Recent content by adsta

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    Australian Music Scene

    Don't think I saw The Baby Animals mentioned. They were one of my favourite Australian bands.
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    Advice on Getting a Guitar!

    The advice I give my students is this, firstly buy a classical guitar (nylon string). They are generally cheap as (but you can get really good ones for a lot of $$$). If you find yourself practicing everyday and enjoying it 6 months later, then you can start looking at a more expensive guitar...
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    Piercings and Tattoos

    Yeah, the risk are very true. But if you get it done by a good piercer you'll be fine. The nerve is located more towards the inner part of your eyebrow (towards your nose), and for it to hit, the piercer would have to go pretty deep (i.e. they are a crap piercer and don't know what they are doing).
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    Do Chuck Taylors only look good with jeans/pants?

    You thought you were bored. Should see this guys site He makes comparisons with chucks from the 1950's.
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    I thought that too until I heard his song "crying". Ends up he has a number of really melodic songs that have made me change my view on his playing.
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    Do Chuck Taylors only look good with jeans/pants?

    Thats true. My dad used to wear them and now I do. Looking at his photo's, they haven't changed much at all. Yeah, those black ones with black rubber look pretty bad I reckon. I think it was Garth from waynes world that wore them in the movie. Kind of defeats the purpose of wearing chucks...
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    Piercings and Tattoos

    Clear or white fluid (lymph) is fine. This is a sign that they are still healing. Once it has stopped for two weeks, you can be pretty sure that it has fully healed (should be healed at 6 weeks if it's in your lobe). If the lymph comes out a greeny or browny colour, then go see a doctor because...
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    are there any titanium cranium's in here...(metal heads) :P hehe \m/

    You have an awesome taste in music. Quite a bit of mixture too:) Anyway, I'm so happy. I used to have to travel into the city to get all my metal albums (utopia or red eye). But just recently jb hifi opened up down the road and I was suprised to see their large selection in the genre. They...
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    Where's your computer located?

    Mines in my room lol
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    Children Of Bodom

    I''ve tried to get into children of bodom, but I just can't. The guitarist annoys the hell out of me as well (just some of the stupid comments he has made).
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    songs that psyche you up

    Metalwrath by Amon Amarth Gets me motivated at the gym:)
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    are there any titanium cranium's in here...(metal heads) :P hehe \m/

    Yeah, they have turned nu-metal which just sucks. Their melo-death days were awesome. I just finished recording a cover of dialogue with the stars actually. Was lots of fun making. My favourite genre at the moment would be viking/folk metal. It's produces such a cool sound. Some bands I'm...
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    Nah, I don't know him personally. I only found out through the lecturer who showed us how to do it.
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    His email account has been suspended for 12 weeks meaning he can't access webct, sols or banshee to submit assignments. So basically he wont be able to do much throughout the session.
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    Jobs in Australia

    I agree with what doe said