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  1. T

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    or if it's a complaint about harassment/discrimination you could contact the equal opportunity unit.
  2. T

    Predictions and Results (Semester 1 2009)

    nothing yet. no surprise there really. (apparently raw marks only had to be finalised by 1 July, i.e. yesterday, at least in the arts faculty. so i doubt we can expect final scaled marks for a while yet.)
  3. T

    A GPA of 5.5

    generally the GPA is worked out from the following weightings: Pass = 4 Credit = 5 Distinction = 6 High Distinction = 7 so for a 5.5 your results would need to be roughly 50% credits, 50% distinctions. not that hard if you're a decent student and apply yourself.
  4. T

    2009 Main Round cut-offs

    it doesn't matter when you submit your application, as long as you get it in before the closing date - selection is based only on your UAI (or whatever it's called now) and isn't affected by who submitted their application first.
  5. T

    Predictions and Results (Semester 1 2009)

    one subject where i'm in the credit-to-distinction range, so the exact mark will depend on how i did in the exam one where i'm almost certain of an HD unless i get massively fucked over by scaling two where i'll (hopefully) be in the 80s somewhere, either D or HD pretty good semester for me i...
  6. T

    Just a Question..

    to become a registered psychologist you need to complete honours in psychology, which you can do via an arts degree, a science degree, or a specialised psych degree. so the answer to your question is yes. however - entry to psych honours is fairly competitive, and the advantage of doing one of...
  7. T

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    i've never heard of anyone getting marks anywhere near the date they give (in this case 1st july). it will be at least a week longer than that before you start getting any marks, and more likely two or three.
  8. T

    Grad Law Credit

    i doubt it. the LLB is designed to satisfy the specific requirements for admission as a lawyer, which means that you need to do the specific units that the law faculty offers, since they're the ones that are approved by LPAB (the legal practitioners admission board). that's just a guess though...
  9. T

    What happens If I fail 3 out of 4 subjects?

    i think if you fail large numbers of units for two semesters in a row then you get asked to show cause why they shouldn't chuck you out.
  10. T

    Which universities offer Thai as a major?

    usyd used to offer it in conjunction with UTS (i.e. you'd enrol in usyd units, but attended UTS classes), but it always had the disclaimer of 'subject to continuing availability', and now it's vanished. don't know why, but if it's not on the UTS site either then presumably UTS axed it. don't...
  11. T

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    to go back about eight pages, this exact same thing happened to me today. my printer at home was screwing up and i wanted to print off my exam notes so i could cram in the ~20 minutes before the exam, but then the shitty computers fucked me over so i ended up with barely any time to go over the...
  12. T

    semester 2 timetables

    four days, but only one hour on mondays, so not too bad. pros: most of my time will be spent in the quad and old teachers college cons: two-hour lecture in carslaw
  13. T

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    i've handed in a few assignments to SOPHI this sem and never got a confirmation for any of them. + i didn't get notified to pick up my essay despite the fact that they had it when i went in yesterday. SOPHI sucks, in other words.
  14. T

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    goals for today: sleep. eat. start essay.
  15. T


    yes it should be possible, provided that failing your first-year subject doesn't disrupt your prerequisites for second year in some way.
  16. T

    SciTech library computer hogs

    i would totally support all the computer labs being closed off except for people in specific faculties. econ/business students already have heaps of computer labs which you can't use unless you're enrolled in that faculty, so GET OUT OF FISHER (and scitech) YOU SCUM
  17. T

    uni tutors

    ECOP allows pre-honours undergrads to tutor? wow. but yeah, in arts the tutors are usually doctoral students, or postdoctoral casuals who are hanging around in hope of some day getting a full-time position.
  18. T

    New uni mail

    it kept on rejecting my password just a minute ago and i was about to write an angry post about FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY HAS IT CHANGED MY PASSWORD WEEKS AFTER IT WAS INTRODUCED I HATE USYD ...then i realised i had caps lock on. true story.
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    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    electronic, electric, whatever. i was writing in a blaze of cryptic-crossword excitement so i didn't check what i was writing.
  20. T

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    OH MY GOD, i just figured out 'electric company' and now all my clues are falling into place. god i'm stupid.