I don't want to sound like a big fat bastard... But I think you won't get a good mark for this....
The fundamental question is focused on the international business cycle, which is the cycle of world OUTPUT, and how the government had used strategies to respond to the international business cycle. What I did is identified that the international business cycle is currently in a contractionary period due to the debt crisis in the West and America's fundamental problem of NFD at around 70% of GDP.... Then I discussed what economic strategies the country I have chosen used in response to this situation.....
If you talk about ' decolectivisation, commertialisation, open door policy, acceptance of fdi and removal of protectionist policies which allowed china to become integrated into the world economy/subjected to the int.business cycle then used shitloads of statistics and chinas current account surplus' I think you might be missing the whole fundamental point of the question... because if the question is asking generally about the international business cycle, it's totally fruitless.... It could boom, bust, whatever... but if you used all these globalisation theories and prepared answers and stats....
I believe this is not what the question is asking, I believe the question is asking for a MUCH more open view and update on the news about your chosen country and their response to perhaps current or previous international business cycles? I might be wrong...... I don't know....