Not really
My teacher says if you drill it in your mind it becomes extremely easy and later you dont need to study as much
I have found that when i learn new topics i do alot of it drill it into my mind and i dont need to study as much
MAKE SURE THAT YOU REVIEW! Honestly, it's happened to me multiple times where I've completely owned a topic- done all of the questions and more and I come back to it 2 months later and have to relearn the entire topic. This happened to me right now with Inverse Trig Functions. :/ So your hard work becomes useless if you don't review and constantly keep your knowledge alive.
I agree that Cambridge, Fitzpatrick, and some of the Excel books are very good- The Purple 'Fast Track' ones nicely cover all that you need to know for the HSC. I like to, at the very least, look at Maths Online lessons before we start anything new in class. It will really help you if you do that- just get a feel for what you will be doing tomorrow and try a few questions. You'll be able to follow your teacher better and know that most of what he says may already be in your textbook etc (This applies for all subjects).
The most important thing is to have your own facts book. Also to be labelled as a 'Stuff I don't know'. This is where you put all of your class notes, summaries, formulas and basic hints. I know that some people like to have a mistakes book- where they put all of the qu's they have trouble with or found difficult in a book. You can do that. I personally use a highlighting system. I highlight the qu's I found difficult and need to ask my teacher about in pink. Then when I feel that I've completed it, and done it correctly on my own, I put a big tick next to it (You only know how to do something when you can complete it correctly without looking at a worked solution) When I feel that something is a good question and seems like it would be really helpful for revision, I put a big love heart next to it. Do whatever works for you
But yeah, consistency is key. And be smart with your time and your resources- the highlighting thingy really helps me. One of my teachers has said that the more you decrease the resale value of the textbook, the more you are probably getting out of it.

Badger your teachers, in a nice way, and ask lots of questions.
Good luck