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  1. Asheroth

    SAM and Premium Membership

    Except that it's not 'normal SAM -> better SAM'. It's 'worse SAM -> better SAM'. I'd just rather have the former than the latter.
  2. Asheroth

    Can any past ext2 students help me out?

    7/10 is a decent mark. I got 8/15 for my proposal, but I moved on, did decently in my VV and should end up finishing in the top third of the class (there's only five of us :p) In EE2 it's not really as important as some other classes because your assessment and 'exam' marks can vary so wildly.
  3. Asheroth


    Yes, yes he does.
  4. Asheroth


    Wow... Every fifth word starting strictly from the beginning gets me: A Text: To Non-Performance Prophetic perhaps? I hope not... EDIT: I'm pretty sure Devin Townsend is the coolest person ever. Go and listen to Ocean Machine if you like metal in any form. Actually, track down Night...
  5. Asheroth

    The Real Inspector Hound. Comedy Or Crime Fiction?

    In the end it doesn't really matter whether it's a crime fiction text or not. What matters is if the text provides you with adequate information and material to form part of an essay. TRIH does this quite well. If I was going to attack any set text, it'd be Anil's Ghost. Not only is it...
  6. Asheroth

    Random facts about your stories.

    That made me laugh for quite a while :p It'd be interesting, though. What about if you put it in a post-modern story as a sort of irony thing; showing how the writer's biases and personality will always show up in a story? You know: 'Graham sat reading a book under a fucking big tree...
  7. Asheroth

    SAM and Premium Membership

    I don't dispute the practicality of Premium Membership. I reckon it's a great idea and it should help BoS stay alive and all that. I don't see what any of the above has to do with returning my graphs and tables to me. I never had a problem with lack of access to orsum notes.
  8. Asheroth

    Distinction Courses

    I know we can get past papers for Philosophy. Dunno about you Cosmo people. I've been putting off starting my assignment for Morality, Religion and Happiness ever since the residential, cos the whole topic makes my brain hurt and I've really got no idea what to think about it. Reality and...
  9. Asheroth

    history extension essays ?!?!

    So in other words, your teacher is following the syllabus for 'What Is History', since your essay for Question 1 will deal almost entirely with historians. Awesome :D The search function should yield some good results. Otherwise, you could go to the Resources section of BOS and find some...
  10. Asheroth

    SAM and Premium Membership

    The principle of 'Premium Membership will not result in any previously free services being taken away or charged for.' While that sentence wasn't said explicitly, it was definitely implied that the state of BOS for non-paying members would remain the same. That's the principle. vizman...
  11. Asheroth

    SAM and Premium Membership

    I had considered it, and I may sign up soon, but I was kind of campaigning on the principle of the thing. Good to know it wasn't just my imagination :D Riviet: I know the selection of the year isn't that useful. That's why I've said I don't care about it. Twice.
  12. Asheroth

    SAM and Premium Membership

    Well that's irritating. And what about those bell curve graphs? Looks like my question's answered then...
  13. Asheroth

    SAM and Premium Membership

    That's irrelevant. I said I didn't really care about the inability to change years, but I did like those graphs and tables, and the fact that they've been taken away goes against the base promise that Premium was floated on, which was that all services to non-paying members remain the same...
  14. Asheroth

    SAM and Premium Membership

    Since I can't post in the Premium FAQ forum, I'll post this here. Maybe a mod can move it if they see fit :p After the teaser campaign finished, some people were angry at the BOS staff for charging for previously free services. It was then explained to those people that everything that was...
  15. Asheroth

    Various ways to do psychology...

    Hey, so you did. Oops. :p I have, but I'll go and have another poke around and see what I can find, and I'll send an email as well. Thanks for all the info guys :D
  16. Asheroth

    Anyone really dislike extension history?

    One of the exemplar responses in the Standards Pack was just a comparison of Elton and Carr, with some other supporting historians thrown in. :confused: It irritates me that, for some reason, people still believe that Carr is the definitive example of relativism. If you want to discuss...
  17. Asheroth

    Standard and Advanced SAM?

    I assume they've just got the links sorted out and they'll fix everything up later when Premium really takes off.
  18. Asheroth

    Random facts about your stories.

    It's because the 'literary flourish' approach works hell of good with the markers. I can definitely identify with what you're describing; sometimes it works well and sometimes it's painful to read.
  19. Asheroth

    Favourite subjects

    Philosophy. Definitely an 'other'.
  20. Asheroth

    Various ways to do psychology...

    Is it possible to set up your own double degree after first year? What I was really after was B Psych/BA, so if and when I get bored of psychology I can go back, get a Dip Ed and head into teaching. :p But the only double degree with Psychology was B Comm, which is disgusting. So after...