UNSW Subject Reviews. (1 Viewer)


May 21, 2009
SCIF 0/10


Only redeeming thing about the course was the people - but that's not affected by the course admin. Pej - my tutor - was pretty cool though. He made it less unbearable.
This. Minus the praise for Pej. I just want to know that I passed so I never have to do it again.


Aug 30, 2008
LAWS1052- Foundations of Law

Pretty bad course. Just glances over the law in a superficial manner. Spend most of the course talking about the history of law.

LAWS1140- Public Law

Okay course, depends on whether you're interested in constitutional law. I wasn't, so I found it exceptionally dry looking at a 150 year old document. Very little use of case law, a lot of wishy washy talk about Dicey.

LAWS1071- Contract Law

Amazing course. Very interesting to watch contract law develop over time through cases. It's very practical, you end up dissecting your entire day into a bunch of contracts.

ACTL2002- Probability for Actuaries

Difficult course. They rush through the course, so it's very hard to understand a lot of the statistical concepts. Also, the mid semester assignment in R can only be described as HELL.

ACTL1001- Intro to Actuarial Studies

I liked the course, it was nice getting a little introduction to general insurance, life insurance etc. Others did not like the course because it was very brief on each topic, and the progression through the weeks was almost arbitrary.


Interesting courses. I did not like algebra much, very abstract to imagine lines and shapes in higher dimensions. Math1251 was especially abstract with the study of rank, basis etc of vector fields. I did not like Math1251 very much, too abstract and little application to real life.

Math1081-Discrete Math

Shit. Hated this course, made me switch to law instead of mathematics.


Very interesting course. It's very logical and it is very nice how they build the concepts week by week.


Bullshit course. Waste of time.
hi leon


New Member
May 19, 2009
fk, all that i wrote got lost because i was logged out. seriously wtf


ACCT1501 - ACCT 1A
Ease: 5/10, because i must have been a dunce all this time.
Lecturer(s): Peter Jackson was good during summer(he's probably not around UNSW anymore), can't remember the other lecturers.
Interest: 1/10, accounting was so not my thing.

ECON1101 - MICRO 1
Ease: 6/10
Interest: 1/10, the only thing i remember from this course is that i graffitied on my exam paper. end.

ECON1202 - QMA
Ease: 7/10, if you took IB SL maths this would be a revision. though you still need to revise for the exam and all.
Interest: 5/10

Ease: 8/10, though the tut facil's a pain in the ass if you hate making presentations (esp with others)
Lecturer(s): Bainbridge was good actually. if only he could speak in varied tones.
Interest: 7/10, though i actually liked the HRM concept more than accounting.

Ease: 7/10, takes a while to get used to the MIRAT which in 2741 you are told to NOT USE. behhhh
Lecturer(s): Janet gave very effective lullaby-like classes, which only worsened if you ate a full lunch before and in the middle of the lecture.
Interest: 7/10, the walrus-mustached tutor openly criticising students during classes for asking "obvious, stupid questions" kinda spurred me to read the textbook and do the questions. although i hated the in-class debate part.


ACCT1511 - ACCT 1B
Ease: 7/10
Lecturer(s): Leon was awesome, very descriptive and patient, and he made the whole course much more interesting. the extra revision lecture in Wk13 as well as the self-made tshirt about himself makes him one of the best lecturers i've had in uni.
Interest: 3/10 because awesome lecturer didn't really help increase my appetite for accounting.

ECON1102 - MACRO 1
Ease: 5/10
Interest: 0/10, hated this as much as 1A

ECON1203 - QMB
Ease: 6/10, because the regressions in the report. basically copied off some HD kids' reports though.
Lecturer(s): there's a south american or indian tutor for nighttime tuts - try not to choose his tut because he kinda makes it harder to understand. skips some stuff too, unless you bother to ask him afterwards.
Interest: 2/10

Ease: 7/10. this is one of the few subjects i passed without fail.
Interest: 5/10, the only fun part in this course was reading the cases in the textbook. and the smallest textbook out of all LEGT courses too.

Ease: 8/10, half of it was a repeat from QMB, so it would be best if you took QMB and this together like ongoing revision. MCQ final exam is also easy if you can remember your equations properly.
Interest: 7/10

Ease: 9/10, TAKE THIS DURING SUMMER because you know, normal semesters get you this fortnightly in-lec tests and shiznit. during summer you only get the tut and lec on the same day and all you have to do is do your reading, prep your page-long essays, scramble a product website and host it, then eenie meenie correctly for the final exam. the textbook's a bore though, and try to get english-speaking group members.
Lecturer(s): ask first whether the Summer LIC's gna go on trips during the sem, because she did during ours and so we had a whole month of christmas holidays.
Interest: 10/10, personal interest in forming websites


Ease: 6/10, just do your assignments on time and with as much theories as possible. first indiv report is marked more leniently than the subsequent two. try to get a good mix of gender for the group report and lead the discussion, while x-raying the textbook for relevant theories is strongly recommended. try not to push the deadline for the learning journal, and always do your entries weekly before tuts because the tutors do random checks and "debates/discussions". no lec recordings, copious blanks in the lec slides and a big wordy textbook makes this course a bastard to revise.
Lecturer(s): if you didn't like Janet from LEGT1711, you wouldn't like this one very much also. she would randomly ask guys if they did engineering like her hubby during lectures. you would also get the feeling that she tries a bit too hard to engage students, which i managed to escape most of the time by skipping them.
Interest: 6/10

MGMT2718 - HRM
Ease: 8/10, indiv essay was something you could squeeze out in a day; though exam revision would be a bit problematic if you skipped the tut facils from wk6 onwards and your tutmates didn't prepare printouts. do your weekly readings and you will be fine. group facil essay is wtf though.
Lecturer(s): Raymond's a nice guy, but he marks a bit strictly. he gave out a free copy of the textbook in the first lecture and some Easter eggs around easter, but who doesn't do the latter? =/ he also gives relevant but repetitive examples of HRM in real life based on his own experience in the NSW police dept.
Interest: 7/10

taking ACCT2542, HUMS0002, MGMT3701 and possibly ACCT3563 or ARTS2213 next sem, hopefully i'll pass them all and get back to referral. :(


Mar 20, 2008
North Bondi
I'm not going to assign number grades.


Subject starts off scaring the shit out of everyone with an introduction to Topology for the first few weeks. It becomes significantly more mechanical with differential/integral/vector calculus. For each of the two quizzes we were given several practice quizzes (which were basically identical to what came in each quiz). The assignment was quite interesting, although Kress was pretty anal with the marking. Only one person got accepted the first time out of 50. Final exam wasn't too bad, probably worth spending more time on the first half of the course and not worrying so much about the technicalities of vector calculus.

I thought both lecturers were quite good (Kress and Guoyin Li) although Kress' notes were unbearable. Handwritten slides ensured that I never looked over them again. Guoyin's notes were great - he uploaded both skeleton notes and the final product after the lectures, which made life far easier.



Quite an excellent introduction to statistics/probability (without regression). First few weeks goes over stuff we learnt in 1151/1241 so pretty breezy. It moves quite quickly from then on, peaking in difficulty with bivariate transformations. That just about covers the probability part of the course. The statistics part of the course is, in my opinion, far more straightforward and mechanical. The two assignments were given at the worst possible times (between examinations for my other subjects). Moreover they looked pretty difficult - they weren't. Get in a group of 3-4 bright students and enjoy your full marks. The mid-semester exam was quite a good test of probability knowledge. Enroll in a later tutorial (you should always be doing this anyway, from a tactical viewpoint) and ace the same paper your friends were given in an earlier tute. Final exam had two easy questions one medium question and one pretty tricky/technical one. The tricky one essentially made the test out of less marks (because I doubt very many people got too much of it out). Expect some serious scaling, I got 85 and likely got ~ 75% or so in the final (and was on 47.2/50 prior to the final).

David Warton is a fantastic lecturer - although the extra 2901 lecture is pretty useless. We would always go over the most quaint concepts and questions, things that were obviously irrelevant/not examinable. Only problem is that he never posted complete notes online - this means that you have to attend lectures (which you should be doing anyway) or you will have only skeleton notes.


Holy shit. So I'm not majoring in actuarial studies - I never did ACTL1001 and had to do this beast for QR major. I personally found it extremely tough - not so much the content, but the questions. My background is certainly mathematical, but something about this course I found overwhelming. The mid-sem will really test your knowledge on the first two topics. I got 37/100...yeah I was ashamed. The assignment is difficult...probably beyond comprehension. By far the hardest I have ever worked in my life on anything. Essentially you have to learn how to program using R (so those without a programming background like myself, start two months early as they recommend!) HOWEVER, when marks came around, sadly everyone did well (I say sadly from a statistical POV...I KNEW I did fucking well, so the fact that those who put in way less work and got tons of wrong answers weren't severely penalised ruined everything). Final exam was a bit weird, reminded me somewhat of accounting in some sections.

Benjamin Avanzi is probably one of the best lecturers at UNSW. I have never seen a course/teacher so organised, with every single module having their own videos/questions uploaded ages in advance. Perhaps this scared me a little, because I was a bit lazy when it came to doing study (yet I'm sure all the eager actl majors were enjoying this additional resource). Despite my awful performance in the mid-semester exam, I ended up with a 76 for this subject. No idea how, no idea why - but dear God I'll take it.


Really weird subject...I don't really know how to explain it, but it's way different to 1613 (a subject I really enjoyed). You learn some pretty fundamental/interesting things in the first few weeks on bonds, but the part on equity seems really outdated and impractical. Paper quizzes were pretty tough in that they asked very very minor and specific things from the course. Once again, Friday tutorials ensured that I knew ~80% of what was going to be asked, so of course I did well. Assignment was dead easy, took about 30 minutes to complete (and I haven't used Excel in like 7 years). Final exam was pretty straightforward in my opinion. Most concepts were taken from Henry Yip's book (even though we had a new head lecturer).

Lecturers were fine, Joakim was a good teacher and so was Henry. Having said that, I probably prefered Henry's notes for the numerical examples.

No idea how the hell I got 85, I fucking nailed that exam - deserved no less than 90. Oh well, win some - lose some.
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stop looking at me swan.
Apr 26, 2008
cadbury world.
fk, all that i wrote got lost because i was logged out. seriously wtf


ACCT1501 - ACCT 1A
Ease: 5/10, because i must have been a dunce all this time.
Lecturer(s): Peter Jackson was good during summer(he's probably not around UNSW anymore), can't remember the other lecturers.
Interest: 1/10, accounting was so not my thing.

ECON1101 - MICRO 1
Ease: 6/10
Interest: 1/10, the only thing i remember from this course is that i graffitied on my exam paper. end.

ECON1202 - QMA
Ease: 7/10, if you took IB SL maths this would be a revision. though you still need to revise for the exam and all.
Interest: 5/10

Ease: 8/10, though the tut facil's a pain in the ass if you hate making presentations (esp with others)
Lecturer(s): Bainbridge was good actually. if only he could speak in varied tones.
Interest: 7/10, though i actually liked the HRM concept more than accounting.

Ease: 7/10, takes a while to get used to the MIRAT which in 2741 you are told to NOT USE. behhhh
Lecturer(s): Janet gave very effective lullaby-like classes, which only worsened if you ate a full lunch before and in the middle of the lecture.
Interest: 7/10, the walrus-mustached tutor openly criticising students during classes for asking "obvious, stupid questions" kinda spurred me to read the textbook and do the questions. although i hated the in-class debate part.


ACCT1511 - ACCT 1B
Ease: 7/10
Lecturer(s): Leon was awesome, very descriptive and patient, and he made the whole course much more interesting. the extra revision lecture in Wk13 as well as the self-made tshirt about himself makes him one of the best lecturers i've had in uni.
Interest: 3/10 because awesome lecturer didn't really help increase my appetite for accounting.

ECON1102 - MACRO 1
Ease: 5/10
Interest: 0/10, hated this as much as 1A

ECON1203 - QMB
Ease: 6/10, because the regressions in the report. basically copied off some HD kids' reports though.
Lecturer(s): there's a south american or indian tutor for nighttime tuts - try not to choose his tut because he kinda makes it harder to understand. skips some stuff too, unless you bother to ask him afterwards.
Interest: 2/10

Ease: 7/10. this is one of the few subjects i passed without fail.
Interest: 5/10, the only fun part in this course was reading the cases in the textbook. and the smallest textbook out of all LEGT courses too.

Ease: 8/10, half of it was a repeat from QMB, so it would be best if you took QMB and this together like ongoing revision. MCQ final exam is also easy if you can remember your equations properly.
Interest: 7/10

Ease: 9/10, TAKE THIS DURING SUMMER because you know, normal semesters get you this fortnightly in-lec tests and shiznit. during summer you only get the tut and lec on the same day and all you have to do is do your reading, prep your page-long essays, scramble a product website and host it, then eenie meenie correctly for the final exam. the textbook's a bore though, and try to get english-speaking group members.
Lecturer(s): ask first whether the Summer LIC's gna go on trips during the sem, because she did during ours and so we had a whole month of christmas holidays.
Interest: 10/10, personal interest in forming websites


Ease: 6/10, just do your assignments on time and with as much theories as possible. first indiv report is marked more leniently than the subsequent two. try to get a good mix of gender for the group report and lead the discussion, while x-raying the textbook for relevant theories is strongly recommended. try not to push the deadline for the learning journal, and always do your entries weekly before tuts because the tutors do random checks and "debates/discussions". no lec recordings, copious blanks in the lec slides and a big wordy textbook makes this course a bastard to revise.
Lecturer(s): if you didn't like Janet from LEGT1711, you wouldn't like this one very much also. she would randomly ask guys if they did engineering like her hubby during lectures. you would also get the feeling that she tries a bit too hard to engage students, which i managed to escape most of the time by skipping them.
Interest: 6/10

MGMT2718 - HRM
Ease: 8/10, indiv essay was something you could squeeze out in a day; though exam revision would be a bit problematic if you skipped the tut facils from wk6 onwards and your tutmates didn't prepare printouts. do your weekly readings and you will be fine. group facil essay is wtf though.
Lecturer(s): Raymond's a nice guy, but he marks a bit strictly. he gave out a free copy of the textbook in the first lecture and some Easter eggs around easter, but who doesn't do the latter? =/ he also gives relevant but repetitive examples of HRM in real life based on his own experience in the NSW police dept.
Interest: 7/10

taking ACCT2542, HUMS0002, MGMT3701 and possibly ACCT3563 or ARTS2213 next sem, hopefully i'll pass them all and get back to referral. :(
Why are you going to major in accounting then?


Jun 8, 2009
Ease-7/10, if you do your work then you'll get a HD, I did no tute prep after week 2 and got a D.
Interest- 2/10, not a fan of accounting.

Ease- 9/10, make sure you're not retarded when it comes to writing an essay.
Interest- 7/10, as much as I complained during the year, I enjoyed a lot of the content, and the tutes were sort of fun, heaps of group work.

Ease- 9/10, but if you don't enjoy it, you'll have difficulty.
Interest 9/10, very interesting, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Ease- 5/10, so much content.
Interest 7.5/10, if you like your maths (if your taking this you should), you'll have a ball :).


New Member
May 19, 2009
Why are you going to major in accounting then?
why am i majoring in accounting?

1) couldn't go to US for other more interesting degrees because parents didn't allow
2) job prospects for a HRM major graduate seemed bleak at the time I applied to UNSW
3) Translation seemed like too much work at ANU
4) came to the wrong uni (but would Monash have been any better?)
5) ...honestly, maybe no true reason at all.


Jul 18, 2011
Commerce subjects are easy as fuck.

I got 93 for Accounting 1A and it took about 1/4 the amount of time as an engineering subject.

No wonder all the maths/finance students have such high wams , you have to be fucked in the head to get less than 85 for a commerce subject.

This semester is going to be a brezze for me (with the exception of management, thats meant to be a bit of a pain like english ).

12hr/week timetable , 3days/week , piss easy.

University for commerce students is just like high school pretty much, so much mothering , they actually take attendance at tutorials and put like 10% of the course marks for showing up to tuts. Engineering just lets you make your own choice.
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Apr 8, 2010
Commerce subjects are easy as fuck.

I got 93 for Accounting 1A and it took about 1/4 the amount of time as an engineering subject.

No wonder all the maths/finance students have such high wams , you have to be fucked in the head to get less than 85 for a commerce subject.

This semester is going to be a brezze for me (with the exception of management, thats meant to be a bit of a pain like english ).

12hr/week timetable , 3days/week , piss easy.

University for commerce students is just like high school pretty much, so much mothering , they actually take attendance at tutorials and put like 10% of the course marks for showing up to tuts. Engineering just lets you make your own choice.
Accounting is okay. But I didn't like it very much. Worked all sem and got 74. Not my forte really.

On the other hand, I did like two weeks worth of study for MATH2069 and got 97. The complex half was basically first year stuff and 4U complex numbers.

ELEC2141 wasn't too bad either. One night's study got me a 89 (Thanks to the substitute lecturer who basically gave away a whole question in the exam in arithmetic circuits). The assignment was fun as well. Got a group member who was a gun at Xilinx and got full marks. ELEC2134 was an absolute joke. I had seen most of the questions in the final exam from past papers given to me by friends. As a result I got 94 with two days study.

EDIT: I don't recommend anyone to slack off in these subjects. I'm trying to get my game up this semester because cramming is not good for higher years.
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Feb 7, 2006
Commerce subjects are easy as fuck.

I got 93 for Accounting 1A and it took about 1/4 the amount of time as an engineering subject.
That's because you're bad at engineering subjects and good at piss easy 1st year commerce.
No wonder all the maths/finance students have such high wams , you have to be fucked in the head to get less than 85 for a commerce subject.
Far from "all" maths/finance students have high wams. Also, first year commerce subjects like 1501 hardly count as anything serious. There are some very challenging courses later on which even competent mathematics majors and comm/eng students find hard. This is because it's past basic principles by that stage, and you have to understand things a bit deeper and analyse. A calculator might be able to learn a system such as that of accuonting 1a/1b, but will unlikely be able to truly comprehend the concepts which you will need to know in later courses and in your career. Additionally, a photographic memory is the same - it is certainly helpful to pass exams, but it won't help you comprehend.
This semester is going to be a brezze for me (with the exception of management, thats meant to be a bit of a pain like english ).
Oh, you're one of *those* people. English is easy. You do know that, don't you? Apart from using correct grammatical structure, you're required to analyse and comprehend... Oh, that's right, all commerce is easy based on a couple of first year subjects... Yet management - the easiest courses around and true wam boosters is apparently hard? LOL.

12hr/week timetable , 3days/week , piss easy.
Sure, but that's if you don't do any outside study and get p's (or f's). Especially later on, given that what you learn is assumed knowledge and going to lectures is often not enough to pass a course alone.

University for commerce students is just like high school pretty much, so much mothering , they actually take attendance at tutorials and put like 10% of the course marks for showing up to tuts. Engineering just lets you make your own choice.
WTF? None of my commerce courses have participation marks. However, although you don't formally get participation for engineering subjects, you get free marks. For eg - physics 1a - for copying your friend's lab books and getting full marks each lab, you get a free 25ish%. Prior to this session, it was an online midsession exam, where everyone would do it together. If you wrote down your name and something on the exam paper, you passed the course because failure in the final is normal. You can pass physics 1a without knowing anything all semester.

In commerce, you can't copy someone's books and pass. There are no online midsession exams. Where things are online, they're worth like 1% (or zero). Perdisco in accounting 1a was the only thing worth more, and that was 10% back in the day for me. Unless you're doing it with a friend or get someone else to do it for you (and then screw yourself for other assessments, etc) - you do it yourself.

Please, prior to making value judgements because of your oh so extensive commerce experience of 1-2 subjects, think coherently (or at least try to). If you think mgmt courses are hard because English is hard, perhaps you are more mathematically-inclined. However if you are incapable of analysis you shouldn't be in engineering either. Eventually, after you learn the hard theory and such you need to think. If you have trouble thinking with easy mgmt courses, you shouldn't be doing engineering... Or commerce, seeing as you judge entire degrees on 1 subject.

Notice how in my analysis, I didn't bag engineering degrees or students despite physics being a free pass. Additionally, I didn't bother mentioning the free distinction plus of Engg1000 but I may as well. There are easy and difficult subjects in all degrees and it is simplistic and down-right stupid to think otherwise.


Feb 7, 2006
Accounting is okay. But I didn't like it very much. Worked all sem and got 74. Not my forte really.

On the other hand, I did like two weeks worth of study for MATH2069 and got 97. The complex half was basically first year stuff and 4U complex numbers.

ELEC2141 wasn't too bad either. One night's study got me a 89 (Thanks to the substitute lecturer who basically gave away a whole question in the exam in arithmetic circuits). The assignment was fun as well. Got a group member who was a gun at Xilinx and got full marks. ELEC2134 was an absolute joke. I had seen most of the questions in the final exam from past papers given to me by friends. As a result I got 94 with two days study.

EDIT: I don't recommend anyone to slack off in these subjects. I'm trying to get my game up this semester because cramming is not good for higher years.

This post confirms my opinion. :)


New Member
Aug 23, 2011
I'm like six guys make CIV / arch together and hate with a passion for architecture. said something about them is rather pompous and arrogant, when engineers who put the "ideas" in action.


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
That's because you're bad at engineering subjects and good at piss easy 1st year commerce.

Far from "all" maths/finance students have high wams. Also, first year commerce subjects like 1501 hardly count as anything serious. There are some very challenging courses later on which even competent mathematics majors and comm/eng students find hard. This is because it's past basic principles by that stage, and you have to understand things a bit deeper and analyse. A calculator might be able to learn a system such as that of accuonting 1a/1b, but will unlikely be able to truly comprehend the concepts which you will need to know in later courses and in your career. Additionally, a photographic memory is the same - it is certainly helpful to pass exams, but it won't help you comprehend.

Oh, you're one of *those* people. English is easy. You do know that, don't you? Apart from using correct grammatical structure, you're required to analyse and comprehend... Oh, that's right, all commerce is easy based on a couple of first year subjects... Yet management - the easiest courses around and true wam boosters is apparently hard? LOL.

Sure, but that's if you don't do any outside study and get p's (or f's). Especially later on, given that what you learn is assumed knowledge and going to lectures is often not enough to pass a course alone.

WTF? None of my commerce courses have participation marks. However, although you don't formally get participation for engineering subjects, you get free marks. For eg - physics 1a - for copying your friend's lab books and getting full marks each lab, you get a free 25ish%. Prior to this session, it was an online midsession exam, where everyone would do it together. If you wrote down your name and something on the exam paper, you passed the course because failure in the final is normal. You can pass physics 1a without knowing anything all semester.

In commerce, you can't copy someone's books and pass. There are no online midsession exams. Where things are online, they're worth like 1% (or zero). Perdisco in accounting 1a was the only thing worth more, and that was 10% back in the day for me. Unless you're doing it with a friend or get someone else to do it for you (and then screw yourself for other assessments, etc) - you do it yourself.

Please, prior to making value judgements because of your oh so extensive commerce experience of 1-2 subjects, think coherently (or at least try to). If you think mgmt courses are hard because English is hard, perhaps you are more mathematically-inclined. However if you are incapable of analysis you shouldn't be in engineering either. Eventually, after you learn the hard theory and such you need to think. If you have trouble thinking with easy mgmt courses, you shouldn't be doing engineering... Or commerce, seeing as you judge entire degrees on 1 subject.

Notice how in my analysis, I didn't bag engineering degrees or students despite physics being a free pass. Additionally, I didn't bother mentioning the free distinction plus of Engg1000 but I may as well. There are easy and difficult subjects in all degrees and it is simplistic and down-right stupid to think otherwise.
commerce isn't harder than engineering m8

also Physics 1A is super hard even with all the free marks, you still have to get 30% in the final which isn't as easy as it sounds


That's because you're bad at engineering subjects and good at piss easy 1st year commerce.

Far from "all" maths/finance students have high wams. Also, first year commerce subjects like 1501 hardly count as anything serious. There are some very challenging courses later on which even competent mathematics majors and comm/eng students find hard. This is because it's past basic principles by that stage, and you have to understand things a bit deeper and analyse. A calculator might be able to learn a system such as that of accuonting 1a/1b, but will unlikely be able to truly comprehend the concepts which you will need to know in later courses and in your career. Additionally, a photographic memory is the same - it is certainly helpful to pass exams, but it won't help you comprehend.

Oh, you're one of *those* people. English is easy. You do know that, don't you? Apart from using correct grammatical structure, you're required to analyse and comprehend... Oh, that's right, all commerce is easy based on a couple of first year subjects... Yet management - the easiest courses around and true wam boosters is apparently hard? LOL.

Sure, but that's if you don't do any outside study and get p's (or f's). Especially later on, given that what you learn is assumed knowledge and going to lectures is often not enough to pass a course alone.

WTF? None of my commerce courses have participation marks. However, although you don't formally get participation for engineering subjects, you get free marks. For eg - physics 1a - for copying your friend's lab books and getting full marks each lab, you get a free 25ish%. Prior to this session, it was an online midsession exam, where everyone would do it together. If you wrote down your name and something on the exam paper, you passed the course because failure in the final is normal. You can pass physics 1a without knowing anything all semester.

In commerce, you can't copy someone's books and pass. There are no online midsession exams. Where things are online, they're worth like 1% (or zero). Perdisco in accounting 1a was the only thing worth more, and that was 10% back in the day for me. Unless you're doing it with a friend or get someone else to do it for you (and then screw yourself for other assessments, etc) - you do it yourself.

Please, prior to making value judgements because of your oh so extensive commerce experience of 1-2 subjects, think coherently (or at least try to). If you think mgmt courses are hard because English is hard, perhaps you are more mathematically-inclined. However if you are incapable of analysis you shouldn't be in engineering either. Eventually, after you learn the hard theory and such you need to think. If you have trouble thinking with easy mgmt courses, you shouldn't be doing engineering... Or commerce, seeing as you judge entire degrees on 1 subject.

Notice how in my analysis, I didn't bag engineering degrees or students despite physics being a free pass. Additionally, I didn't bother mentioning the free distinction plus of Engg1000 but I may as well. There are easy and difficult subjects in all degrees and it is simplistic and down-right stupid to think otherwise.
Haven't seen this is in long time, bit strange someone just bumped it.

Where to start?

" you have to understand things a bit deeper and analyse" - notice bit. If I have learnt anything from university and from higher year university students it is that if you know the basics really well then the later courses naturally follow with not too much difficulty (this works for both engineering and commerce).

" Yet management - the easiest courses around and true wam boosters is apparently hard? LOL" - not particularly hard, I just don't like all the writting. How hard is it to "analyse" lol. I will summarise all management courses and academic papers about management in two words "effiecency, effectiveness" (The lecturer in charge has probably said this atleast 10times in each of the lectures he has taken). I got the first MGMT essay back, got 79 for it. It's just the writting that I don't like. I can make up a story and ramble on about effiecency , effectiveness, turnover, retraining costs and all that bullshit easy , it won't be the best story around, but it will be pretty good. Also, I find the tutorials a complete waste of time for this subject. Like wtf, the only reason I go to them is put they have attendance marks on them (like every commerce subject) and they have spot collections in tutorials that are worth marks (lol , checking homework, what an embarassment).

"However if you are incapable of analysis you shouldn't be in engineering either. Eventually, after you learn the hard theory and such you need to think." - you are usually thinking while you learn it, dumb twat. Engineers analyse useful shit, Management academics talk SHIT. They are basically pyschologists. It's not hard to ramble on about people's feelings and what not. "ohhh.... and how does that make you feel?" LOL

"you get free marks. For eg - physics 1a - for copying your friend's lab books and getting full marks each lab" - No, it's not quite that easy. Also, why are you assuming that everyone will always be copying of someone else (this argument as holds when you mentioned the online midsession for physics)? Also, a bit of it comes down to luck. Yes you can usually be gauranteed to get 3/5 for each lab exercise (not very good) but there are some lab demonstrators that are complete assholes and won't give full marks , and others that give full marks really easy. I got a lot of 4/5's because of asshole markers. Also, I did ELEC2141 last semester and they were so fucking strict about marking labs it was not funny. The lab "demonstrators" would hardly help you and each lab felt like a mini exam, wtf? They were so careful about not giving everyone the same questions (in case people overheard the answer).

"I didn't bother mentioning the free distinction plus of Engg1000 but I may as well."- How wrong you are dickhead. It depends a fair bit on luck. You are randomly put into teams, you get a shit team then you get a shit mark, whether you like it or not. Also, even though they say they scale the marks so the people that picked the school which the harder projects (usually from CSE or Electrical Eng) aren't disadvantaged, that is a load of crap. Some of the projects (especially the civil ones, lol build a small model bridge, wow!) are way easier than elec projects (especially to a person that literally knows very little about circuits before university) and they don't consider this when they give out marks :| . It is well known that ENGG1000 is a course most people are MEANT to do bad at (and this was stated a few times at electrical eng's engg1000 test day last semester).
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Mar 24, 2009
No, ENGG1000 is free marks and most eng students will happily admit that. Nobody I know got less than a C. A mate of mine who did the PV project lost his entire project about half a week before the final demonstration, and his team hated him (for good reason). He rebuilt it all in 2 days, still pulled a high C.


No, ENGG1000 is free marks and most eng students will happily admit that. Nobody I know got less than a C. A mate of mine who did the PV project lost his entire project about half a week before the final demonstration, and his team hated him (for good reason). He rebuilt it all in 2 days, still pulled a high C.
I'm sorry but you are wrong son. I got 66 for ENGG1000 doing the electrical project. Yes, it is a credit but it's still a fucking shit mark at that. I would have easily got better marks if I did an extra maths subject or a commerce subject instead. Just because everyone's gauranteed at least 65 doesn't mean it's "free marks" (it still goes on my WAM as a pretty shit result) . Yes, that's probably a higher grade than what MOST fail engineering students would get for maths or physics (but not all of them, ie. not me) and that's why some will admit that it's free marks because it's probably the only credit they have ever got at university because they are so lazy.
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Mar 24, 2009
Nah you're just shit and probably got raped by your group in peer reviews because you did fuck all and thought you were heaps mad

Yes, that's probably a higher grade than what MOST fail engineering students would get for maths or physics
Of course 66 is higher than a fail student. What is your point? Everyone I talk to who did ENGG1000 reckons it's free marks, and they all performed well in other subjects too.


New Member
Sep 27, 2011
MATH1081 -
Ease: 7/10 - I don't get how people can think this subject is too tough, yes it is tough but if you put in the work it really isn't that bad.
Lecturer(s): Angel - 10/10 very good lecturer, engages the students and occasionally goes off on short, interesting tangents without straying from what he's trying to teach.
Jefferies: 5/10 - Hate his notes and isn't very engaging. You can tell he knows what he's talking about but has trouble articulating it well. My tutor is 10/10 also, luckily enough.
Interest: 8/10 - some parts are 10/10 here (proofs is my fave) other parts aren't as interesting.
Overall: 8/10

MATH1131 -
Ease: 9/10 -Having to do this second semester means I couldn't pick 1141, so it's even easier than I had hoped. Having done 4U helps a bunch though. Funnily enough the parts of the course not in 4U (eg matrices etc) is the easiest part, in my opinion.
Lecturer(s): 8/10 don't turn up to the lectures much but both are pretty good. Not too engaging but really know their stuff well and articulate it well.
Interest: 4/10 - Having done most of this shit 3 times now (4U, at another uni then transfering too late to get equivalency marks) it really really wears thin. If it were my first time I'd give it an 8.
Overall: 6/10

Ease: I'll get back to you on that, depends on the final
Lecturers: John Webb 10/10 fucking brilliant. Lead the research on the variability of the fine constant and really really knows his shit: http://arxiv.org/find/astro-ph/1/au:+Webb_J/0/1/0/all/0/1 when teaching projectile motion he brought in general relativity.
not sure of the name of the other lecture havn't turned up in ages 4/10
Interest: 7/10 (+2 because of webb)
overall 7/10

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