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  • for subjects that I study for, I prefer it to be short answer because I'd spend too much time on MC. However, if I didn't study for the test, then bring on the multiple choice (more chance of getting it right :D)
    so you do 2units of sor. I do one unit. same, I think we get a choice of the religion we want to write in the extended response. my plan is to:

    - avoid questions on Christianity that ask about the historical context and/or beliefs
    only answer questions on Christianity that are based on the Trinity
    - answer Islam questions on historical context instead of Christianity

    and yes, I'm keeping religion so I have to do well in this, but I guess i could drop this if I wanted to :p

    why did u have to self teach buddhism? crap teacher?
    yeah, i would choose the religion that I'm more comfortable with. I'm asian and stuff but for some reason, I find it easier to study Islam than Christianity... how weird is that? In the beggining of the term, I thought Christianity was easier.
    Religion :( Gonna fail. I'm praying that they won't ask a question on Pentecostalism and that stuff. I haven't studied the historical context of religion yet. If they manage to ask something on that, I'm gonna guess :( There goes my A in religion..
    I had 4A's and 2B's in half yearly. Looks like it's gonna be 3A's, 2B's and 2C's this time. *sigh* I'm going downhill
    what!! you didn't get to finish?! How is that possible?
    hmm.. I had Chem today. OMG epic failure. missed like two pages :(
    Failed English today. How did your exams go?
    I calculated that I would get around 16/35.. just below 50%. Gotta take revenge in maths.
    Haha :D...

    Thanks for the opinions as well :). Although I must say that the values, morals and ethics that religion has to offer from the "lies?" is fundamental in underpinning the secular ethics. Christian values = secular values these days (although they are depleting).
    nice. your school sounds fun.
    minimum of 2000 words is a lot..
    its like 12:40 am. I'm staying up to 2:00 am tonight :D
    hehe Same with me. I can manage with Maths, SOR, Ancient History and Eco, but DEFINITELY NOT for Chemistry and English. :(
    Maths is awesome! I love Maths :D :D :D :D :D Maths is my life :)
    hehe no more relaxing during HSC! I need to get an Ancient History essay done, and then I'll start studying for Economics and Maths. Got 600 words left to write.
    You'll have to aim for 99+ like I'm doing. In addition to that, pull your marks to the absolute top! In saying that, your ranks must be the top! top your school! What's the ranking of your school? Any lower than 200, aim to be first place! Your marks should be above 90%, and even 95% if possible.

    Good luck.
    wow you're good at Bio and SOR.
    English is always a pain!!! :(
    I don't care about Chem and SOR. I don't mind if I get 20% in Chem. I think I'll just go in and do the multiple choice part of Chem and then walk back out.
    I'm not going to study for Chemistry and perhaps not even for Studies of Religion 1.
    that means I only have 4 subjects to study for: English, maths, Economics and Ancient.
    Oh well.. we'll see.
    What are you aiming to get for the yearlies?
    I wanna see if I can get above 90 in Maths, above 70 in English, above 95 for Economics, above 90 for Ancient.
    so complicated. that's what english is like!! suicide!!!!
    won't have enough time to study. Let's cram like hell.
    I doubt we will get good marks like this.. oh well, let's wait and see.
    i've been in the top class from when we first got ranked halfway through year seven. i was 9th in the year without doing homework. but now the no homework part is biting back hard. i am sooo woried about my yearly test in two weeks
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