Studying for HSC History Extension...
In relation to text books, the best one I will recommend is Ken Webb's
Extension History: The Historians (2006). It provides an overview that is easy to understand in relation to the first section of the course "What is History?". Besides Webb, I'm a personal Warren fan.
The Book of Readings isn't all that important. It's original purpose was for teachers who didn't have access to a wide range of sources that covered the issues in historiography. If your teacher has discussed historians/periods of historiography in detail with you, you'll be fine. When I did Extension last year, I only looked at ONE extract from the readings.
One thing I am dead set against for History Extension is doing past papers. You may tell me I'm wrong, but according to the 2008 Marking Notes students are tending to rely too much on prepared answers to past questions. You're at a disadvantage if you do. I quote from the notes themselves:
"Questions are drawn from a range of areas within the syllabus. The syllabus and not past examination papers should therefore be the basis for the preparation of candidates for this examination" (pp. 4)
It goes on further:
"The best preparation for this examination consists in developing the skills of an analysis and argument, of being prepared to make critical judgments and to support these with an informed understanding of the debates in history" (pp. 4)
Therefore the best preparation I suggest is to structure notes around the syllabus questions, which apply to both sections of the course.
These questions are:
- What are the historical debates?
- Who are the historians?
- What are the aims and purposes of history?
- How has history been constructed and recorded over time?
- Why have approaches to history changed over time?
I would say study 4 historians from four different periods of historiography (i.e. Classical, Christian, Enlightenment, Post-Modern, etc.). Plus a historical debate, try something original like Reynolds and Windschuttle, rather than Elton and Carr. I'm sure markers are sick of seeing their names.
MellyJane, I fail to understand what you mean by "THE HSC MARKING CENTRE SAYS IF YOU QUOTE A SECONDSRY SOURCE OR OPINION INSTEAD OF THE ACTUAL HISTORIAN YOU WILL BE PENALISED"? Most "historians" writings are secondary themselves, if not tertiary sources.
As for the historicity of Jesus Christ, I unfortunately can't help you (although I think it would be an interesting topic to have done).
Remember History Extension isn't supposed to be easy.
Hope that helps!