info sys is largely bullshit. the parts of it that arent completely wrong are more or less useless, and its fairly moot as noone is going to put a graduate in a position of designing things (unless you happen to work at a tiny company as a jack of all trades).
the business side of IT is very different from the technical side, which is why many programmers who start companies fail, and the board of many successful IT companies will have only maybe 1 or 2 (if that) members who understand the technical side, out of 10 or 12.
your best bet would be to do a business degree with maybe a bit of info sys, maybe not, but to supplement your degree with industry specific knowledge. you can do this by
- reading the business section of the paper each day, looking for articles relating to IT companies
- reading books on IT business people. (maybe start with steve ballmer and lou gerstner)
if you want to work in the business side of IT, you will have much more success getting a job being able explain why (and how) steve ballmer deserves to make more money doing his daily poop than most people make in a year, rather than to be able to draw a few diagrams that will never reflect reality.
from a marketing perspective (as in, marketing yourself to prospective employers), it is useful having something vaugely IT related on your degree name, so a BBus (Info Sys) wouldnt hurt. but make sure you can talk the talk.
another thing, you usually have a lot of freedom chosing units within a degree. i did a BSc in computing and along the way couldve done african drumming and some business units, if i wanted too.