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  1. James747

    48 Hours!!!

    Kinda.... i suppose
  2. James747

    Which SC/trial subjects are you going to screw up? Discuss.

    English.... cuz the trials were stuffed. History.... cuz we hav a shifty teacher. =P
  3. James747

    Is The SC harder or easier than the trials?

    Well, we were given a past SC paper for our trials....
  4. James747

  5. James747

    yearly feedbacks- mark and rank

    Well, i accelerate in physics only. Got my yearly back yesterday with 75/80 (3rd). Top mark was 79.5 [WTF!!!] then 79. I guess overall ranking for the prelim course would be between 3 - 5....
  6. James747

    Year 10 students - What subject will you be happy to finish!

    They do? Not at my other accelerant at my skool is gonna repeat maths next year cuz he's been failing miserably, only managed to do 4 questiions in the ext1 yrly paper =P
  7. James747

    Did i choose the right subjects..?

    If you really want to do IT and Jap at the same time, u can do jap through Open high. I'm planning to do that for Jap as well ;)
  8. James747

    Year 10 students - What subject will you be happy to finish!

    History... just cuz we hav a boring teacher, and maybe cuz of the content as well. And I'll be happy if I stop failing maths XD
  9. James747

    Socally Crippled Or Enhanced?? Quick Questionaire :) Thanks!!

    ARE you : Male Female How old are you: 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 Where do you live: Rural Urban Do you have a casual job? Yes/No How many computers are within your home: 1 2 3 4 5 6+ What is your main purpose for using the computer: Socializing Homework Games Other (specify) Do you...
  10. James747

    help with subject selections !

    Physics [preliminary] maths is like year 9 maths. It really easy maths, and just requires substitution into the equations, which are really simple [like V=IR]. i suck at maths and I don't find the physics maths challenging at all, except the questions from the Excel textbook and some random...
  11. James747

    Anyone chosing Aviation?

    Whoa! Kool! Someone at BOS does aviation as well! =D Well, I'm planning to do it next year, and maybe year 12 as well if I like it and I can cope with my other subjects. I want to be a commercial pilot when I finish school, so I was wondering how helpful it is in terms of gaining the PPL or...
  12. James747

    studying in USA

    Now this is good advice! XD
  13. James747

    studying in USA

    I guess it really depends on what school your going to, as would if u went anywhere else. If its one of those prestigous private schools, well then definitely it would be good. But if its one of those shifty local schools in those out reaching suburbs, perhaps it might be better off finishing...
  14. James747

    Hey! Need some advice for SC

    Hehehe...welcome to BOS! Im sorta a new member too, compared to the large majority of members. Well, I just finished my trials today *phew!* maths, history, geo and [accordingly] science were ridiculous. Almost 3/4 of the paper was taken from past SC papers, lazy teachers cant be bothered...
  15. James747

    Acceleration in your school?

    Dun u hv to do ext 1 to do ext 2? Whoa...chem? wouldnt it be hard, since u miss alot of the experiments? or do u get to go to classes?
  16. James747

    year 10 rambling ! =]

  17. James747

    year 10 rambling ! =] not smart, i just don't see the need to start stressing yet =P Good Luck for ur SC.... ;)
  18. James747

    year 10 rambling ! =]

    Well, at my skool we don't HAVE to stay till the end of year, as long as u can prove that u are goin overseas or hav a job... and i still havent found a job yet *cries* T_T Hahaha, don't worry bout the trials. I hav mine on mon and tues, im not feeling stressed =D ******Not yet, at least XD
  19. James747

    trials .. ><

    Trials tend to be harder than the actual school cert.... I also wonder if the questions are set by the school, except maths. I cant imagine any one of the teachers at my school sitting down and making a trial exam for us, since i go to a crappy skool =P The school's emblem is also not on the...
  20. James747

    Too much?

    Yep, accelerating physics right now. Will also be doing a TVET course as well, which means that i cannot drop any subjects until end of term 1..... Hahaha...see erm? You dont have alot, I have alot!