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  1. K

    actuaries??-whats that

    huh? I thought I was the only one doing those two :confused: and I'm only above average for actl at unsw
  2. K

    Actuarial Ball [incl. pics of Malachite n Isaaq]

    I would go, except i've got my cuz's 21st b'day that sounds like its goina rock more than this :) I believe the numbers from unsw I've heard so far table's worth (that was today) either this is goina be a really sad event, or goina be totally macq dominated :) how many of u...
  3. K

    is UNSW really religious????!?!?!?

    nah, not dominating as in they impress their ideas on everyone there's just alot of them - and cbs in particular tends to advertise itself quite a bit. and I would definitely say much less than 15% there's like 600 ppl in cbs I think? (or last I heard). but that's not a big number compared...
  4. K

    better than school?

    I joined a few - mainly cause I knew ppl in them personally I think its a waste of time until you figure out whether you have a passion for it or not. but there's always time :) (just whether your willing to spend your free time on it is another question)
  5. K

    Does (or did) anyone do anything for 3u?

    I studied about equally for 3u and 4u 3u because of the potential careless mistakes, which also helps with 4u and 4u cause they could ask really tough questions! I wouldn't suggest neglecting 3u study - unless you are very tight for time. you can easily do well in 3u if you put the effort in...
  6. K

    SEE your eyeballs!!

    I've got friends in there - it seems to be a hard and demanding course. definitely quit a bit of physics, as well as biology. its physics targeted at optometrists though, so you'd be learning the stuff relevant to you. they say its interesting - though I don't know how interesting it could...
  7. K

    Are these the best days of our lives??

    *shivers* I don't wanna ever go back to school! man, uni is the time of my life! the freedom is sooo much better than the comfort you get from school - no more restrictions, seeing and meeting people everywhere, no pressure from people or from teachers, good food, and something always...
  8. K

    Comm-Actuarial far as I know so far, you make mathematical models for financial instruments (e.g. superannuation, insurance, etc) that helps others to optimise their finance and use of resources OR (well...both I guess :p) you become an analyst/advisor and basically give advice to loads of...
  9. K

    which actuarial degree is better?

    hmm, well he didn't come this time I think you guys better get a bigger lecture theatre - definitely too small! and the pizza thing actually worked this time - not as many ppl missed out (and not as big a rush either!) which FF?
  10. K

    which actuarial degree is better?

    well, you could always just serve the people coming out of the lecture - have someone doing traffic control, so the ppl outside don't get it actually, one of my buds from eng came to the lecture, just to get the free pizza lol. I guess he was a good sport in at least filling up the numbers in...
  11. K

    Why doesn't UNSW have aeronautical?!?

    well....they've definitely got both.. I've got friends in both might have to look a lil harder :) and it is on the course site (well, not the aeronautical - that's under the ADFA stuff) - but as inasero said...
  12. K

    which actuarial degree is better?

    yea, only 4 as far as I know. 2 in first year, 1 in 4th year, can't remember which yr hte other is in. nah, we never had 200. I think we started with like 170/180 - but looking around the lecture hall now, we have like 100 left. yea he did say that! I don't think anyone took it as a joke...
  13. K

    99.99 Uai!!!

    we had like 7-10 99+ so like 3-4% (around 220-250 guys)
  14. K

    which actuarial degree is better?

    I am as well :p majoring actuarial studies and physics (one of four ppl at unsw by my count)
  15. K

    which actuarial degree is better?

    never - I just can't be bothered thinking of the actual term maybe its because I'm becoming a physicist
  16. K

    which actuarial degree is better?

    yea...they're not even through the program yet hmm...I may even think of going for the soccer comp - just for the sake of avoiding studies ;) It wouldn't matter - what would matter is if going to UNSW meant you didn't get a job as an actuarist in the first place :p
  17. K

    Terminology help

    isn't PhB doctor of philosophy? (got a friend doing it)
  18. K

    which actuarial degree is better?

    oh yes, that'll decide it all... planning to come in strength this time right? :p
  19. K

    Course Marks

    woo, congrats! hm, didn't do as well as u, but happy nevertheless (except for micro. I musta stuffed the final exam) ACCT1501 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A....82 DN ECON1101 Microeconomics 1.................72 CR MATH1151 Maths - Actuarial & Finance 1A...75 DN PHYS1131 Higher Physics...
  20. K

    2002 HSC Notes WANTED!! (RE 1 unit) Willing to pay. Provide proof of RE HSC mark

    um...I'm not at home at the moment...but lemme see if I can remember there's a book called "History of Religion in Australia", a small green book - which you get from dymocks. basically covers all the way from 1788 til 1900 (or up to the land acts, like wik, etc.), and summarises at end of...