UNSW or UTS Software Engineering (1 Viewer)

Paul Brown

New Member
Dec 27, 2023
I have been accepted into both UTS and UNSW for software engineering, what are the pros and cons of both? I am having a difficult time deciding on where to enrol.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2022
- supposedly has a better reputation than uts, though both are probably similar in software engineering/compsci tbh
- classes are more on the computer science side, eg more math classes and abstracter programming techniques, could help you be more prepared for more theoretical roles in industry
- more "prestigious" though in technology employers usually dont care about that, more about experience and your portfolio
- might be a more competitive atmosphere (could be bad or good)

- trimester system, means content can be more squeezed and less holidays
- potentially more annoying location, depends where u live really

- if u take the degree with the diploma of professional practice, u are gonna get 12 months of industry experience, compared to unsw with 60 days, ive also heard uts is much more helpful with helping to find these internships but cant say really
- more convenient location
- a bit more flexibility with which classes you can pick (there are sub majors)
- more on the business/applied side of things, less abstract content like math classes and more learning about technologies without necessarily getting into deeper detail, means you can apply more technologies in industry, even if you don't have a complete understanding of how they work at a very rigorous level

- apparently classes are easier, some outdated content / libraries in core classes (ive heard programming 2 is no good, but aside from that it seems most of the subjects are fine / new)
- uts is 5 year degree, unsw is 4, but thats because of the 12 month internship

imo in tech / software engineering the reputation of the uni really doesn't matter, as long as you can maintain a good gpa, have some work experience, good personal projects, solid grounding in the applicable programming languages / libraries to a job, you can land a job. of course there are some companies like which are a bit unsw biased like atlassian, but if you're not shooting for super big companies straight after graduating id say both uts and unsw are good, just pick whichever is most convienient for you, or pick if you prefer the more abstract side of software engineering (go unsw then) or would rather work in industry for 12 months and maybe not have as much "computer science" rigour to programming/technologies (go uts then).

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