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Way to chuck out John Howard! (1 Viewer)

paper cup

Apr 24, 2004
thorrnydevil said:
Wasn't twistedd the first to have the Mark Latham banner on his sig? He should be the one to "invite" people to put it on.

I want to know who came up with the slogan Taking the pressure off families.. If they had gone to school they would have realised that the correct word to use would be FROM, instead of OFF. From a person, off a thing.

Although I dont necessarily agree that women should stay home, I have to disagree with you saying that stay at home mothers are no more. In fact, the numbers of stay at home mums has dramatically risen over the last 5 years.
oh now you're just doing a tully.
with leetom all the way, confounded glass ceiling, confounded discrimination against women in the workplace. women need to get out there and do something other than raise babies. but if that's what they like, whatever.
so, I was just wondering, why do your guys support the parties you support?
what is so bad about latham?


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
cherryblossom said:
oh now you're just doing a tully.
with leetom all the way, confounded glass ceiling, confounded discrimination against women in the workplace. women need to get out there and do something other than raise babies. but if that's what they like, whatever.
so, I was just wondering, why do your guys support the parties you support?
what is so bad about latham?
Cherry, I dont care for your Feminism, if you'd like to talk about that please, start another thread. Women have the right to do whatever the fuck they want to do.

I support the Liberals because I was brought up in a Liberal house, we where middle class and the Labor Party and the Unions fucked around with my dad, who was a bulider from the age of 16. My mum was also a nurse. Howard and his government looked after us, instead of screwing us around. In fact, my dad was so Laborised at one stage that he was an executive on the Builders Union.

Let me tell you a story of my dad getting srcrewed over.
The year was 19something and I was a wee child. My dad took on an apprentice carpenter who was the son of an extremely rich man (yes, rich kids become carpenters).
Well, this rich kid got piss drunk and went onto the site and completely fucked everything on the site up, including his own tools.
My dad went to the Union which he had supported for years. The fuck wits of the union decided that it was my dads responsibility to pay for the damage, and the little dicks tools. This was after the Police had arrested the kid for vandalism, drunkenly disorder and a hole wrap sheet of offences. In my dads time of need the Union turned there backs on us and defended the rich.

Haha...and they claim to be for the little people...I dont think so.

Latham is just another trade union cronny, he hasn't put in the effort to become Prime Minister.

Why do you support the ALP?
Whats wrong with Howard?


New Member
Mar 3, 2004
John Howard has been one of the biggest disgraces Australia has ever seen for a Prime Minister. Some reasons are as follows:
1. Since election Mr Howard has personally told over 37 lies including the introduction of the GST, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the children overboard scandal and there never being $100 000 university degrees. (see www.johnhowardlies.com.au)
2. He is an unabashed hypocrite - during Bob Hawke's term as Prime Minister Mr Howard was quoted as saying "No doubt in the coming months we shall be buried with a deluge of taxpayer-funded propoganda" - October 1995. However among many other such campaigns he has recently used $123 million worth of taxpayers funds for advertising what he wishes to do to medicare.
3. He is trying to buy an elcetion - firstly there were the family bonuses of two $600 installments. Most recently he has provided funding for stadiums in marginal seats, after previously stating that such funding was not the rolse of the federal government with relation to the safe labour seat that Newcaslte's Energy Australia Stadium is situated.

I could go on like this for hours but it just depresses me. Please if you vote in this election vote according to Labour how to vote cards. - Daniel


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
richo_2290 said:
John Howard has been one of the biggest disgraces Australia has ever seen for a Prime Minister. Some reasons are as follows:
1. Since election Mr Howard has personally told over 37 lies including the introduction of the GST, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the children overboard scandal and there never being $100 000 university degrees. (see www.johnhowardlies.com.au)
2. He is an unabashed hypocrite - during Bob Hawke's term as Prime Minister Mr Howard was quoted as saying "No doubt in the coming months we shall be buried with a deluge of taxpayer-funded propoganda" - October 1995. However among many other such campaigns he has recently used $123 million worth of taxpayers funds for advertising what he wishes to do to medicare.
3. He is trying to buy an elcetion - firstly there were the family bonuses of two $600 installments. Most recently he has provided funding for stadiums in marginal seats, after previously stating that such funding was not the rolse of the federal government with relation to the safe labour seat that Newcaslte's Energy Australia Stadium is situated.

I could go on like this for hours but it just depresses me. Please if you vote in this election vote according to Labour how to vote cards. - Daniel
1. Around half of the lies are fabrications, and did you know that everyone lies...give the man a break.
2. The $123 million spent on the Medicare campaign was necessary to educate people on how the new Mediacare system worked, it wasn't "taxpayer funded propaganda." It was necessary advertising.
3. Ever heard of the Budget, ever heard of a surplus, we have both of these! It was necessary to bring down the surplus (as it was way to high). This is why people recieved the $600 Family Tax Benefit A and B payments. Do you know why they Federal Government had to pay for the Stadiums? Its because the States are to cheap to finance them, thus making the Commonwealth do it. The Stadiums were becoming unsafe and disgusting.

Please, if your going to be stupid enopugh to vote for the Labor Party at least spell the name right...ITS LABOR.


New Member
Mar 3, 2004
he still lied

couldnt give a rats cock about the spelling. prove that the facts used to support the lies are fabrications. you hav no evidence - all you do is run your little mouth - aha now i see why you like the guy. as far as your little sob story goes, the union wasnt supporting the rich it was supporting the green apprentice - who while he did the wrong thing - was still a little guy. it was his father who was rich. and which union was this specifically? cause it sounds odd for a decent union to support somebody without checking their facts. As far as the stadiums go the federal government was MATCHING the funds provided by the state LabOr (happy?) governments. The point i was making was Mr Howard only sees fit to do so in marginal seats. And the medicare ads are clearly propaganda, Hitler would be proud!
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Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
richo_2290 said:
couldnt give a rats cock about the spelling. prove that the facts used to support the lies are fabrications. you hav no evidence - all you do is run your little mouth - aha now i see why you like the guy. as far as your little sob story goes, the union wasnt supporting the rich it was supporting the green apprentice - who while he did the wrong thing - was still a little guy. it was his father who was rich. and which union was this specifically? cause it sounds odd for a decent union to support somebody without checking their facts.
Do you know what the "green apprentice" did?

He left thye building industry to work for his father because the members of the union (not the cocks) gave him a hard time, and nobody was going to employ a risky dog.


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
richo_2290 said:
couldnt give a rats cock about the spelling. prove that the facts used to support the lies are fabrications. you hav no evidence - all you do is run your little mouth - aha now i see why you like the guy. as far as your little sob story goes, the union wasnt supporting the rich it was supporting the green apprentice - who while he did the wrong thing - was still a little guy. it was his father who was rich. and which union was this specifically? cause it sounds odd for a decent union to support somebody without checking their facts.
BTW, I'll check out from my dad which Union it was, but I'm pretty sure it was the Builders or Construction Union or something along those lines.


New Member
Mar 3, 2004
fair enough. but i suggest learning what your on about before you say somthing so passionately. It sounds like the Master Builders Association, who arent a trade union at all but they are an employers group whos sole motivation in life is to be a pain in the arse for unions and their members. They are also regular donators to the liberal and national partys.


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
richo_2290 said:
fair enough. but i suggest learning what your on about before you say somthing so passionately. It sounds like the Master Builders Association, who arent a trade union at all but they are an employers group whos sole motivation in life is to be a pain in the arse for unions and their members. They are also regular donators to the liberal and national partys.
No, it wasn't the "Master Builders Association" it was most definetly a Trade Union...my dad was a huge Labor supporter.


Ancient Member
Jun 14, 2004
richo_2290 said:
fair enough. but i suggest learning what your on about before you say somthing so passionately. It sounds like the Master Builders Association, who arent a trade union at all but they are an employers group whos sole motivation in life is to be a pain in the arse for unions and their members. They are also regular donators to the liberal and national partys.
And I do know what I'm talking about, the problem is my dad lives in Sydney and I live in Port Macquarie.


Passive-aggressive Mod
May 10, 2004
richo_2290 said:
John Howard has been one of the biggest disgraces Australia has ever seen for a Prime Minister. Some reasons are as follows:
1. Since election Mr Howard has personally told over 37 lies including the introduction of the GST, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the children overboard scandal and there never being $100 000 university degrees. (see www.johnhowardlies.com.au)

3. He is trying to buy an elcetion - firstly there were the family bonuses of two $600 installments. Most recently he has provided funding for stadiums in marginal seats, after previously stating that such funding was not the rolse of the federal government with relation to the safe labour seat that Newcaslte's Energy Australia Stadium is situated.

I could go on like this for hours but it just depresses me. Please if you vote in this election vote according to Labour how to vote cards. - Daniel

1. In an ever-changing world, it is often the case that the previous decisions and 'promises' made by a government must be revised to suit the new socioeconomic environment. Two of the points raised above are examples of these revised decisions. Lets take these two points, namely the introduction of the GST and university fees and evaluate why these decisions were changed. The GST is a tax introduced - not as a tax to simply build upon other taxes, but to replace a whole host of unfair and trivial taxes. It was also introduced to combat the 'black market', which had been previously operating through loop-holes left in Labor tax policy. Therefore, the GST is not a 'lie', but an informed, reasonable decision to make the standard of living in Australia fairer. University fees are of a separate issue, determined by the STATE government and the universities themselves. Universities have a right to charge full-fee paying students whatever they deem necessary to ensure the continuing standard of education. Of course, fees of $100, 000 dollars or more are rare and dependant on the university. On the topic of boat people, comments were made on the information given to the Prime Minister at the time; these were honest opinions derived from the available evidence. Once the evidence had become available, comments were changed to fit this new evidence. This demonstrates not a culture of deciet but a culture of truth and as for the weapons of mass destruction, there is neither evidence proving or disproving their existence; however, the most likely secenario is that the weapons were moved in the months prior to the war, therefore they cannot be found - not because the don't exist, but because they had been dismantled and shipped out of the country. In any case, the PM's comments can be construed as neither false or true when no conclusive evidence has been presented before parliament. Any more questions?

3. It has been conclusively proven that both past and present Labor government/parties has been caught in the act of vote-wroughting. Only a matter of weeks ago, the Latham government was found to be caught up in these dealings which undermine the very morals and principals of our society. Like Paul Keating before him (caught falsifying over 40,000 votes), Latham is already taken steps towards these ILLEGAL activities. For a party which boasts 'fairness for all', these actions reveal a great deal about the party's true intentions and lack of both leadership and loyalty to the public. This is the first of their many downfalls.
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Feb 4, 2004
richo_2290 said:
Most recently he has provided funding for stadiums in marginal seats, after previously stating that such funding was not the rolse of the federal government with relation to the safe labour seat that Newcaslte's Energy Australia Stadium is situated.

Complete and utter nonsense.

The first stadium is in Penrith in the electorate of Lindsay - an electorate that has shifted massively into the liberal fold and is no longer really marginal. The ALP is not targeting this seat in the election and the Liberal party does not expect to lose it.

The second stadium is in footsgray in the SAFE ALP SEAT OF GELLIBRAND in Melbourne's western suburbs so you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.


If you're after pork-barrelling try this:



Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
ohne said:
Complete and utter nonsense.
The first stadium is in Penrith in the electorate of Lindsay - an electorate that has shifted massively into the liberal fold and is no longer really marginal. The ALP is not targeting this seat in the election and the Liberal party does not expect to lose it.
Ummm, are you sure? Jackie Kelly is far from being a popular MP and Bradbury has been heavily involved in local affairs since the last election... It is far from being the relatively safe Liberal seat that you believe, especially with both Labor and the Coalition campaigning for the 'aspirtational' suburban vote.
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May 14, 2004
thorrnydevil said:
And I do know what I'm talking about, the problem is my dad lives in Sydney and I live in Port Macquarie.
this is utterly off the point, but i live in Port Macquarie!


May 14, 2004
Asquithian said:

2. Accusing the ALP of illegal activities! WTF...if what you suggest was true the ALP would be deregistered...
the Labor party may be dumb arses when it comes to real policies but they are smart enough not to get themselves deregistered. these findings above were released by the electrol commission. One example of the their illegal activities were the thousands of names enrolled whose adresses simply did not exist. the most amusing of these are houses on the other side of a road next to a bay. Houseboats perhaps? and of course the power black out in Keating's second last election where a hacker was hired by the government to increase Labor's votes, a man was implemented and arrested for this offence he is currently serving a lengthy sentence. just a few of their many illegal activities
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there's too many of them!
Jul 2, 2004
Thorny, just because the kid who messed up the construction site had rich parents does not mean he should be expected to pay the damages. He was probably a rich little bastard and deserved to be punished, but making his dad pay for the damages would have no effect on the kid. Also, you're throwing stones at the wealthy, effectively inciting a 'class war'. Your Coalition superiours would be ashamed of you.

The kid was booted out of the profession by decent union members, and if the union is as powerful as you say it is, the chance of that kid getting a job in the construction industry is now very minimal.

You and your dad are Labor men at heart, stop deluding yourself. The difference between you and kwayera is that kwayera is the ideal liberal voter, her family CAN afford private education and health care. She is one of the few that can live without all the benefits a Labor government provides. She is a person who doesn't care if the majority of the population go without quality health care and education, as long as she can have them. Such individualism is what spawns support for the Liberal party and thorny, you are not an individualist.


there's too many of them!
Jul 2, 2004
ellymelly said:
the Labor party may be dumb arses when it comes to real policies but they are smart enough not to get themselves deregistered. these findings above were released by the electrol commission. One example of the their illegal activities were the thousands of names enrolled whose adresses simply did not exist. the most amusing of these are houses on the other side of a road next to a bay. Houseboats perhaps? and of course the power black out in Keating's second last election where a hacker was hired by the government to increase Labor's votes, a man was implemented and arrested for this offence he is currently serving a lengthy sentence. just a few of their many illegal activities
That's crap. If it were true, the libs would of made sure everybody knew by now.


Passive-aggressive Mod
May 10, 2004
leetom said:
You and your dad are Labor men at heart, stop deluding yourself. The difference between you and kwayera is that kwayera is the ideal liberal voter, her family CAN afford private education and health care. She is one of the few that can live without all the benefits a Labor government provides. She is a person who doesn't care if the majority of the population go without quality health care and education, as long as she can have them. Such individualism is what spawns support for the Liberal party and thorny, you are not an individualist.
Once again, I find a Labor supporter guilty of making sweeping (and incorrect) assumptions about myself.

Yes, my family can afford a private education and health care. However, the Labor government would DISADVANTAGE my family (and thus my education) by forcing my school to up their fees to such a degree that if I was only just starting my school life rather than only having a year left (and my sister finishing), we would NOT be able to afford the school I am currently at.

And yes, I DO care that 'the majority of the popultion goes without the health care and education' that I enjoy (however, I find it interesting that you imply that a puplic education is of a lesser standard than mine; while Generator and Asquithian resent that notion whole-heartedly). The Labor government would not help that - rather, it would create a situation where more students would be forced to attend lower-fee (i.e. public) schools to such a degree that the increase in funding would be superfluous and thus create an imbalance.

I resent that you think me so heartless as to 'not care' about those 'less fortunate' than I (however, that 'fortune' was only made by sheer labour; my family was at the very line of poverty when I was a baby).

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