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  1. K

    Midsemester exams.

    yea, micro on friday at randwick racecourse (why there of all places?) and that phys on sat...what a waste of a weekend!
  2. K

    living on campus?

    heya minai! didn't know things were still happenin round here! takes me about an hour half on average, though on a good day, only takes about 50mins. just two buses - one on M2, and then that awful bus from central to unsw :( though its way better than school! one lousy bus that seemed to...
  3. K

    vet science

    um....took me awhile to understand, but hehe yea I get ya the thing is that your planning to get into vet sci as a postgrad, you pay full fees anyway. but what you can do is do a course at uni/tafe that includes the subjects that you'll do in vet sci, so that when you go to vet sci, you...
  4. K

    Actuarial Std Discussion Board

    unsw basically starts the maths course before you macq guys, but then we start the actual actuarial stuff later. apparently the idea is to give us some background into it first and I'll take your word for it about part 2. some people told me before that you do part 2 during the course, but I...
  5. K

    vet science

    my sister is doing vet sci, and I've got a friend in first year this year. yea, you just get the mark, and walk in. nothing to it - its not like med. its a pretty cool course actually, but it aint me. I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun if you get in :)
  6. K

    Who's going to UNSW? (the first post in the UNSW forum)

    comm/sci majoring actuarial and physics. hey, I'm hills district too! I just get the M2 bus everyday. walk 10mins to the bus stop, and then its just two buses to unsw
  7. K

    living on campus?

    hm...I'm a bit late I was going to go to warrane college, but I opted to travel to and from home instead. I only know what the catholic colleges are like cause I've got friends in there. There's not really much in there in terms of equipment. The girl's one (creston) isn't that great...
  8. K


    you can get tutoring in UMAT and if you manage to get through UMAT and get over 95, you've basically covered all the criteria for med. backdoor way? well if your an overseas student, you get a better chance of getting into the interview. otherwise you can pay or you can go to...
  9. K

    Disgusting things at Quad East Wing

    right....well I won't be going to those toilets anymore! they're disgusting enough as it is.
  10. K

    Class of 2003

    commerce and commerce/science have the same UAI, so if you put commerce first, the offer will automatically be for that course, not comm/sci. so why bother putting it in? unless your planning to rearrange them later
  11. K

    Comm/Eco ppl - Quiz results

    lol, each class had exactly the same paper I coulda just looked over at my neighbours and compared my answers to theirs I got 5/10. only one stupid mistake - the rest cause I was choosing best answer, not multi answer :( I'll be watching out for that next time though, and it wasn't worth...
  12. K

    truong: microeconomics

    woo, I aint been back here for awhile! hey, I got truong too! I still go to his lectures though, cause otherwise I'll feel a bit guilty about it - though I usually just go to sleep up the back once I know what his going through
  13. K

    Year 12 PiCS

    oh free coffee and tea - no free hot chocolate though :( but I don't drink coffee or tea, so it didn't exactly benefit me. but now the guys at my school get even more than us! we had it pretty good though, so I'm not complaining tooo much - just that all my money went towards their...
  14. K

    SMH Password

    well you can try using "username: temp password: temp" it actually worked once and there was actually credit on it, which I happily used up I hope no one from smh is here.
  15. K

    Year 12 PiCS

    :eek: :eek: yeesh, you ppl are giving me heart attacks!!!!!! Firstly, thank you for recognising the fact that I'm MALE! you gave me a huge shock there! female indeed....not that they're bad of course. you understand what I mean and to twintips: You freaking ppl got all that stuff in...
  16. K

    2002 UAI's

    hehe minai. maybe I shoulda memorised essays! but I don't think I'd have the patience to do that! anyway, my marks good enough to get into uni, so I'm happy! guess I'll be seeing quite a few of you guys in uni - should be fun ;) I just got back from taiwan - twas pretty good! lots of...
  17. K

    2002 UAI's

    thanks guys! sorry ultimate, but you did great! I didn't beat you by much anyway. I don't think I'll be doing law either - the chance is too slim. But I'll be happy to do comm/sci at unsw, which I'm practically guaranteed to get into! what was your next preference? I'd still like to see you...
  18. K

    2002 UAI's

    99.1 I'm in taiwan at the moment though, which is why I replied so late. I'm happy though :)
  19. K

    Combined Law

    if you put them in that order, wouldn't you sorta be guaranteed into ANU if you got the uai? cause isn't usyd higher than unsw, and unsw higher than anu? (I'm prejudiced here, but that's what I'm guessing :p - I can't imagine the cut off being higher than 99.4!) well, the cutoff for usyd...
  20. K

    Which is the best private school? have your say.

    oh yea, I know about baulko they're like one of the most under-funded selective schools in the state - or so they tell me :). I can most certainly see how you can appreciate barker over it! and the money you pay does seem to pay off over there. Barker has quite a nice campus actually...