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  1. K

    UNSW co-ops

    uh, don't let the money part trick ya that's quite little compared to what you get once you start working - its more of a lil spending money inbetween. plus, the whole job itself is very demanding - study plus work means alot of commitment.
  2. K

    which actuarial degree is better?

    well actually, as part of the requirements, I think we need to have at least 3 months job experience in some actuarial field, before going to part2, which u do in uni (if I remember right) and there's that year overseas if you wanna do part3. no idea what school his from. but his quite distinct
  3. K

    which actuarial degree is better?

    yea, that's alex don't think that's the right leon though (don't think he went to baulko) leon's got dyed hair, wears lots of rings
  4. K

    final fantasy

    yea, I loved 8 too! read something about FFX2 coming out on PC in north america next year, or something comes complete with a 40gig hard drive to play it on :eek:
  5. K

    Class of 02-Regrets?

    quite happy myself, with what I'm doing. and glad I didn't get into law - I doubt I would've enjoyed it. as for dropping out....depends on how long I can hack the pressure for...and whether I can figure out how to be a workaholic before the hammer hits :p
  6. K

    Fire in the library

    with doors like crocodile jaws
  7. K

    which actuarial degree is better?

    flying: I'm just exaggerating - i.e. they give us all the maths first, and that tends to take out everyone who's not really capable in that field. I haven't talked to them about the exam. I just got told that the workload itself wasn't that bad. do you know alex kwa, or leon? (can't remember...
  8. K

    Fire in the library

    there's always fire drills in that stupid library are you talking about a real fire, or just another drill? cause I aint seen no effects of any fire in there
  9. K

    which actuarial degree is better?

    well, as an actuarial student at unsw, I'd have to say that what we're doing at the moment is definitely not easy. though I can definitely say that the exams previously were quite easy - which really sucked, cause the past papers didn't really give much preparation for the assessments or the...
  10. K

    ACCT1501 Exam...?

    oh great...corporate governance?? aaaaarrgh!! *falls asleep* I figure I won't remember a single account by the time I hit it though. there was a choice - decide if weighted average was interesting to study...or not :p
  11. K

    ACCT1501 Exam...?

    yea the marker's can be pretty nasty I never knew what weighted average was lol (maybe I should've done my HW) kinda made up my own idea of weighted average and hoped it worked :) woohoo! no more accounting....for half a year :) (I do 1B next year cause got no room for it next semester)
  12. K


    there's a glossary of religion words??? gee, that woulda been useful in my hsc... the only strange phrase I remember is religious traditions...but I'm sure all you rel ppl know what that really means :) (pls don't say its a real tradition...)
  13. K

    2002 HSC Notes WANTED!! (RE 1 unit) Willing to pay. Provide proof of RE HSC mark

    well...I wouldn't have minded just posting them for free...except my cuz took most of my notes :p uh...if your only doing 1u, you shouldn't really need that many notes...I used very little resources - used one book for the history of religion in aus part (which is like the only thing I've got...
  14. K

    QMA+Micro Midsession thoughts

    ok, maybe I didn't stuff up the M/C - only lost a mark there...I must be turning paranoid :s I hope macro is better...I really hate all these renaming of concepts to idiotic names... would be nice to see a challenging final micro exam though, at least something that requires some thinking!
  15. K

    Price Waterhouse Coopers Actuarial Basketball Comp this Sunday

    you guys had none??? lol!! year, when maybe you can show your faces at least :)
  16. K

    open day

    aahh, another physio! sorry, I just have these friends who all betrayed me and went there instead :( but I'm sure you'll have fun - playing with dem body parts n all. heard its purty cool... (except for the campus) g'luck for it...
  17. K


    I don't believe there is a factor involved in doing postgrad Med. If you do any degree, you should be able to apply for postgrad Med and then pay your way through - cause HECS is only for undergrads. though what I can tell you is that nearly everyone who does med science in first year are...
  18. K

    Price Waterhouse Coopers Actuarial Basketball Comp this Sunday

    lol! no idea how our teams are shaping up - I've got other things to do :) we'll see how it turns out won't we ;)
  19. K

    QMA+Micro Midsession thoughts

    hm, I reckon I stuffed up the M/C. wasn't sure of a few, even though I realised that they were off the textbook website...but I went through them aaages ago. rest of it was nothing... lol, thinking of finals already?? I'll think bout that when it comes
  20. K

    PHYS 1121 Mid session...

    I do phys 1131...and the test was easier than the tut qs, but I got mucked up by the stupid calculator, lol. kept getting different values, and ended up wasting alot of time...didn't finish the paper. most people didn't though, so that's alright. hoping for an alright mark I guess...seeing that...