1.Game of Thrones
2. NCIS (not the shitty Los Angeles one...)
3. Bones
4. Survivor
5.The Amazing race. (maybeeee the Australian one a little more than the US? Hmm....)
These aren't in any particular order, but I love love GoT because I adore A Song of Ice and Fire, but it's only got 10 episodes a year.
NCIS & Bones both have their good and their bad episodes, so the alternate between each other. I tend to prefer NCIS just because Bones has gotten to a point where they seem like their trying to be a comedy or something...
Same goes for Survivor and Amazing Race, love them both, but some episodes (and contestants) are better than others so it changes. Like, the most recent Survivor season I loved because they brought back old contestants and lots of crazies, but sometimes I just got really angry at all the crying when that's an entire episode.
As for movies, I could never choose my top 5

Toooo hard.