...if that's two cents, what I'm going to say will probably be worth a quart of your two cents
you have WAY too much time on your hands - is life after HSC really like that? :D
hmm, well in contradiction (I'm probably the only one, which doesn't really contradict what you said) I...
hey same! lol, I'll have to find some way of keeping it secret from my family... (which also means a secret from my extended family, which will be oh so eager to find out - asian family [if your asian, you know what I mean])
...me thinks me will avoid this part in me essays :p
(I understand it...I just don't like seeing something so speculative...don't think I'll be trying to predict the future anytime soon - for that thing anyway :))
beliefs and belief systems answer the enduring questions on life that humans endeavour to answer, and are unable to explain to satisfaction.
They're important, because humans want the answers, but are unable to find them. Beliefs fill up this emptiness, or provides a way out, giving renewed...
not very significant defence spending, as far as I know, but it is one of the reasons why our fiscal surplus forecast is lower
the drought, and the hostile global climate has reduced growth by 0.7%, so it'll have an impact on the budget...
I'm juggling ecos/law with comm/law, unsure whether unsw, or usyd. I'm figuring usyd at the moment, since its closer, but I've still got to decide.
All my uni friends are spamming me from both sides hehe, so I'm not sure :confused:
uai requirement is higher at syd, than nsw, but It might...
not me...my friend did get a letter saying that she had to pay a late fee, because she hadn't filled out her preferences properly, but that was about a month ago.
besides, I already printed out the receipt, so they can't cheat me!
The old syllabus was basically extracting one meaning, with the emphasis on english technique (metaphors, assonance, blah blah). Thus, they basically did critical study of texts, had to know about 10 poems (I think), studied shakespeare to the core, and wrote straight essays on everything...