Biggest thing happened today.
Well I walked out of the freezer after spending about 30 mins in it and then brought all my boxes of frozen products to Bakery and then walked back to the freezer to hang my coat up. So I hang my coat up, stand there for a few seconds and then walk into backdock.
Where I hanged my coat up there is 2-door fire exit.
So anyways as soon as I walked into backdock an alarm/siren sounded, I thought thats a bit weird and my first thought was perhaps a trolley accidently pushed the fire exit door open (as it has happened before-real old fire exit door). Then someone from Bakery came running over saying they saw someone run through the door and a customer said they saw someone run out. Sure enough I looked at the door and the plastic seal was broken.
So I run outside to the backdock yard (our store has an outside bit). The fire exit actually would be useless in a fire situation because it leads to a fenced in area. No one was in the yard.
So then I run over to the phone, I consider calling a service 100 over the PA but there were already like 20 staff members that had been alerted due to the alarm that were hanging around. So then I try to call a manager on the phone, no one picks up and then I run to express where the duty manager is serving. Told her what was going on and she just thought it was a false alarm and just turned it off.
So then we both go into the yard and there was a door that can be opened from the inside to get out. Then we went outside and asked the trolley contractors who don't speak any English if they saw anything. They said they did, but couldn't tell us anything else.
So then me and the duty manager go upstairs to check the cameras and surely enough we were able to track the guy that ran out the door on the camera and get a reasonable sized picture shot. He had something black in his hand, either a handbag/purse or a packet of meat. We weren't able to get a clear shot of his face because he wasn't looking directly at the camera. But we switched to another view from the front of the store facing all the way to the back of the store and we could make out a very fuzzly figure hanging around meat. We didn't have enough time to check the front-end cameras because we had no idea when he entered the store or through which entrance (front gates, liquor or a checkout).
Its times like this I love working for woolworths, the thrill and excitement of running around the store, checking cameras and working out what happened. Duty manager is going to let the SM know tomorrow morning, then probably phone loss prevention and maybe even get a better view of the persons face on the camera. Hoping that it gets posted on one of those red alert things on the wall.