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  • Hiii :)
    Premium is 30$ for 2 years, or 20$ for 1 year. You get to view the premium resources. The premium resources are helpful if you take legal, business or modern history.. they also have a load of resources for english.
    however you can also get other normal resources in the 'resource' section.
    to pay for premium, you must do it through paypal. I don't have paypal, so i got my friend Namu to pay for me and i paid him back the next time i saw him.
    You also get the blue username, quickchat, more space for your bos avatar and sig and more.
    I think 30$ over 2 years, or 20$ over 1 year isnt too bad, you could think of it as a donation. :)
    Advanced sam is pretty cool, but once you get premium you can't change your subjects for SAM, unless you email the premium support team. This is to prevent users from sharing accounts to use advanced SAM.
    hope this helps :D
    - cont -

    Its just a matter of using Yr 11 to keep your options open, then in Yr 12 adding and dropping as you wish. I mean, I dropped my maths extension weeks before the trials - because even though i was doing well, I knew for a fact it wouldn't count based on my results in other subjects.

    Anyway, you're in the same year as my sister - and that's the same advice I'd give to her. Be smart about subject choices, but overall be guided by what you genuinely like and are good at.
    hahahaha...your sig!!

    Keep in mind though that Yr 11 is a great year to have as many subjects and units as possible, because if you want to do the course in Yr 12, you will need to have done the Yr 11 course.

    Eg. My prelim year, I had Modern History, 3 Units of English, Economics, Business (accelerated), Chemistry and 3 Units of Maths.

    I mean thats 14 units and 6 distinct areas and subjects too. As I got to Yr 12, and was able to do a Distinction course (Philosophy), and could take on EE2 and Hist X, (ie. ADDING 4 previously unavailable units to make 16), I had to cull a few - so goodbye to economics and chemistry.

    The other good thing about extension subjects is that you can drop things one unit at a time - this is abit safer than being stuck with a subject you don't like, but potetially if you drop it, its under 9 units - so you physically can't drop it.
    I know, we haven't spoken in ages!

    Yes I've posted a few new things on deviantart, I've been trying to relax a bit these holidays and do some more personal art before I get stuck into my visual arts major work back at school.

    My holidays so far have been preeetty good, just chilling with friends, working, a bit of school work (emphasis on 'bit'... I will pick up my pace soon XD ) and yes, good.

    And yourself? :)
    Thanks for the rep and message,

    Best of luck with everything!

    Happy holidays, Wendy. :D

    - Lol, I have no idea why Boredofstudies posters seem so adamant about the "asian combo". I mean out of the 10 or so 99.95ers I know personally, 7 did 4U english. If that isn't enough proof that Humanities kids do just as well as more science oriented peeps, then I don't know what is.
    Merry Christmass to you matt =D
    How did yours go?

    Zomg, we must mount a counter-campaign, something tells me it involves fireworks

    As for me, im pretty good, just relaxing atm, love holidays. Though im going to have to start studying T-T
    What about you, how are your holidays going?
    Ttys ^-^
    Hehe awesome ^^

    Yes, get a ps3 already!

    Tekken 5 is a pretty sweet game anway :)

    Thanks! I wish you a belated Merry Solstice and Happy Holidays too ^^
    Nawww that's awesome :)

    Hehe awesome. I play Baek, Leo or Kazuya :D
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