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  • yeah. i have read those sites and they only outline the course. the insight of the course is valuable and the only way i can get those are people who's doing the course. - hehe -

    one important thing i forgot to ask: is it hard to get a credit in advanced maths? the advanced maths requires you to get a credit or above in order to stay in the course.
    hail the mighty shadowdude :D

    you do commerce/advanced maths in unsw right ? im interested in this course and can you tell me everything about this course please?:)
    as well - it is a bad decision to do quantitative risk and actuarial together?
    I felt we were ruining a thread so I came here, but you must check him out he is a legendary stand up, Imo Dylan Moran (Bernard) is the better tv writer but Bailey is without peer as a standup. Someof his songs: Insect Nation, Emo and "The love Song" are must watches on youtube.
    Yeah. Coming from a selective school, I know all about asian kids that what to do well. haha.
    hmm. okay. I guess. I could work on starting my epic tutoring business. LOL. win. :)

    well, we haven't exactly 'planned' it. It's just like 'OMG LET'S DO THISSSS' but no one's been bothered to actually organise it and set a date and stuff.

    and nope. doubt it. I think they'll just pop all the marks on blackboard and it should be fine? :D
    haha. omg. Sleep. <3 Except I was still sleeping like 9 hours a day during the exam period ... I love sleep that much. But yeah. Finishing early is actually a bit boring, if your friends aren't finished yet. :( But I now have a really clean room! Thinking of moving the ironing board into my room so I can stay up at night ironing all my clothes. I HAVE NO LIFE. ARGH. WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING ALL DAY?

    But yeah, so much planned for later on. Going bike riding, and shopping, outdoor ice skating, drive in movies, sleep overs, reunions. Thinking of going down to Melbourne to farewell my friend that's going to Yale. :( But meeting up again with my Princeton friend! Yay! And possibly this guy from Harvard! But yeah, really gonna hurt my self-esteem. I'm gonna feel so dumb. PLUS I still have to get all my marks back. OH FML.
    I KNEW IT WAS YOUUUUU. I dunno. I guessed. I guess I'm just some sort of beast at this whole logical deduction thing. Must be because I just watched the Sherlock Holmes movie. Win.
    Oh god. Those sultanas. That was awesome. I LOVE sultanas. Bonding over sultanas. <3

    Yeah, I'm in the group. Who IS this, btw? Awkward if I actually KNOW you and we've been talking as if we don't know each other ...
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