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  1. K

    Microeconomic reform

    uuhh, there's quite a few! National Competition Policy 1995 (reduction in protection, and introduction of competitive neutrality) Workplace Relations Act 1996 (labour market reform) Industry Statements 1988, 1991 (reduction in protection) Financial Deregulation (1980s/90s) National...
  2. K

    is this band 4/5/6???

    lol, love the conclusion! I so wish I could use that in my essay :p ok, I'd probably say the essay is on the borderline of band,4-5, but there's not too much work needed in order to push it up further. your using a bit of logic (or textbook knowledge), and your using economic jargon, but...
  3. K


    The underlying cash balance surplus is $2.1b, and the budget surplus is expected to be $0.2b next year
  4. K

    scaling and marks

    not really... but if your above average (average raw mark around 63-65 for past years) then you should get 90+ scaled...
  5. K

    I need help

    The only ones I know of are Tim Riley, and Tim Dixon's books...there's not that great a variety to choose from! Some people use Riley (like me), other's use Dixon. our school chose Riley because they believe its better, since it has more detail. I'm not sure about the Dixon one (we used it...
  6. K

    good luck

    28hrs left from... now!'d better get cracking :D hmm, I'm the opposite of you...I'm studying ecos and cramming in RE after ecos :p
  7. K


    aha! Alright, here's something from BT Funds Management, on this (dated 28 June 2002) me thinks I'll stay with headline inflation :)
  8. K

    Aboriginal Stuff!

    hehe, had to look through my catholic trials to find that timeline :p I'd better start studying for sor...
  9. K

    impacts of globalisation

    hmm ok, well if you increase efficiency (which includes technology, communication, economies of scale, transportation, flexibility, etc), capital use, aggregate demand (or export demand in this case), trade, lower protection, THEN, you improve economic growth, and therefore, economic performance...
  10. K

    How many countries in the EU?

    Its still 15 the next expansion is 2004 you can read the article here but why do you wanna know? you can't seriously be trying to learn that stuff :p
  11. K

    Your thoughts on the 2002 HSC

    hey hey, spicegirl has the right to be demeaning - she probably is going to get 100! :D but seriously...I don't think anything snobbish or wrong's been said by anyone yet...weisy supports one point, spicegirl another. they represent different people...neither has really done anything yet...
  12. K

    Your Studies of Religion class

    wow! gosh, I didn't think he'd be leaving that quickly! any other details??? this is amazing! I so have to tell everyone I told you he had some weird ideas :p
  13. K

    Comparing Ceramics...

    off-topic, but anyway chudy, you were on the phys olympics team this year? did you meet a guy called roger senior?
  14. K

    Aboriginal Stuff!

    kinship just means relationship If its by itself, it means with each other i.e. elders, to children, etc. (generally) but it can also mean the Aboriginals relationship with the land, the ancestral spirits (the dreaming) as well. urgh, timeline...someone else can answer that. Mabo...
  15. K

    A silly question

    download I do! and you get to watch the eps you want to see! taping doesn't really make a just end up watching them at a different time :p. It's not as good quality though on tape... awwww, they're mad! I love em! ('cept sailormoon)
  16. K

    y do i cum out :(

    yea, don't fret! everyone comes out happier, cause they're more happy to know that the exam is over, than how well they did (well, they may worry, but the happiness that they will never ever have to do any study for that subject, fills them with glee instead) don't be so worried! if you...
  17. K

    open the MAIL!!!

    I'll be ringing someone up, and getting them to find it for me, since I'll be in taiwan:rolleyes:
  18. K


    lol, that sounds like everything I know I think what I'll do is not mention whether they target headline, or underlying, but that they just generally like having it between 2-3%, especially if its ongoing (or underlying) inflation.. that's some kind of compromise hopefully :rolleyes...
  19. K

    good luck

    I'm kinda dreading it, cause its the last one I can potentially stuff up, but its also my fav subject as well, so I'm hoping that I'll get through it! Plus, whenever I do the essays, there's so much time, that I feel like its been an eternity... but yea, g'luck everyone! do your best, to end...
  20. K

    Must Know Stats

    my ecos teacher sent around some stats (newsletter from leading edge education) Net Foreign debt - 47.3% (%to GDP, Jun 02) from 46.6%, 12 months ago. so Lobo is right