Hey Survivor
How's the Phd going now? Oo I think I saw your name in the Peer Mentor list!!
When you refer to cell Biology, do you mean ANAT3231? If so, Tim would need to pass ANAT2241. From what I've heard that area of research is blooming. Hm...but you did say BABS school...
Anyway, Tim that's right! I think those subjects look great.
You'll just need to choose your electives for S1 & S2. Molecular is comparably much easier than Biochemistry, at least the exam questions aren't as vague as Biochemistry.
Also I saw your previous question bout adv biochem or fundmts. If you aren't focussing on a Microbiology/Immunology OR Molecular/Biochemistry major or minor, then choose Fundmts.
The only difference is the Practical Exam and how its going to be done.
However both me or Survivor can't go into full details, because this year as you know UNSW has changed into 12 week semesters, so it's purely up to the lecturers on whether they want to change the assessments/lectures/tutorials/labs settings or just keep it as it is.