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  • hmm..with that choice, i might have to get one for me as well lol

    well, hey, i gotta go for the night now, ill ttyl
    ciao x
    lol. well in that case, I also suggest;
    * Eight Days a Week * Help! * Yesterday * Taxman * The Word * In My Life * Run For Your Life * A Day In The Life * Revolution * All You Need Is Love

    there is probably more, but they are the ones that stood out
    I'm a...kinda Bon Jovi Fan...not a hardcore one, but im a bit more than an average fan.
    lol yeah haha.

    um, i have a fair few, kinda hard to narrow it down to one. but my faves are Here Comes The Sun, The End, Get Back, Helter Skelter, ... ahh theres too many to list, i dont wanna congest this message full of beatles songs

    guessin you're a big Bon Jovi fan?
    lol...it's my design of an F1 helmet if (keyword is if, 'cause it won't happen) I would ever race for Ferrari...but i might change it to a Beatles album cover...maybe Revolver
    i was lol

    it was a double entendre

    and by 'i was' i mean...i was a nice random wishing you a nice day
    lol thanks for the rep n yesh ill let you know
    i just hope he says yes to save me from the embarrassment n rejection lol
    eeeeeeeeeeeeee so nervous haha
    "Favourite Movies Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings " how do you go from LOTR to pride and prejudice?
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