err alrite, I have no one to take me to the gym (10 min drive, I dont have Ps yet), thats why I'm working out at home with pretty much a bench and dumbbells, thats about it, and how come isolation exercises are bad?Do some squats okay
Judging by your equipment, I assume you're working out at home. A gym membership/heavier weights would be good, but if you can't afford it, just try to do bodyweight stuff, I'd do pushups and variations on them, instead of chest press.
Do a couple of million burpees
isolation exercises, especially ab isolation, is bad.
how come? I might sound stupid but how do those help with abs and biceps? I mean a little yes but ripped?Incorporating heavy resistance training of glutes and quads is the quickest way to achieve ripped abs and 18 inch biceps,
lol i so massif l00k at my hu3g armsHeavy compound movements are the most effective way to stimulate the release of HGH and testosterone, which will contribute to hypertrophy everywhere in all your skeletal muscle, assuming diet is sufficient.
visible abs are mostly a product of low body fat, there are heaps of guys who look like this
Chest - 8kg each arm:
Flat Chest Presses 3 x 12
Flat Chest Flies 3 x 12
Biceps - 10kg each arm:
Hammer curls 3 x 8
Concentration Curls 3 x 8
Decline Seated Bicep Curls 3 x 8
Legs: Jogging/Running
Sit Ups 3 x 30
Bent-Knee Hip Raise 3 x 30
Exercise Ball Crunch 3 x 30
Standing Lateral Stretch 4 x 40 (2 x 40 each side)
Shoulder - 8kg each arm:
Lateral Raises 3 x 12
Front Raises 3 x 12
Trapezius - 8kg each arm:
Upright Rows 3 x 12
Shrugs 3 x 20
Legs: Jogging/Running
Sit Ups 3 x 30
Bent-Knee Hip Raise 3 x 30
Exercise Ball Crunch 3 x 30
Triceps - 8kg each arm:
Overhead Triceps Extensions 3 x 12
French Presses 3 x 12
Chin-Ups 3 x Fail
Legs: Jogging/Running
Sit Ups 3 x 30
Bent-Knee Hip Raise 3 x 30
Exercise Ball Crunch 3 x 30
Standing Lateral Stretch 4 x 40 (2 x 40 each side)
Thursday: Day Off
Chest - 8kg each arm:
Flat Chest Presses 3 x 12
Flat Chest Flies 3 x 12
Biceps - 10kg each arm:
Hammer curls 3 x 8
Concentration Curls 3 x 8
Decline Seated Bicep Curls 3 x 8
Legs: Jogging/Running
Sit Ups 3 x 30
Bent-Knee Hip Raise 3 x 30
Exercise Ball Crunch 3 x 30
Standing Lateral Stretch 4 x 40 (2 x 40 each side)
Shoulder - 8kg each arm:
Lateral Raises 3 x 12
Front Raises 3 x 12
Trapezius - 8kg each arm:
Upright Rows 3 x 12
Shrugs 3 x 20
Triceps - 8kg each arm:
Overhead Triceps Extensions 3 x 12
French Presses 3 x 12
Chin-Ups 3 x Fail
Legs: Jogging/Running
Sit Ups 3 x 30
Bent-Knee Hip Raise 3 x 30
Exercise Ball Crunch 3 x 30
fuckin loledwhat
what are legs
Don't be pussy. Go to gym.Alrite then, can you guys gimme a routine which I can follow since mine is so shit?Make it home friendly if possible, if not I'll have to join a gym, both versions would be nice, thank-you.
Most of the time i can hardly get 1g/lbs. Pretty damn hard if you're at uni/work. Only way to consistently get that whilst training is pretty much protein shakes tbhEat lots of protein. The minimum amount should be 1.5g* lbs of bodyweight.
actually, i think you would've consumed even less than that. Your body can only absorb 50g of protein per meal.. although the exact amount varies from person to person. You might have to search this upok if i eat a 300gm chicken breast for dinner and i had a 300gm steak for lunch thats still only like 130 gram of protein