yay happy birthday anne!
ouch, 3-day-headache? Sounds nasty, get well soon mserica!
my day today:
Breakfast - I think I slept through this or skipped it or something, was up till 2am going through EE2 stuff (their handin date is like, wednesday) and had to wake up 7:30 so a little low on the sleep today
Lunch - Skipped, was self-guilt-tripped into going to my CUL202 lecture (but it was worth it for my tute friend to point out to me the guy in the row in front of us who was like, writing a love letter or something on his laptop! ahahaa)
Afternoon Tea - some chicken pasta from one of those BBQ chicken places in Lindfield (near the station) it was SO GOOD
Dinner - Ummm.... I made some strawberry smoothie for myself (mum just bought one of those Boost-type blenders

I put my strawberries, yoghourt, honey and milk in there and it's SO NICE)
Dinner 2 - mum made this big pot of bolognase sauce, so I just grabbed a little of that
Study: None, have temporarily misplaced CUL202 course reader? lol
Exercise: Gah, went to singing lesson for the first time in 2 weeks today, and went to my tap class for the first time in two months today. After two short combos I thought I'd die :/ Happily my teacher has been sick for about 8 weeks so we're both not feeling up to par, but like... it's not cool to realise "uh oh, I actually have lost a LOT of my strength and it's going to be painful getting it back" :/