wiccanchilde said:
Ergh, young kids annoy the hell out of me.
Ours complain that they dont get enough hours, and then call in sick every weekend hungover. Wonder why you dont get offered more than 4 hours a week? There are perhaps 4 or 5 who don't, the rest are unreliable and suck.
*end rant*
tell me about it! this one girl got a job, came every second shift, then her mum rings up and complains that she's getting too many hours and only wants one every two weeks. So yesterday was one of those shifts, but she doesn't turn up so we ring her up and she's like 'oh, i'm in Hobart haha'. eurgh, quit already.
hours this week
m: 9-5
tue: 4-9
wed: 12-9
sat: 9-5
sun: 9-5
on tonight's roster, instead of a register next to my name it just has a smiley face, and my CSM won't tell me what it means and keeps laughing about it. but I have a sneaking suspicion i might be the store santa...
and trolleys 12-9 christmas eve, don't even have a reg. DEATH.