pretty shit.. only a slab of chicken leg chopped into many pieces.. not enough rice, not enough chicken, dirty utensils, small plate..Ivan's Refinery.
Satay/Roast chicken.
Highly recommend.
I wish theres a sub in/near unsw i would fkn go there everydayWe have a subway. Mmmm. Meatball sub.
how cheap?chemist next to the comp now (apple) store has the cheapest iced tea.
tommy where's that chicken place?
Probably $2.50how cheap?
i shat my pants when i paid $4 for iced tea at the food court
Lol I should have realised this earlier, I didn't know such thing existed until second yr.there's maccas across the road, flash your student ID and get a free upsize.
butter chick was $6.90 with rice. middle price range, but needs to be about $5 like HS. Probably UNSW charges some crazy rents.