Survivor : Pearl Islands (3 Viewers)


LilRed Spikey Haired Man
Oct 23, 2003
Your Doorstep
omg how good was survivour??
GO u morgans,i so dont like Drake,i hate Jon-manipulative(very smart to trick people---->he wont work well with the merger!)
even though Osten such a cry baby and stuff im kinda going for him, i betcha any money that hes just waiting for the Individual Parts like the game when the merger happends.

Andrew and Ryan are both great people i hope they make it to top 5 at least

my preidictions(not gone to the :p)Osten(hopefully if he doesnt whinge)Ryan,Andrew,Rupert,Jon(unfortunately),Tijuana and i think Nicole(wow shes nice huh?)-->ignore this peoples!

oh yeah i saw the 1 st ever series, you know the last episode well it had the highest rating for any Reality Show(51,000,000 Americans)

2nd show was good too--->even though the damn bitch won...she soo shouldnt have deserved it

3rd one---->i was soo going for the GoalKeeper and he won it:)

4th one--->that sucked

5th one---->dont know dont care

The most recent one is awesome way better,and more twists,but its too predictable,like the conestants know theres gonna be a thats suck,maybe the producers keep a suprise....also i like about the Treasure,playin for sumthin to keep....mmmm Ferrorrooooo Chocolates.....

Thanks people for reading me post!


May 15, 2003
I watched the part where they had to eat all that disgusting stuff. I know if I were on it, i'd fuck up for my team because there is NO way i'd be eating any of that.


Oct 6, 2003
Adopter of BT
Originally posted by Reshie
omg how good was survivour??
GO u morgans,i so dont like Drake,i hate Jon-manipulative(very smart to trick people---->he wont work well with the merger!)
Hahaha. You're not serious? He's a complete dumbass. He thinks he is in control of the whole game, but really he is just the only person without an alliance, making him the swing vote. As soon as the rest of the alliance is voted out, he will be the first to go.


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
Im starting to like morgan now they seem to be more well kept together and seme to be more likable as drake are falling apart. Rupert is a god send he keeps any tribe hes in together. Transcript with Michelle

Survivor Host: Hey Michelle! Thanks for being here today. Are you ready to take some questions?
Michelle: Yeah, I'm ready!

CeLeRoN: Hey Michelle, great job! How come you didn't go with the plan of pretending to have trouble downing that smoothie?
Michelle: Because there was no real plan. We didn't know if it would be the slowest person who drank the smoothie or the fastest. There wasn't really a plan--it was more of an idea. So, I just went about it however I could and got it over with as soon as possible.

momtotwo: Do you think that was the final nail in the coffin?
Michelle: No, the final nail in my coffin was when Burton was voted off.

BLUE_NamGroup: Michelle, do you think you made your alliance with Shawn and Burton too early in the game?
Michelle: No, early in the game we didn't talk about it for a long time because we didn't have to, so it was more of a friendship than an alliance at that time.

Ruperts~Snake: Michelle, were you informed of your alliance's change in plans about voting off Burton instead of Christa, or were you left out of the loop? If so, why?
Michelle: I was left out of the loop, although I did have a suspicion. I was left out of the loop because they knew I liked Burton and thought it was dumb to vote off the strongest player. Had they told me it would have made everything difficult for everyone because I would have fought it.

Arrgh: Did you have a crush on Burton?
Michelle: [laughs] Everybody loves Burton!

Jeffs Special: Was SURVIVOR everything you had hoped?
What's your best/worst memory from the game?
Michelle: SURVIVOR was everything I hoped and then some. The best part of the game is the knowledge I got after everything was said and done. The worst part was just waiting around and the boredom while we were hanging out with no luxury items, so there wasn't much to do.

Ruperts~Snake: How did your tribe fare without Rupert for three days?
Michelle: We did just fine without Rupert. It was one less mouth to feed.

seawater: What did Drake think when Rupert's team won that challenge? Did you realize it was because of Rupert?
Michelle: We lost not because we didn't have Rupert. We lost because we didn't have our strongest player--Burton.

Skinny_Canadian: Ahoy Michelle--what happened to Balboa?
Michelle: Balboa made it through our challenge. He pretty much hung out on the hammock all day. I hope he's still alive in the next episode.

CeLeRoN: Hey Michelle, sorry to see you go. Do you think Jon purposely caused your tribe to lose that reward challenge?
Michelle: No, Jon's just incredibly weak, and it takes a strong person to be the rudder.

Lucky: Was there any discussion of Jon's inability to steer the boat after the reward challenge?
Michelle: There was tons of discussion about that because he proved that he was probably one of the weaker people, if not the weakest person, on the tribe and that made him very uneasy. I was surprised that he couldn't figure out how to work it.

rink: Jon says he's the "puppetmaster." Is he running the show in Drake?
Michelle: No way! Jon is Drake's toy. We used him for entertainment. He comes off as smart but he is not as smart as he says he is.

dragonflymom4: Michelle, did it bother you when Burton teased Rupert so much?
Michelle: Everybody teased Rupert! We had nothing else to do all day except hang out with each other and make jokes, so it wasn't just Burton. Rupert made fun of us too, so it went both ways. Plus, it was funny! [laughs]

westcoast: Your parting remarks said "regardless of the politics." What did that mean? What politics did you perceive?
Michelle: Just the whining and crying that was going on back and forth, and people being indecisive. The politics that were really going on weren't the ones necessarily shown on TV, so, it's hard to really answer that because there's so much more that happened. By that I meant that I had a great time regardless of all the nonsense that happened.

Born2Win: Were you allowed to hunt any animals for food?
If not, why?
Michelle: Yeah, we were allowed to hunt animals, but there weren't many besides iguanas, snakes and crabs out there, so we pretty much resorted to the ocean. It was easier.

whipit: Hi Michelle, you had said this morning on THE EARLY SHOW that you were hoping that the Drake tribe would see they could make it without Rupert. Do you think that happened?
Michelle: No! I think that everybody was so in love with Rupert that they forgot the reality of the situation which was that Rupert had the advantage because he'd talked to both tribes. For all we knew he could've been having an alliance with people from Morgan.

cajunwuman: Michelle, does Jon annoy everyone as much as it looks like he does, and why don't they get rid of him?
Michelle: Yes, he's annoying, but he also makes for good entertainment. Just press the "on" button and he just goes! [laughs]

christarox: Michelle, did your opinions of the people on the show change after you saw it aired?
Michelle: For the most part, I knew everybody's true feelings about certain subjects, so I knew what they were saying on camera to the producers with a lot of them. What I didn't know was Rupert and how much he was in it for the TV. It wasn't all about the game, he was hamming it up for the cameras and that was weird to see.

seawater: Michelle, do you think Rupert tried hard to save your butt? What happened?
Michelle: Rupert couldn't save my butt. He wasn't the one making the decisions, but I do appreciate his effort and along with the other people that I talked to that afternoon including Sandra, Jon and Trish.

JeffsSpecial: Michelle, what would you have done if they picked you to go to Morgan for three days?
Michelle: I would have had a good time, and I would have made a crapload of alliances.

leahsmom: Michelle, how awful was it to watch yourself vomit on national TV? It was painful for me.
Michelle: [laughs] It was disgusting! I tasted that shake all day long!

Storm: So Michelle, I've heard many rumors that the game is rigged. Is it?
Michelle: No, of course not! It just happens to be a really, really interesting game with lots of unexpected twists.

walking: Hey Michelle, what do you think about Shawn after he betrayed you and Burton?
Michelle: Shawn was really annoying about the whole situation. When Burton was voted off, he made it seem as though he wanted Burton off, when in fact he was being threatened. They were saying, "Shawn, if you don't vote for Burton, we'll vote for you."

CherrysAnnCreme: Were you surprised with Rupert's kindness toward the other team, like when he gave them your rice? Did anyone object to it? And how hot is Jeff in person?
Michelle: Rupert's a good guy and it's a game where you're not out to make everybody happy so he just did what he had to do and that's fine. And J. Pro. is a stud alright!

FireyRedTU: Michelle, you stated you were most surprised by Andrew's looting. What did you initially expect him to take?
Michelle: More rice! I think he was scared to anger people on our tribe so that's why he didn't take his fair share of rice. He could have taken the whole thing.

Skinny_Canadian: Michelle, was there anything we didn't see on the show that you would like to share with us?
Michelle: It's really hard to sum up three days in a half hour or an hour, so I have plenty to say about what went on with the show...maybe too much.

Panaman: Michelle, Trish doesn't seem to talk much. Did you two relate or bond at all?
Michelle: Trish and I were both cheerleaders in college. She said that I reminded her of herself when she was young, so we did have a bond. But because I was so much like her when she was young, she knew that I was pretty tricky, and I think that was scary for her.

westcoast: In your CBS interview, you said you had no intentions of being on their side...why turn on your tribe like that?
Michelle: Because they singled me out once Burton was gone, and some of them were extremely rude about it. I wouldn't stand a chance with them so I'd have to go against them.

dtcutting: Michelle, which challenge was the most difficult for you?
Michelle: The first one with the cannon kicked my butt. I still have scars.

Survivor_Mike: How scary was Rupert when Shawn lost the spear?
Did everyone just avoid him in fear of making him even madder?
Michelle: [laughs] When Rupert yells, everybody walks away because his temper can get out of control. Honestly, the situation wasn't as serious as it was made out to be. I couldn't help but laugh at the whole thing, but then again, I wasn't in trouble!

Panaman: Michelle, in the limited time you saw Morgan, any impressions that stand out for you?
Michelle: Darrah's a pretty tough chick to be able to sit in that harness for three hours. She's extremely energetic, even having little to no food, and Andrew's a pretty savvy guy and seems potentially dangerous.

DarkXJolt: Was it annoying when Rupert just sat there and talked to you when you were throwing up?
Michelle: [laughs] He didn't even give me a second to breathe! But we didn't have that much time, so I appreciate him comforting me even when I was throwing up.

CowMan: Michelle, what made you decide to try out for SURVIVOR?
Michelle: It was a challenge that I knew I could do if I'd gotten the chance--it'd be an amazing adventure. But to be honest, I never thought I'd be on.

FireyRedTU: Michelle, what previous Survivors would you have wanted to be teamed up with and why?
Michelle: Colby, duh! Most amazing Survivor ever. And I had a great time with Burton, too.

sportsfreak: HI Michelle-- thanks for chatting with us. What was the first meal you ate after getting voted off the island?
Michelle: I ate over twenty-five mini candy bars in one night... and drank a lot of beer.

skullgal: Michelle, sorry you were voted off. What did you think of Sandra?
Was she as tough as she acted?
Michelle: Sandra was great because she said exactly what was on her mind, but for the most part, her motto was, "I'll vote for whoever as long as it's not me." She wasn't really in control of anything and therefore didn't have to be tough.

OTTO: Michelle, what did you say when you placed your vote for Shawn?
Michelle: I said "If anybody was going to jump ship it would be you. Hope you don't."

DanieuBleau: Michelle, was there a time when you thought about aligning with the other girls?
Michelle: In the beginning, the four of us hung out for the first few days, but then things started to get tense between Christa and I. I had more fun hanging out with the guys than somebody who was just rude to me all the time.

CeLeRoN: Hey Michelle, did you have any idea that Christa felt alienated by your friendship with Burton and Shawn?
Michelle: Yes, you could tell that it made a lot of people uneasy that it was so easy for me to hang out with the guys and have a good time rather than sit around and braid hair.

Survivor_Mike: Who had the worst case of body odor out there?
Michelle: [laughs] Weeeell, Rupert wasn't the best smelling guy I've ever been by. I had to share the mattress with him for a few nights. After a while you get used to it though.

Born2Win: If Playboy offered, would you pose?
Michelle: I'm not even going to think about anything like that yet.

izadsyah: Hi Michelle, sorry to see you voted out last night. Anyway, was Burton surprised to see you turn up at Loser's Lodge?
Michelle: Yes! He was surprised, very surprised, but excited at the same time.

born_naked_singapore: Hey Michelle, what preparations did you go through to prepare yourself for the game?
Michelle: I tried to make myself as uncomfortable as I possibly could at home so I did things like slept of the floor and ate bland food, so when I got to the island it would be kind of normal and kind of homey.

westcoast: Are you a bigger fan of SURVIVOR now that you have been on it, or do you think editing makes it harder for you to watch?
Michelle: I'm still a huge fan, but the editing is kind of annoying because I constantly have to explain what happened in those three days. But all in all, it's still a great show even if I didn't know what really happened.

buckeenie: Michelle, what did you get to do after you were voted off?
Michelle: We got to do things like snorkeling, white water rafting and horseback riding. We stayed active the whole time.

Xavier: Michelle, do you have any words of wisdom for the upcoming Survivors?
Michelle: One of the best strategies I would think it to do nothing, literally, and go along for the ride. When you provide too much strategy or think too hard, it starts to backfire on you, so you're better off being worthless.

ROGNA: Did you watch other seasons of SURVIVOR to learn strategy?
Michelle: Yes, I watched just about all of them. The only one I missed was when I was in Switzerland and I think it was Africa.

queenraw: What did you think of the guys from Morgan doing the challenge in the buff?
Michelle: Stupid. Just stupid. It actually was pretty dangerous. We were literally running through the jungle with rough bushes and you never knew what could happen.

IanG: Anything you wish you didn't say or do while you were on the island?
Michelle: Hindsight's always 20/20. It's easy for me to sit back and think about the things I should have done, but in the game I did the smartest things I could have done at the time, and therefore can't regret anything.

davey: From what you saw, who do you think was worthless on Drake?
Michelle: Sandra doesn't do too much, she doesn't really contribute to the challenges and I have to say she's the most worthless one, at least from my time on the island. At least she was good for entertainment.

DanaRose: I heard that you tried out for three other editions of SURVIVOR. Which, and what difference was there in your audition tapes?
Michelle: This was the third time I'd tried out. It was this one, the Amazon and Thailand. My first video was pretty intense: it showed me skydiving, bungee jumping and doing gymnastics. The second was just me and the camera, and same with the third one. Both times I advanced to the semi-finals, and the last time I made it all the way.

DivineSavage: Michelle, which previous Survivor do you liken yourself to most?
Michelle: I think that I'm a combination of a few of them, but I don't think they've really had a character like me on there yet. Kind of sweet but also kind of dangerous.

squeestoy: What do you think of the Morgan tribe now that you can see how it was at their camp?
Michelle: That was an absolute ridiculous display of effort on their part. I was shocked to see them do the things that they did. It was unbelievable that they'd never been camping before. I felt really bad for them.

queenraw: Who seems to have the most interesting personality on this season's show?
Michelle: I think it's Jon. I know he plays it up for the camera a lot but there's a lot that goes on inside of his head that I don't think he shows up for the cameras. He's really bright, yet really gutsy, and it's an interesting combination.

born_naked_singapore: Who would you choose from the Morgan tribe to join Drake for three days?
Michelle: Osten. I think it would have showed us how good we had it as a tribe.

awwwMichelle: When you were hanging during the one immunity challenge, were you thinking of giving up?
Michelle: Never! I was thinking that I was at home, watching TV with my niece. I wasn't even in Panama at that point.

sugarbooger: So, are you and Burton dating now?
Michelle: [laughs] I can't talk to the Survivors!

Luvs_Michelle: Hi Michelle, what are your future career plans post Survivor?
Michelle: I'm not sure right now, I'm just planning on getting into a lot of trouble.

Survivor Host: I am sorry to say that our hour with Michelle is up. Michelle, thanks so much for being here to chat with us today. Do you have any final comments for the Survivor fans?

Michelle: It was an awesome show, I had an amazing time and I'm really excited to see what else is going to happen this season!

ps jon needs to get the fuck out of there. See how he tried to pick up darrah at immunity and he was shot down by her and jeff, that was classic.

for all you late watchers michelle will be on the late show with david letterman at 1am tonight on 9.
Last edited:


Jul 12, 2003
Penny (west yobbo land)
hahahahahha thats cool!

I personally want the underdogs to win the next immunity challenge --->MOrgaN!!
Yeah austen is a lazy shit but i like him for some reason, and i want to see DrakE lose coz i think the team's ego is inflating to universal proportions! plus Jon pisses me off big time and i found it highly entertaining when Darah and Jeff cut him down in the rank eating challenge eeewww!

this survivor series is certainly one of the best yet!
its the most entertaining and the challenges have been more exciting, also the ppl are interesting and reflective of the different personalitites in our society...

i will keep watching this!

hmmm... *thinks* should i watch tv or study??


fuck a duck
Jun 27, 2003
i thought it was so cute how that rupert guy didnt even go back and have a shower and shit before he went back to his tribe


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
Survivor Insider Transcripts by markopolo

Episode 5

Ryan is Thankful for Rupert's Advice

With the Morgan's Tribe in need of help, Rupert came to the rescue. How did Ryan oprey feel about the temporary addition to his tribe, and did he believe Rupeert was truly helpful? Find out as insider takes you to the Morgan camp, as Ryan explains it all.

Ryan: "I felt totally helpless before Rupert got here. We were down to sand crabs, an uh, stuff like oysters, but you know our oyster supply started running out so me an Andrew went on this long trek the other day trying to find some fish... and you know, now that I know how to use the tool I'm that much better and I'm not helpless anymore. But beforehand, you know.... probably the smartest thing this tribe ever did was get ahold of Rupert. I mean, now we've won 2, and we feel stronger. We've won 2 challenges out of 8 and I owe him alot for that. And I totally respect him and I guess over on his side of the tribe they took it for granted that they were getting fish all the time and he had actually called us the 'working class tribe' because we're always doing stuff. We're kind of stumbling all over ourselves and not getting things done. So he just helped us straighten things out and I think it was one of the best things to happen to Morgan."


Ryan: "The fact that we don't know how to fish didn't really help us or hurt us or hider us in any way but I know physically it did. So now the other tribe now knows that we know how to catch fish and Rupert probably told them that I know how to get it so... now that we're going to have protein intake... so they're going to be in a bit of trouble. Rupert's kind of the workhorse over there, so if we can kind of defeat Rupert (grins) we can be back in the game a little bit more, you know? And it's just (pauses) it's unfortunate he's over there (laughs)."


I think the rest of my tribe is a bit against the fishing thing. uh, two, I think T and Osten don't like to get in the water. Well, T does but Osten, you know he doesn't like to swim, so... and Darrah can't pull the sling back, because you have to kind of pull it back hard. And Andrew, I don't know if he didn't want to learn or he thought I was going to take care of it, but it's an advantage for me strategically. And, 'cause I'm going to get fish, you know I'll go out and spend a couple of hours in the morning, get fish for everybody, and they can clean it, and I can kind of rst and kick back a little bit. But uh, it was kind of odd to me that nobody wanted to learn. I'm the type of person that's like 'hey, let's do this, let's try this out'. You know I've always got a positive attitude about things andyou know you leanr something new everyday. People say 'oh no you don't'
but you don't know anything. You learn all the time. You learn until you're dead."


Jonny Fair Play

How does Jon really see himself, and what does he think his tribe should really be afraid of? Insider answers the burning question, "Who is Jonny fair play?"

Christa: "I'm psyched about our beans."

jon: "This is going to be the best meal of our week (laughs)"

voiceover- jon : "As far as who's in danger on this tribe, you know, the guys have to worry about me being so smart and so athletically gifted and all that. but the main danger- definitely the ladies." (big grin)

flashes back to jon with a plate of rice near the campfire-

jon: (to christa) "I'm a pimp, I'm a playa" (moves his hand down to his groin)

christa looks up from her plate at him and kind of manages a weak grin.

voice-over- jon: " women have been in danger since the day I was born, pretty much. Because I'm so irresistible, and smart, and great, and perfect. Almost hypnotic when you think about it"

flashes back to the campfire and the tribe is eating-

Trish: "tell us a typical night in jon's life. A typical singles night- what happens?"

jon: (small grin) " a typical singles night is I get dressed up to the hilt, I rock a cool ass t-shirt. I walk out with my hair just goin' (points at hair). Like 'what's up girl? what choo know'? (giggling)

voice-over- michelle (showing michelle at the campfire listening to jon with an uncomfortable fake grin): "we're just sitting around the fire, talking about stuff and of course, jon's sex life came up. (show's michelle's face now) He tells these crazy crazy fantasy stories. I don't know whether to believe them 9wrinkles her nose), or whether not to believe them... I, I.... I couldn't even tell you, they're so off the wall."'

back to Jon at the fire-

Jon:" I walk up and I mean, just pimp limp" (demonstrates the limp by shuffling through the sand)

voice-over-Jon "I think I'm an enigma and they're just so puzzled, it's like a deer caught in the headlights. They don't know what to do. (shows Jon on beach doing his confessional interview now) I mean, when you've got bait like this (makes reeling motion with invisible fishing pole) just reel them in."

back to the fire

trish: "so then what happens? when you finally talk to her and she likes you, what happens?"

jon: "I mean, any girl that talks to me is going to like me. Just look at me."

interview with sandra: "Jon is such an ass. He thinks he's a ladies man."

(shows sandra at the fire now smiling) "you're a player"

interview with sandra:" I would love to see these women that he claims he has all these special moments with. I don't know. He's gotta be lying! He's not the cutest guy out there. He's skinny, he's doesn't have no meat on him,"

voice-over -michelle (images of jons legs)"Jon has got the worst pair of chicken legs I've ever seen in my life. They're worse than a females. it's just bones really. You know.... tendons and stuff. That's it (smiles)"

(jon at fire) "I do alot better than I think any guy with women in say, my position, size wise..."

christa: "size and looks you mean?"

jon :"yeah"

christa:"it's not about looks though, you know? Or size wise, because it's all about character and personality."

jon (looking over trish, michelle and christa):"I mean, you guys dig me, right?"

all the girls mutter positive responses-

trish:"look, you're standing with four women..."


trish:"you're the only guy here with four women".

jon (points down the beach at Shawn in the distance): "look at that guy, he's standing down there all alone"

everyone giggles

voice-over jon: "if you don't have confidence going into this game, you won't do well in this game.I've got all the confidence in this world which is great. I've never ever suffered from a lack of confidence. I have more alliances with more people numbers wise than anyone else in this game. At the same tie though I really really really know that luck is the only thing getting me by. And it's the same thing with the ladies. I mean, like, confidence helps but, if you're not lucky you're not taking it home."

trish at the fire:"do we believe jon's stories girls?"

muttering from the girls.

trish" we believe about 50% of them I'd say"

jon:"I've got no reason to make them up"

christa: "right."


Michelle the day after

One of the things I could have done to save myself the night I was voted out is talk to Trish about it --kind of plead my case to her of why I should stay and Shawn should go, but I didn't do that. And the reasoning is kind of surprising. Why should I have to go and plead my case to Trish? Who is Trish to tell me that oh, Ok, you can stay. I just didnt like that whole idea I didnt like that.. No one likes to be the underdog, no one likes to sit and beg. I wasnt going to sit and beg. It really comes down to who is she to decide my fate in the game. I know it sounds stupid cause I may have been able to stay longer, but its just a personal thing. I just cant do it.

So I talked to Rupert and Jon instead, who you know, seemed to know how I kind of felt. I would never have talked to Christa about it because shes nasty -- shes not a fun person to talk to begin with. I just dont like the idea of Trish being the leader of everything. Shes kind of the undercover leader. No one knows shes the one behind it, but she is.

I mean I think the people who are under her working for her are people like Jon and Christa and Rupert and Sandra. They are all working for her. I dont know if they know they realize that is how its turning out but it is. Its like Trish is the queen and everybody else is working under her, but at the same time it looks like the other people are the masterminds because they are doing all the work. Like Jons looking like hes doing all the work. But hes doing what Trish is telling him to do. So I dont know if they realize that but I definitely did and I didnt want any part of that. Even for a million dollars its hard to step back. I did that a lot. I did step back and swallow my pride and suck things up that I normally wouldnt have. I kept my mouth shut when I normally would have said something. I just had had enough and I just couldnt do it this time.


The one thing I would do differently if I did go through this whole experience again is I would try to hang out with -- be a girlie girl more. From day one I was better friends with some of the guys on the tribe. It did make me seem standoffish to the women.. I may not be intimidating, but they wanted me to be more of a girlie girl. They wanted me to go over and braid hair with them and do all that stuff and I just wasnt interested in that. It made me look stuck up or something.


After going though the whole experience, being out there for a little over two weeks I left with more than I came there with. I gained a lot of insight on myself and my life. Right now its still overwhelming what I m getting out of this. I think over time a lot of things will develop as time goes on. Right now All I can think about is that Im 22-years -old and Im having this chance to have this amazing opportunity and the chance to reflect back on who I am and what I want to do with my life. It sounds kind of corny but a lot of it is that I am so young and I have this chance to see the kind of person I am and see what other people think of me and improve on that. I know its corny but its a major thing.



Here it is transcripted and posted on Survivor Phoenix:

SHAWN (voting for Michelle):
Michelle, I'm voting for you because I made an alliance prior to the alliance you thought we were in and this is just how the game has turned out. I'm really sorry, you're a great girl, you've got amazing qualities and don't take this personally

TRISH (voting for Michelle):
Michelle, I think you're a really good girl. It's been good to get to know you these past couple of days, I just wish we had gotten to know each other on Day 1 instead of Day 15 and uh... you know, I'm not sure what game you were playing, I didn't recognize it as Survivor. But I wish you the best of luck.

JON (voting for Michelle):
Michelle, [ed. something is edited out] You're a good girl. Say hello to the bad guy.

MICHELLE (voting for Shawn):
I had to write this name down on the card, just for myself, because if anybody was going to jump ship, buddy, I think it's you. Hope you don't.

RUPERT (voting for Michelle):
You should not [ed. unintelligible]. My own tribe looking at me and making fun of me. Not the thing to do. You aligned yourself with the wrong people. Waiting for Day 5 or 6 before you'd talk to me? It was a bad mistake.

SANDRA (voting for Michelle):
Michelle, somebody had to bite the bullet today for my mistake and it had to be you. Uh. See you later. Uh. Adios.

CHRISTA (voting for Michelle):
You've never, ever talked to me and, uh, you've talked a lot about me and I'm sorry, but it's your time to go. You said there could only be one blonde on the island. I'm a fake blonde, but that's okay. I'll carry on without you, girl.


After the Surprise vote at tribal council where burton was voted out, Michelle wanted revenge. Who was her target, and what was her plan? Find out as insider listens in on Michelle's new plot.


michelle:"last night, the tribe has decided to vote out burton, which was NOT made apparent to me, directly at least. Indirectly..... yeah, it was obvious. Somewhat obvious. Burton I think was a little bit, was surprised but he wasn't, and I was the same way - I was surprised but I wasn't. But what surprised me was how everybody seemed to have crossed their minds. The smart people who I thought were smart, aren't. (laughs) The people who I thought were stupid, still are. (bigger laugh) Alot of stuff has changed, and for me.... they just rocket powered me into the next level of this game. And the hardest part for me is going to be kissing a little ass to get to the next level where I can just demolish them. 'Cause I've had it with all of them.


They're making this game out to be just too easy. They're saying 'oh, we just need to get rid of the bad apple, which was Burton, and now everybody trusts everybody do it's fine'. And I'm like, 'who do you guys think you are? You think that everything's fine?' If I'm not.... Their only hope right now is if we lose an immunity challenge and we go back to tribal council so they can get rid of me. If they don't get rid of me, I'm going to take them all down. One by one by one. And yeah, I believe in Drake's and whatnot, but uh... these guys are just MORONS. They completely don't think... I mean, part of my strategy coming in here was that my competitors, even the ones on my own teams, they wouldn't know what was coming out of me and what's going to come next. They don't expect much out of em and that's what's happened. And they've just shown that last night by not thinking that they're going to get one thing out of me and I was just going to, you know, sit back and be like, 'oh, ok. you guys don't want Burton? ok, I'm on your side now, let's go.' And that's what I'm going to do now and I'm faking alot of stuff for every single one of them.


My first plan of action is to go to those... some key people, and maybe just start racking their brains, get them thinking that maybe things aren't as simple as they think they are. For example, somebody like Shawn- I know he relies heavily on his self image and how he's portrayed in this game. He doesn't like it when people don't like him, and when he does he retaliates, and he's pretty much just worried about looking good. So what I'm going to do with him is, next time I get a chance to talk with him I'll just start racking his brains and popping up questions. Not necessarily saying things directly, but just indirectly to get him thinking 'you know, jon just played you. Jon just used you'. And he thought he was the King of the ship and he's not (smiles). And just to be like, this isn't the easy game you thought it was going to be, he just used you and this is the way it's going to be. And just.... I'm going to poke things into his head. Not directly though, indirectly. A few other people, whatever makes them scared, or whatever might make them scared, is what I'm going to do. I'm gonna just... everybody is scared of something. And by watching what everybody said up until tribal council, and how they acted at tribal council, and afterwords, I've realized alot. And I'm lucky to be where I am, that I'm still here. I think... but uh... they're not "(smiles)


Shower Time
Starts as an Andrew confessional/narration of the guys building
the shower:

Andrew confessional/narration:
We just had a great challenge. We won a portable shower which we are going to latch up to a palm tree, take five gallons and everyone's gonna shower. It's absolutely fabulous.

So Rhino and I took it upon ourselves to put it up...I actually shimmied up the coconut tree, which took a lot of energy and put a notch in it. Then Rhino and I took an enormous amount of energy to take a tree stump that is about 4-foot high and roll it all the way over there so someone could stand on it to hook-up the shower.

Rhino: "Shower is eminent"

Andrew confessional/narration:
We were exhausted afterwards but we were happy to do it because we are creating an unbelievable luxury out here for everyone.

"Of course, we don't have a shower curtain."

Andrew confessional/narration:
Since we are all one big happy family it's ok.

"T, you wanna go take a shower?"

Tijuana: "I [unintelligible, but I think she says Darrah] go first."

Tijuana confessional:
The shower is in the middle of everything and you can see there's no protection of any sort and there's no, -- nothing, there's nothing, you are just showering under a palm tree for everyone to see.

"Works for me."

Tijuana's confessional continues:
I don't know what the guys were thinking at all. Or maybe they weren't thinking. Or maybe they really were thinking [laughs]. I'm not sure.

Off camera Rhino:
"Is that a bad spot for you guys?"

Off camera Osten (maybe, hard to tell):
It is a bad spot and then something unintelligible.

Ryan (looking frustrated)
Just pick a spot.

Rhino Confessional:
Tijuana had a problem being naked like that out in the open. Everyone got in an argument about this and that.

"I suggested over here before but everyone said 'no, mosquitoes.' Then I suggested over here..."

Osten interrupts:
"The girls don't feel like showering in the open like that. Think about putting it some other place -- right back there or right here.

Andrew off to the side of the discussion throws up his hands in disgust.

Tijuana: "Why are you doing that Andrew?

Andrew confessional:
I threw my arms up and Tijuana said: "Why you doin' that?" I said, "I'm doing that because we just spent about two hours busting our ass putting that thing up...

Back to convo of Andrew to Tijuana:
"...and the whole time everyone knew, at least I thought they knew that's where we were putting it. And we wouldn't have spent an hour doing that if we knew there was any disagreement."

"I can understand what they are talking about"

Tijuana interjects something but I can't understand it... I think she says Osten knows everything.

Andrew confessional:
It went from something pleasurable to being an enormous pain in the ass.

You know I'm not peeking... you will have deal with these two (Osten and Rhino)

Tijuana: "I know (big smile)."

Tijuana confessional:
So we came to a happy medium and the medium was just that they would keep their distance and us turning our backs and I'm perfectly fine with that.

Tijuana and Darrah at shower laughing
Darrah: "This is weird.
Tijuana: "You go girl."

Darrah confessional:
The shower worked out fine, I didn't have any problems with the guys. I just didn't want everyone around watching, ya know. I was just excited about washing. I think the guys respected us, ya know. They weren't really watchin' us. so, uhm, ya know, I respect them for respectin' us. So ya know, if they'll do that every time we take a shower, I'm fine with it.

Tijuana confessional:
Darrah was able to shower first and then thereafter, myself and it was fabulous. Just so nice to get clean, be able to scrub your body, our hair. It was perfectly fabulous.


Lets Make A Deal

Morgan Camp:

Andrew: Weve got tree mail.

Tijuana sucks in breath and looks/sounds excited

Shot of Darrah looking intense.

We go tree mail and were really excited it mentioned the possibility that we would be clean somehow, so we figured we would potentianly get something that would dry us off and something to keep us clean.

Rhino to Rupert: If we win the reward challenge tomorrow and we get to go to your camp
Rupert to Rhino and Andrew: Ill make sure the bag is full -- the bag you take will be full.

Andrew to Rupert: No, Im not asking that..

Andrew confessional: My tribe says that if we win the reward challenge, I should be the designated one to go to the Drakes and pillage their village. They chose me as their leader a long time ago and this is kind of a leadership thing.

Andrew to Rupert: but I also want someone to agree that if they come here -- we lose the next one, they dont take our pot.

Andrew confessional: Before the reward challenge Rupert and I had a handshake deal where I would take a sack of their rice, uh, and he agreed if they win the next reward challenge, they wouldnt take our pot.

Andrew to Rupert: When all this is over, if you need any legal assistance, just give me a call. Just having that handshake, that agreement with Rupert, I think further increases the rapport that we have. Its really cool.


Jul 12, 2003
Penny (west yobbo land)
Originally posted by Reshie
JUST WATCH TV,you know you want to:)

hahahahaha LMAO

well i have physics tomorrow and well this whole day light savings thing has really confused me!! i keep postponing study time and procrastinating by watching movies coz i think i have heaps of time, but when i glance at the clock i am *shocked* to find that it is quite late...
still i just go oh well wtf!

nah physics will be easy-peasy-japanesey!

I like the young guy from morgan i think he is awesome and i want him to win, even though chances of morgan entering into the merger on equal terms as the drake team is quite slim!!!!



May 15, 2003
I feel sorry for Morgan. They suck, but now they've one two, so that's okay.


Apr 27, 2003
Originally posted by routemarker

Survivor : Pearl Islands Premeres on Monday 29th September on 9. In this season the 16 castaways will be left with the clothes on their backs and no rations with more twists and deceit instore....
it's still going?
the first season was the best


May 15, 2003
Originally posted by iambored
it's still going?
the first season was the best
That's true, but this season hasn't been so bad. But I don't think I can watch anymore after this ends.


LilRed Spikey Haired Man
Oct 23, 2003
Your Doorstep
Originally posted by dieselboi

nah physics will be easy-peasy-japanesey!

like u said its"easy-peasy japanesey"

so JUST WATCH TV,dammit!:D


May 15, 2003
Yay for Morgan, they won again. I thought Savage did so well in the immunity challenge, they deserved it.

Meanwhile, Rupert is going to kill John next week when he finds out he voted for him...:eek:


Jul 12, 2003
Penny (west yobbo land)
go morgan

Originally posted by Loz#1
Yay for Morgan, they won again. I thought Savage did so well in the immunity challenge, they deserved it.

Meanwhile, Rupert is going to kill John next week when he finds out he voted for him...:eek:
yay yay yay!!!

It was a good episode this week... first drake won the reward challenge so they looked certain to win the immunity challenge becoz they were well fed, but yet they failed. The reward challenge was sort of lost by Savage becoz if he hit the thing they would've tied and would've had a good chance of winning the grill and meat... And in the immunity challenge it was savage who won it for morgan.. he isn't the strongest guy out there but he certainly knew what he had to do and he did it, he is a good leader. a little bit dissapointed with Osten's efforts becoz he is so strong and he got matched by that puney girl from drake! whats going on there?? oh well at least they won! go morgan! now its even stevens and it looks like a spanner will be thrown in the water next week. a merge perhaps???? hope so! it will be interesting with equal numbers in the combined tribe.. i am really liking this show but i will miss it next week becoz i will be overseas, damnit!


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
last nights episode was the best by far. did you see the look on trish's face when sandra was describing the person to be booted off. I bet she was thinking 'that doesnt sound like rupert...' .

cant wait till next week where we see rupert give jon an earfull and the new twist. Transcript with Trish

SURVIVOR Host: We're chatting with the most recent Survivor to walk the plank, Trish Dunn. We'll get to as many of your questions as we can. Let's get started! Hey Trish! Thanks for being here today. Are you ready to talk to take some questions?
Trish: Yes! Shoot!

Mommarabbit: Trish, you were pretty low-key until last night. What provoked you to suddenly stick your neck out like that?
Trish: Actually, I wasn't low-key in the game, although they portrayed me as being more low-key than I was. We were definitely concerned about Rupert the last two days before the Immunity Challenge, and people were realizing that his strategy was to be extremely important to the Drake tribe. What made people start to feel uncomfortable was that he was becoming extremely important to the Morgan tribe, and we realized he was much more votable than we thought he was going to be.

When Rupert started to help them build their shelter and catch fish, and when he won the Challenge for them, and then ultimately, when Andrew came over and took our food source (rice) when we'd always said we'd never touch Morgan's food source, we realized that Rupert cut a deal with Andrew behind our back. We were shocked that Rupert had made this deal with Andrew regarding our rice. A couple of days before the Challenge, everybody was talking about Rupert and how he was playing both tribes against one another, and we realized that Rupert would be extremely hard to beat going into the merge. We were all there to win the million dollars, and we decided we didn't want to sit back and let Rupert cruise to the Final Two. It was a very difficult decision for me personally, because I really liked Rupert.

Sage: Trish, you mentioned that your tribe was upset at Rupert "giving away your food." Did you NOT understand that food was what the Morgan tribe needed most and could have, if not for Rupert, taken ALL of your Rice?
Trish: Yes, we understood that they could have taken all of our rice, but our strategy would have been to disguise the rice in a different container, which is what they did to us. So, we had no intention of sitting back and letting them take all of our rice.

DanieuB: How could you trust Shawn after you saw how he flipped on Burton and Michelle?
Trish: I didn't trust Shawn at all, but we decided to let Shawn know he wasn't going to get voted off, and we were trying to be nice. We never thought that after we just saved his butt he would then go to Rupert.

dixiedarlin: How did you feel about Sandra's comments about the person that was going at Tribal Council, once you realized it was you?
Trish: Well, Sandra decided to come to Tribal Council and slam anybody that was going to get voted off. She did that to Michelle, and she did that to Burton. I really didn't like that about Sandra:she has a real mean streak. When she said that, I felt very bad for Rupert obviously thinking he was the one who was going to get voted off. When my name came up it was obviously quite a surprise, but if that's the way Sandra felt, I have to respect her feelings.

Rhino: I thought your Final Words were classy. Do you still consider the people on Drake as friends?
Trish: Yes, I absolutely do. I thought they did a great job in spinning the game their way, and while I was very surprised that they voted me off, I also had a lot of respect for the game and that anything can happen. To this day, I hope that a Drake wins the million dollars.

DanieuB: Hi Trish. Did you feel guilty leaving Jon in the position that he is in?
Trish: No, I don't feel guilty at all, because Jon was part of the plan to continue to play the game. We could have just sat back and let Rupert take the game away from everybody because he was so dominant with both tribes. We chose instead to play the game, because if the merge happened and Rupert was still intact, there wasn't a doubt in anybody's mind (including Sandra's and Christa's) that Rupert could all the way. Sandra and Christa, for the record, always said that they would never go to the Final Two with Rupert because nobody felt that they could win against him.

LETS_GO_Yankees: What was worse: bug bites or Jon's mouth?
Trish: [laughs] The bug bites are worse than Jon's mouth, but Jon's a very close second.

Rhino: Trish, who will win:Yankees or Marlins?
Trish: [laughs] The Yankees.

thankgod: Trish, Rupert was wearing underwear last night. Where did those come from?
Trish: Rupert always had his underwear with him. He was wearing them when he jumped off the ship. Unfortunately for everybody, he would choose not to wear them for most of the day so that they could dry out. So, we had quite a full view of Rupert each and every day.

Scooterrific: It seems like Shawn was really getting you guys mad at him, with his work ethic. Was he really lazy?
Trish: I didn't think he was that lazy; however, he was very obnoxious in just playing the game. I felt he was really playing the game more for the publicity than for the million dollars. He'd talk incessantly about who was getting interviewed and who wasn't getting interviewed. But I had a lot of good talks with Shawn, and there was a part of him that I liked very much.

WalkThePlankMatey: Okay Trish, we all know that you and the other bootees come back next week. Were you shocked when you heard this was going to happen?
Trish: I have no idea what you're talking about.

kerriella: Were you shocked to see that Jon treated Morgan the way he did or the determination in Andrew as a result of it?
Trish: No, I wasn't shocked at all to see how Jon treated Morgan, because frankly, that's how Jon treated us. Jon is someone who says what's on his mind, and he really doesn't hold back anything. I don't think Andrew's determination had anything to do with what Jon said. I think it was more about immunity for Morgan than what Jon said.

Sage: What did your tribe think of Christa holding as much weight as Osten?
Trish: We were really proud of Christa. We thought she did a great job, and she had a lot of pressure on her (literally). I think she should be very proud of how she competed in that Challenge.

pearlgirl: Hi Trish. Did you have a strategy from day one, or did you play day by day?
Trish: I was playing day by day, but my overall strategy was not to go under the radar and not to be the person being the one sticking my neck out. When I felt strongly about something, I said so, and if something didn't matter to me, I was quiet. I was surprised at how much I liked everybody and what a great tribe we had. Frankly, the game was very easy for me. Physically I was prepared, mentally I was prepared, and socially there wasn't one night where I thought I was going to be the one voted off. I genuinely liked everyone and got along with everyone.

dizzyupthegirls: What do you think were the greatest strengths and weaknesses of the Drake tribe?
Trish: The greatest strength was how well we got along with one another. Every once in a while a fight would flare up, but it would dissipate just as quickly with no hard feelings. Our greatest weakness was letting Burton go too early.

Pearlfan: Did you closely follow previous seasons of SURVIVOR?
Trish: Yes, I've seen every episode of SURVIVOR.

rattler: Trish, great job! Being about your age, I took interest in you. What is the toughest thing for a 40ish person?
Trish: I didn't think there was anything tough for a 40-ish year old person. I really believe age has nothing to do with it. I was the oldest member in a very young tribe and in a very young game, and I never felt that was a handicap. I was also extremely physically fit, and I made sure everyone knew it.

dizzyupthegirls: Did your family think you were crazy when you went off to play on SURVIVOR?
Trish: No, my family didn't think I was crazy. My family always thought that I was perfectly suited for SURVIVOR because I live life to the fullest, I love adventure, I'm very competitive, I'm easy to get along with and I like money, so they were extremely supportive and excited when I made the show.

Arrgh: What made you think you could trust Sandra with your plan?
Trish: I thought I could trust Sandra because from the beginning, she was vocal that no one should go to the Final Two with Rupert, and her strategy was "I'll vote anyone off as long as it's not me." So, Sandra pretty much did what anyone asked her to do as far as voting goes. In the end, ironically, I was really the last one to jump on board on the final decision to vote off Rupert, and Sandra actually asked me, "Trish, are you in or are you out?" It was clear to me at that point that we were all on the same wavelength.

Trish_is_Dunn: Trish, Is there anything that happened out there that was not aired that you would like to tell us about?
Trish: I think that people don't realize who's in alliances with each other. They haven't shown very much of the relationships on the Drake tribe. It's basically whether we've won or lost a Challenge and the latest fight Jon's having with someone. But there are some really wonderful behind-the-scenes friendships that I had with Rupert, Christa, Sandra, Jon and even Shawn.

hipster: What do you think of Shawn stating "it's my game now" as he voted you off last night?
Trish: I think that Shawn has no idea really how to play the game, and he pretty much believed anything that anybody told him. I think his ego really could not let him go beyond his own immortality.

DC_Fan: Has your opinion of anyone on your tribe changed after watching the shows? Who and why? Thanks, Trish!?
Trish: Yes, my opinion of Christa has changed. Christa and I were really close, and with me, Christa was 100% vocal from the second day that she was never going to go into the merge with Rupert because in her opinion she wanted the merge part of the game to be an even playing field for herself. She felt that Rupert would be way too strong in the individual Challenges and too unbeatable at the Final Two to play the second half of the game. So I was surprised to see her turn against me so vehemently at Tribal Council.

crzy4650: Do you think Rupert is the reason why the tribe won so many Challenges in the beginning?
Trish: No, I think Burton was the reason we won so many Challenges. Burton was the best SURVIVOR player I've ever seen during a Challenge. He was strong, he was competitive and he was strategic. Rupert was strong and competitive, but he was not strategic, and that's one of the reasons why we lost the last two Challenges.

ruprules01: Trish, in a chat Michelle referred to Sandra as useless. I thought that was harsh. What do you think?
Trish: I think that Sandra was not useless, because she let everybody know her strategy (again, as long as it wasn't her, she'd vote anybody off). Therefore, when you needed another vote, you could pretty much count on Sandra, or so I thought. But other than that, yeah, she was pretty useless.

newfiegirl: Michelle also felt Rupert was there to "be on TV" do you feel that way now that you've seen the episodes?
Trish: No, I don't feel that way. I think that Rupert showed some unecessary bravado, which he did play up for the cameras, but I think essentially he was there to win the million dollars just like we all were.

all4jenna: Hi Trish. Other than being voted off, did you have any embarrassing moments that we did not get to see?
Trish: No, I didn't have any other embarrassing moments.

queenraw: Why is it that tribes seem to eventually dislike the ones who do all the work (or most of it)?
Trish: That's a good question. I think that essentially the people that are working hard are ultimately seen as either leaders or threats. There are two things you don't want to be:a leader or a threat. Unfortunately, lazy players who aren't really out there to play the game end up doing very well.

dizzyupthegirls: Why did Drake take the pot instead of the shower? Ya'll already had pots, but no shower.
Trish: This is another instance of Rupert wanting to dominate the game. We discussed taking the shower, and Rupert wouldn't hear of it. He felt that Morgan needed the shower more than we did, which was another red flag to us that Rupert was dangerous.

FireyRedTU: Trish, if you could steal a member from the Morgan tribe, who would it be, and why?
Trish: The person I would've stolen would've been Tijuana, because she was strong, she was smart and I think I could have formed an alliance with her if I absolutely had to. But I had no intention of forming any alliances with any Morgans after the merge unless it was strategically decided by the Drakes.

Wisdom: Trish, were you surprised by Jon's puppet master comments?
Trish: No, I was not surprised by his puppet master comment, because Jon really believes that he is a puppet master. Somehow, even though Jon was obnoxious and you couldn't trust him, oddly enough he was very believable.

Rhino: What exactly is that stupid looking dance Jon does on his way to vote?
Trish: Jon is a wrestling hero in his own mind. I do believe that dance is totally for the cameras.

DianaD: Did Jon tell the rest of your tribe that he washed his hair while looting the other camp?
Trish: Yes, he did. Jon came back from looting the other tribe, telling us how he washed his hair and how different Morgan members pulled him aside to make secret alliances with the Drakes. This is something none of us were surprised about, because it seemed to us from the beginning that Morgan was not a cohesive tribe.

PillageAndPlunder: I want to be you for Halloween. How can I get my buff to look like a perfect tube top?
Trish: [laughs] Buy a buff online, wear it out in the woods for 22 days, roll it up really tight, run 24 marathons, do 200 sit-ups everyday and maybe you might look like me.

ProblemUser: Hi Trish! What's harder, competing in a marathon, or being on SURVIVOR? What was more satisfying?
Trish: Oh, that's a very good question. A marathon is harder, and I would say they're both equally satisfying in different ways. A marathon shows strength, stamina and endurance and has very little to do with socialization. Being on SURVIVOR is about strength, stamina and endurance, but has everything to do with socialization.

Wisdom: Trish, would you agree that being able to lie is a good talent to have in this game?
Trish: Yes, being able to lie well while you're looking somebody straight in the eye is a very important talent to have in this game. If you can't do that, you're never going to win it.

ruprules01: Sandra got Drake off to a strong start by stocking up in the village. Don't you agree that was key to Drake's early success?
Trish: Yes, I think Sandra was an important key to our village success. She was awesome in the village.

Wisdom: Trish, were you dreading Jeff's questions at Tribal Council?
Trish: No, I wasn't dreading his questions at all, because I was very confident in our strategy, and I absolutely believe and still believe it was the right one, so I was actually looking forward to his questions. I have to say that the answers from the other Survivors surprised me.

survivorsista: When you looted Morgan, did you give away any information you wished you hadn't?
Trish: No, when I looted Morgan my goal was to find out as much about the Morgan tribe as possible, so I wanted to find out individually who these people were, who had college degrees, what their background was, who was friends with who. That kind of information was more important to us than taking the lantern.

missy: Trish, what did you all do with the hammock from the buried treasure?
Trish: We put the hammock up to try to dry it out and get rid of the mold, but at the end of the day it smelled so foul that no one would get on it.

desertladysurvivor: Trish, did you see Jeff smile when he put out your fire?
Trish: No, I didn't notice his smile, and I don't think that Jeff ever likes to see somebody blindsided. I don't think that if he did smile it really meant anything at all.

seewater: You looked great this morning Trish, Can you tell us one or two things that Rupert did the last three days that bothered you?
Trish: Well, there's nothing that he did that bothered me any more than it bothered anybody els,e but I think the straw with Rupert for all of us was when Andrew came over to loot and Rupert acted like he was his best friend instead of a competitor. Especially when we're working in a game with numbers and it's critical for Drake to go into the merge with more numbers than Morgan. We were shocked to hear Rupert tell Andrew that the looting was a friendship swap and not really a looting. Additionally, Rupert continued to boast loudly about his relationship with the Morgan tribe and how well he was liked by everybody.

SURVIVOR Host: I am sorry to say that our hour with Trish is up. Trish, thanks so much for being here to chat with us today. Do you have any final comments for the SURVIVOR fans?
Trish: Keep watching the show! There's lots of new twists and turns coming up that you won't expect, and this truly is the best SURVIVOR of all. Thanks for your kind words and your support. Cheers!

:eek: lol

~*HSC 4 life*~

Active Member
Aug 15, 2003
i agree it was a great show...

ohh ickyy how bad was christas face? with all those bites...ahhh!

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