took it personally. He didn't take it as an "us" defeat, he took it as a "me" defeat. He took it very personally, and that is why he felt he didn't want to go on.

Scooterrific: What did Darrah contribute, if anything? Other than being suspended in the Immunity Challenge, we haven't seen any effort from her.
Lillian: Darrah did the best she could, I would say. I saw her a number of times dragging wood in. No, she didn't boil water, she didn't do the fire; she didn't know how, but I think she was willing to learn. I'd like to think that knowing Tijuana, they had a very close relationship, I think that both of them said to one another we have to do better, and if we kick Lill off. I'd like to think they'd do better for picking up the pace or the water, but I don't see the guys doing it.

LuvThatLill: Lill, were you happy that your tribe decided to pick a "leader" so early on?
Lillian: My husband of thirty years, Lonnie, told me that if I was going to go in this with any hope that I wasn't going to be the first one kicked out, I had better leave the Scout master hat and attitude at home. I didn't care who was the leader as long as it wasn't me. Leaders are looked at as strong, and in order to tear down a tribe or make them come to order, they get rid of the stronger people in the long run. So, I decided I wouldn't even encourage leadership. Plus, I don't know if I could have done any better than Andrew did. I think I would have given Ryan S. more of an opportunity. I don't think I could have done a whole lot better than what Andrew did.

Bradleypoint: Was there a vote to make Andrew the leader, or did he take over?
Lillian: There was a decision among everyone. We were in a group, and someone must have said something to the effect of, "I think we ought to have a leader, and I think Andrew would make a good leader," and asked if he'd accept that position, and he said sure. Everyone looked to each other to see if anyone would disagree, and who am I to say different?

dizzyupthegirl: What was it like in the village with the language barrier? How come you didn't spend all of your money in the village?
Lillian: Personally, I think we had a big disadvantage not having anyone who could speak Spanish. I feel like we were so anxious to get down there, get a boat and get out of there that we didn't think beyond doing that. What were we going to do when our food ran out (we only had one bag of rice and one bag of beans)? And we didn't really take care of our food supply very well, because they would lay on the bags and use them as pillows. The food would be dropped out into the sand, and they didn't think much of it. I think as far as the language, we didn't get the amount of supplies that we should have gotten. We had quite a bit of money left over. There was one point where I remember Ryan S. and I tried to bring that to everyone's attention and we weren't listened to. We just headed down with the money in our sack.

o: Lill, Who was the most annoying person on your tribe after Nicole left?
Lillian: Tijuana. She was argumentative. I liked Tijuana, but she wanted to voice her opinion, and that was the most important thing to her at any time.

rupertstheman: Lill, do you hope that fire goes out and they can't get it going again since they voted you off?
Lillian: Well, this is my personality: I knew I was going to be booted off that night. Before I left I banked the fire, went out and got small pieces of kindling and put it underneath where I slept so it would be dry. I went to Andrew, I pointed out the kindling to him: "When you come back and it's cold, you're wet and it's dark, there's kindling that you just need to put on top of the coals to get the fire going." That's just me. Part of me was very angry, but I was not vindictive enough to want to see them suffer too much.

DanieuB: Why did you tell them you lost the hook versus saying nothing?
Lillian: I'm usually pretty honest and upfront. It never dawned on me not to say something. I lost the hook, I take responsibility. Kind of "the buck stops here." I messed up; don't blame it on someone else.

marypat: Lillian, besides Ryan S., what person (before tribes were picked) impressed you most?
Lillian: We're not to know of each other. Yes, we were in close proximity, but I didn't get to know anyone until we jumped overboard. We hugged each other, jumped over the side and went swimming for shore. Before that, we were strangers, so there was really no one that impressed me before the game started. We weren't allowed to speak to each other; we had no contact with each other--other than being in the same room--no conversation was held.

kitkat: Have you watched the previous SURVIVOR shows? If so which one was your favorite?
Lillian: I haven't watched a lot of the previous shows because my scout troop meets on Thursday, but the last show (SURVIVOR: THE AMAZON) two of my closest friends, Jennifer and A.J., taped for me. They'd sit with me and go over things I should and shouldn't do. Good friends, good friends: they sent me out on this escapade.

SurvFantoo: When Osten sunk his own boat, did your tribe realize he did it?
Lillian: No, because I don't think that they realized that Osten wasn't the only one to sink that boat. I think we all had something to do with it. I think he was so intent on trying to do damage to the other tribe that I don't think he realized the weight he was putting on at the end of boat. You have to think also, if Tijuana and I were smart, we could have gotten to the other end to prevent it from being tipped. But we were so intent on doing our job of paddling and bailing that we didn't think about trying to shift the weight so he could do the damage to the other team.

freddie: Why did you go on SURVIVOR if you are so honest and upfront, Lill? Isn't that what SURVIVOR is all about: deceit?
Lillian: I had two young girls talk me into doing this: Jennifer and A.J. They said I'd be ideal with my scouting and people skills. They said I was durable, as I'd done a number of adventures where I'd gone days and days and days without a shower, without a bath and without a whole lot of water other than for my mouth. As far as the dishonesty, I had a hard time, and I think that the nine days I was there I was pretty upfront. My mentor, who I wanted to be more like, was Roger from the second season. He's from my neck of the woods, and he wasn't a deceitful person. I don't think I lied; I just did not give them everything that was in my mind.

kasie: Do you think it would have turned out differently if you had been more assertive right from the start?
Lillian: If I had been more assertive from the get-go, I'd have been the first one out. They were gunning for me. You listen to people. I heard John on the Drake tribe say he'd get rid of the old people first. That's what everybody is thinking. I heard Andrew say the first few times he was interviewed, he said "Lilly"--PLEASE don't call me Lilly!--"her head would be on the chopping block." This was before Nicole started her stuff. Maybe I should feel happy that I made it to number three, because one thing I'll point out is Ryan S.: he was ten times stronger than I was, and he did a lot of the work also. They just had it out for him, and he was just unlucky at that point.

CubScoutJo: When Christa came over to loot your camp, did you feel better about her than about Sandra?
Lillian: Well, I gotta tell ya: Christa came over, and they didn't show this, but she gave me a hug when I met her, and she told me that I had some fans over there on the Drake tribe that were happy I was still there. I believe she mentioned--and I can only speculate a little on this--that there were a couple of times that I just smiled or gave a quiet hello; I didn't have a show-off attitude, and I think they liked that.

curly2436: How has your life changed from being on SURVIVOR?
Lillian: The attention: I'm recognized by strangers; more people have come into the troop; I have more time on my hands. I lost my job with Lens Crafters because of SURVIVOR, so now I need to help support my family by looking for a job. It's changed my life quite a bit, but I welcome that change. I found out I have a lot more friends than I normally did. [laughs] But I keep the old friends very near and dear to me.

PirataBarbudo: Bottom line: did you have fun, and would you do it again?
Lillian: I'm not sure if you'd say it was fun. It was an experience and an opportunity. Would I do it again? I'd do it in a hearbeat. Yes, I'd do it again. I'm so pleased I took the opportunity. I learned a lot from it, and I would be ready for the next one! Bring it on!

SURVIVOR Host: I am sorry to say that our hour with Lillian is up. Lillian, thanks so much for being here to chat with us today. Do you have any final comments for the SURVIVOR fans?
Lillian: Yes, I do. If you have a dream, go for it. Don't let age or physical ability hold you back. My quote maybe would say, "If you didn't know how old you are, how old would you be?"

lol and it looks like osten is going to drown next week! its gonna be good:D
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~*HSC 4 life*~

Active Member
Aug 15, 2003
lol man i could not believe morgan lost AGAIN

hahaha yeah osten drowning! whats up with that ey? ahhh crazy rupert!!! i hope they when they intentionally lose they vote him out!

thanx for the transcript above, man morgan better win something next time! hehehe or else there'd b no tribe left!


May 15, 2003
I'm actually watching this :eek:

I feel so sorry for the Morgan tribe, they better get their act together. As for the Drake team, good on them I spose, but does Rupert have to scream like a caveman everytime they win?


Aug 10, 2002
Originally posted by Loz#1
does Rupert have to scream like a caveman everytime they win?
Of course he does, 'cuz he's a half-giant!

Ooops, that's Hagrid :D :p

But yeah, I too couldn't believe Morgan lost AGAIN. I thought Osten was stronger than Rupert, but guess the lack of good food (i.e. lotsa fish) depleted his strength in the end
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May 15, 2003
I thought Osten was going to win it, they were so close and we could tell Caveman was struggling a bit. I think Osten gave in too early, but then again you could be right...lack of food = lack of strength.


Aug 4, 2003
I was personally over Survivour after the end of the 1st series. But due to my 'lets do anything but study" mood i've been watching this series since the beginning. I'm such a loser :(

I personnaly hope the Morgan tribe crumbles. Didn't like 'em from the start...


May 15, 2003
I wanna see them make a losing record. That way when the tribes are sposed to combine...that won't be happening.


Oct 6, 2003
Adopter of BT
It would be interesting if they lose every immunity challenge, until there are only two members in the tribe. What happens then? Who would get voted off?


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
i think its merger time by that stage...
merge results in a 10 member tribe so if drake wins every immunity challenge then they merge 8-2 with morgan.

but i think Mark Burnett is ready to shake things up by making tribe members switch or something to that effect.

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