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  • Aha, it's a bit late now XD But modern is awesome though so i don't regret doing it :D

    Hehe, we all heard you guys yell that out :p Semi finals and finals would on the thursday after the one coming, so on the 21st :)

    LOL. We might've one trivia, but that didn't involve much exercise rofl. Oh i see, it's like how 4U math pwns 2U math even though it's a bit harder. I'm looking forward to it now! Oh, so we actually use calculators XD

    Hehe. At least it was inventions/scientists instead of popes ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

    Curse the limit!!!!!!!

    Most of us were dead at school, so we all had either coffee or V aha. I don't think we were hyperactive - that's how we usually are :D Our guys were happy that you guys did well ^^

    Yupo, the expo is on next friday - sunday but we'll be going on the saturday session :D
    LOL my sister was debating for yr 9, she won. I dunno about how everyone else went though...

    Yeah, i do modern and used to do extension. I read the newspaper and watching the news if i have time, so politics/history questions are pretty good for me XD

    That last question was screwed ==" Reaching the quarter finals is definitely a great achievement :D Aha, you should've grabbed the Leunig book instead.- he's a comic genius ^^
    Thanks, we'll try our best! XD

    ROFL, i highly doubt you would've lost in soccer to a few girls in kilts ;) But don't worry, you weren't wrong. The balls just happened to be there in spite of the small chance of that happening XD 3u probability more interesting or just harder? lawl.

    LOL. We knew penicillin and somehow guessed the sewing machine right oO We got them all, although we didn't know if the democrats would count seeing as the party didn't exist anymore XD The written part is always a challenge, you might know the answers you might not. I guess we were lucky this year :D

    Hehe, in 2 more weeks... after my modern is due XD
    Aha, help get a job? I'm sure harvard or something would be offering us jobs along with the nobel :p

    Yeah, I have a double modern assignment! At least they're due 2 weeks apart ^^

    Aha, well they're still smallish, which makes them cute :p
    I wish you guys would've won instead of Bede Polding! It was so close... who the hell would know what yr the Battle of Marathon was in? I hope we manage to win the cup back... it is our last year after all :D

    We actually found 2 balls today :p You should've come up to us when we were playing! ROFL @ the math. I haven't learnt probability in 3U yet... but i guess it's better than 2U probability?

    You were right, just saw it now but thanks! Yeah, i'm so glad that there were no question about the popes. But you know the section on the inventions? We didn't see that there was a word bank on the next pg XD Thank heavens we did fine in the written sections though!

    Hehe, i'll tell you what train i'll be catching from parra to the expo so we can met up :)
    Aha, handy for the future all right :p

    ROFL we better ace our exams or everything will be screwed XD

    LOl true, it was really luck that lead to my victory :D

    Yeah, we have the list. Aha vigorous training? I don't know what sort of training that would involve when it's general knowledge! Aww i don't get to see the cute yr 10 people :( Hopefully we'll pwn everyone :p I guess we'll find out tomorrow ^^

    Yay, see you tomorrow then!!!!!!! Aha, we'll probably play again IF we find a ball :p

    We need all the luck possible, trust me! You won't see me in the 1st buzzer round though, we have 4 people on our team so i'll be sitting out. I'll try my best in the paper one :D
    nah its fine by me- keep it :) lol shuning told me who you were but i don't know you either so...? but i guess it makes it even more awesomer that someone i actually don't know actually thinks its at least half decent :) i know i'm bragging but that a awesome prof pic you have there :p
    Ooo i'd love to have a nobel XD

    We both will ace our exams... hopefully *fingers crossed*

    Aha, i remember in 1 of my games they asked me how new i was. I said i just started yesterday... as the game progressed and i got pawned people started to leave the game. In the end it was just me and another noob and i won :D

    yeah, tangara got the extra repeat. But the year before you came it was the overall highest scores that went through the next round - not just the winner of the heats. Hehe, they're in the other heat but we'll definitely pwn them :D

    You must come. We will eat all the free food! Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha
    Hehe, make underdogs everywhere proud :p

    Aha, dw you'll have all HSC students (physics ones at least) backing you when as witnesses, claiming at it is >3x10^8 m/s :D The timetable is gah lol. My last 3 exams are all in the morning one day after the other... chem, modern and the physics ==" That and of course 3U math is right after 4U math! What were the markers thinking?

    LOL i'm slowly finishing the original campaign for TFT. I don't think i could forget what Dota is even if i wanted XD

    Aww only 1 more day left and then you have super fast net again! I'm downloading a bazillion things at the moment right now with my new net ^^

    LOL pro maybe, but i hope that they really don't do the whole "we won't repeat the question if its wrong" but then go ahead and do it anyway etc etc XD Ooooo it's our last year - we'll be trying to pwn everyone, but just for you if we verse the yr 10s we'll especially aim to pwn them XD

    Come and "support" your team aha. There's free food after all ;)
    Aww that's evil :( I believe you in you! You can come 1st :D

    Yeah, it's going at the speed of light so far. I wish it'd slow down already... forget about trials. My last HSC exam is in exactly 6 months and 3 days for me. That is soooooooo soon and another day just passed super fast again =="

    I should follow your lead and not play dota... and i haven't for a while. No time right now :S

    LOL, your net wasn't shaped. Every other page would've loaded quickly except for BoS XD

    Aww i won't see you then :( Lol hopefully we get through, so long as they don't keep on changing the rules like last year lmao. Thanks for the luck, i'll wish your school luck too!

    AHA no worries, i had to cut down on some of what i said too hehe.
    well i certainly didn't think someone would actually think my work was profile pic worthy =D
    but lets get one thing straight- i'm mr suicidal! i'm happy for you to steal my other artworks like mr drug abused or little miss porn star but I'M MR SUICIDAL!!! and i know i'm a girl but i don't care >=( cause that's my favourite out of them all ^^
    haha nah u can keep him :)
    google images really?? cause i only posted it on facebook?...
    omgosh your profile pic I MADE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where the heck did you find that picture????
    It just gets better and better :p Don't get too addicted though or you'll end up like me!

    Congrats on your results :D I've got everything except for english back now... they're matching our student numbers to our names still ==" My teacher said our class did great (as usual) but i'm still anxious XD At least you have a steady rank! I need to stop procrastinating too.... gah House is on soon aha.

    True, this is the best year so far; besides all the stress of course! The HSC is good i guess. I pushes you too work hard. Hopefully none of us burn out though ahaha.

    Oh i see. A net cafe. Wow so if i want to watch pros play i go there! I should go there sometime on th eholidays XD

    Oooo if i remember correctly we could get it copyrightted for free through copyright commons or something hmmm hehe.

    Don't worry about the reply. BoS is taking a long time to load up a page - i guess its the server. I need to spend less time on BoS as well :'(

    Oh, Campion starts next week! Are you going?
    Aha yeah, his glasses. You'll see more of his scary arsenal soon enough though :p

    Procrastination is beating me too... and there's good shows on the tv later as well ><"

    Yay it's a plan then. I can't wait until then. I wish i could skip time and just go to the moment after i just got my results XD

    City Hunter, i've heard of it but never been there. Is it like galaxy world or timezone?

    Hehe, our structure is interesting, isn't it? It makes replying a breeze though hehe.
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