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  • Nah, I just wanna know just in case I ever mark any of your tests. Though I probably can figure it out, by your last name. I may be walking into your class this Friday. Maybe.
    hang out with year 7s...
    my school goes fanatic about them..
    they didnt give a shit about the new year 11s and stuff..
    everything's about the little kids >.>
    LOL. damnit.. is my name THAT obvious? :D i like being anonymous. But yeah, my name is Anna. What's yours? I go to BGHS. You can guess that too :p What school do you go to?
    yeah, i read that thread back later and i think the post i repped you for got deleted with WW's cleanup.

    i'm at 08er :) i'm in second year arts/commerce this year.
    you really think i'm clever and witty?! :shy:

    for some reason i talk very dumb irl. i think i just think really slow. i even have to slow down my typing speed to process my thoughts out.
    I'm at Peak Sundays every week. However, Sir asks me to come in to supervise/mark/teach whenever he needs. I happaned to be supervising Hubert and Andrew's class, and I marked their exams etc. (they're doing Year 12 stuff).
    That wasn't my point. Top 7, top 15, top half of the grade even, impossible/extremely hard for me to get up to that.
    Lol I didn't even know you earlier then. And by earlier I would be talking about at least Yr 8. Haha, fuck you fate for not allowing us to join bos and meet each other in yr 8 or even earlier!
    Haha, I might teach your class sometime. :)

    Taught Hubert and Andrew last week.

    And yeah, I did go to Ngo & Sons
    Lol I'd dream of that mark too. Think of how much money you could save from those scholarships!
    And sif I'd get it. Only 8 people out of 170ish '09 rusers got that mark, and I just stepped out of 4 years worth of coming bottom in all my subjects.
    OMFG you go to truongs? Lucky bitch! I hate how slow news ever travels to me. I only heard about it a week ago, and according to others there's no hope for me to get in any of his classes now :(
    So? Just because your school doesn't get 99.4 atar average, it doesn't mean YOU can't get 99.95 atar :p
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