I think most people who has experienced uni would agree with me here:
Week 1-3: "OMG UNI is SOOO easy, there's NOTHING to do! No assignments, No homework, the course material is SO easy! gonna get HD for sure."
Week 4-7: "OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING??! Why all of the sudden we have so much to learn and revise?? argh...haven't done my readings for the past 2 weeks. ARGH! Mid-semester exams coming! oh and need to do some research for upcoming assignments/reports"
Thank god for the mid-semester break to catch up on a bit of work. but bludged 90% of the the break and still behind!
Week 8-12: "^%#$##@$^% Need to finish multiple assignments this week. CRAP! did poorly in the mid-semester tests, need to do well! NO time to do readings at all! never mind, i'll have to use the cramming method to prepare for upcoming exams!"
Week 13 to 14 (for some): "ARGHHHH Exams COMING! *dead* Fail in XXXX1YYY for sure! noooooo....need to cram harder! CRAM! STUPID BRAIN! DAMMIT! I am SO WORRIED! I just need 50! Gimmmeee!" *sniffs*
There is a typical semester of a uni student