Search results

  1. underthesun

    essay outlines

    btw i think most lecturers would fall into the lie of "i was very sick during the lecture, can you tell me what was on it" e-mails Why dont you try it, you might get some good response
  2. underthesun

    essay outlines

    ??? looks like youre still asleep ;)
  3. underthesun

    student guild elections - empower vs. vision

    hrmm.. well that's pretty insigtful. Well at least now if im told to vote, im gonna vote power. unless someone from another party convinces me otherwise in that fashion.
  4. underthesun

    Mooncake Yum Cha Festival 2004!

    hey crazililmonkee, a/s/l? just kidding :)
  5. underthesun

    Mooncake Yum Cha Festival 2004!

    if you won the ticket.. who are you supposed to bring?
  6. underthesun

    student guild elections - empower vs. vision

    thats a damn good point. where do I enlist myself?
  7. underthesun

    nerd eye for the jock guy

    Hey, blame software engineering. Im sure fellow software engineers would understand this.
  8. underthesun

    nerd eye for the jock guy

    you see, from his way of typing messages, you can derive his personality no offense intended for people who overuse ~ and emoticons just trying to sound way cooler by seeming cold good night
  9. underthesun

    Need assistance in selecting engineering course!

    at second year?does it get better at second year, or third year? mattk said "it all comes together at the third year"
  10. underthesun

    Artsweek 2004

    definitely the life drawing classes wil be :)
  11. underthesun

    Quick Q - open day

    Yeah, you have no idea how many times they actually check tickets on the bus. (pretty often)
  12. underthesun

    A little more decorum, please!

    so you really look like a penguin? I think some people at CSE would worship you..
  13. underthesun

    Need assistance in selecting engineering course!

    Not really gonna transfer, but going to combine with commerce. Extra pain. Pain! More pain! I hear that later seng gets better though, and since my current 1721 tutor says its' the best, i'll stick with it =)
  14. underthesun

    Need assistance in selecting engineering course!

    Asking question is important. Last year I was too busy watching robocup, and not asking a single question about what software eng is like. Not saying that it's bad, it's not what i thought it'd be (cough*infs*cough) Anyway, yeah. So I discovered what seng really is after i went in. I found...
  15. underthesun

    Yellow Shirts 2005

    what do we do with yellow shirts? just wear them, or do we have to be part of o-week? oh wait.. (*remembers o-week and the yellow colours*). dang must be work involved
  16. underthesun

    When is the last day to pay sem2 fees?

    if you supplied a TFN, you're automatically a deferred HECS stud? I paid mine a few days ago, and now all liabilities = 0.00. Parents insisted on not deferring. Last time i paid my student fees, it took 3 days for their system to update, so better do it quick. It's 28th.
  17. underthesun

    estimate Commerce cut-off 2005

    I say its currently on a peak of a sine curve, and its gonna drop down. Dont keep your hopes up though.
  18. underthesun

    UNSW looks like a marketplace

    falun gong is scary, isnt it banned in china or something? When the word falun gong comes out, the image of an elderly chinese woman meditating in the city comes up...
  19. underthesun

    actuarial ball/camp?

    wow that's pretty comprehensive, either a pro or too much time :-P
  20. underthesun

    UNSW looks like a marketplace

    doesnt look too much like a marketplace at fridays though..