Here is the be all end all: Killing 8 cells in your uterus is not murder, killing a 5 month old foetus is
Wrong negro. Nothing you abort is ever just going to have 8 cells. I've never heard of a blastocyst being aborted, unless you count the morning after pill or RU48.
I still see no distinction between an early abortion and a 5 month abortion. A 5 month old foetus equates to a 20 week foetus. A 20 week foetus is not viable, they cannot live outside the womb with or without intensive medical intervention. 20 weeks also coincides with the foetal morphology scan, which is when many anomalies are picked up.
Are you saying it's murder, or unethical, or cruel to terminate a 20 week foetus if it's discovered to have disabilities not compatible with life? What if it's discovered the foetus has a brain malformation and will never survive outside the uterus, an inoperable heart condition, a genetic condition such as Turner's, or a fatal neural tube defect? What if it's discovered it doesn't have essential organs like kidneys?
You suggest it's better to jeopordise the woman's life to continue carrying a non viable foetus for as long as possible, because a still born or a horrible deformed infant that lives for 20 minutes is better than terminating?
You know that with certain conditions that are untreatable, the decision is often made by the parents in consultation with medicos to turn off life support or cease feeding tubes, dose the newborn up with morphine and let it quietly slip into permanent sleep - you guys do realise that essentially, this already happens?
The thing is okay you guys all harp on about humans and shit but not one of you have been able to explain why if humans are the higher beings on Earth, why we treat animals which we consider to be inferior, with more dignity and respect when it comes quality of life.