The way you write "believe in climate change" makes it seem like its a religion of its own and that those who dont believe that man-made emissions of carbon are the driver of increases in temperature are destined for eternal damnation or something...their is still MUCH debate about the extent to which humans are to blame for this and Abbott and the Liberal Party has stood up in response to a tremedous grass roots uproar against a apoliticially fuelled tax that threatens to severly put Australia at a comparative disadvantage in comparison to the rest of the world for now real purpose anyway as we emit less than 1% of the worlds bloody carbon anyway! So even if any increase in tempeature IS due to man made carbn pollution, we would be doing jack all by harming our economy to dent our carbon emissions. I say dumb move. Not in the interest of Australians but Rudd's false populism.
Perhaps the correct move for Australia should be towards nuclear power...and if Australia was really into tackling "climate change" then we should at least be seriously looking at this option. But in any case, Tony Abbott has principles and he is not afraid to stick by them, Australians dont want a clone of Rudd, they want a proactive alternative that will challenge the government's flaws, of which there are many.
In regards to Abbott's own alternatives, he has stated that the opposition is drafting an official climate change policy which will be released early next year. He has already committed to match Labors carbon reduction targets. So regardless of what YOU think HE thinks, he has already committed to match Labor's carbon emissions target, and is yet to formulate a coplete policy on achieveing that aim.
But its all bull anyway. Read Ian Plimer's "Heaven + Earth" if you want the facts of todays climate change propaganda, but then again that is not what this thread is about...