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  1. saladsurgery


    i dunno much aboout multi-function centres, but as far as scanners go, the "enhanced" resolution doesn't really mean anything. any data above the 600x1200 optical resolution is added by the scanning software -- and as it's done with software, not hardware, it's not going to improve the quality...
  2. saladsurgery


    it's across the road from me (st andrew's college) not too bad, it doesn't have such a sense of community though, you're right. but it's a departure from the whole boarding school/college spirit rah rah rah thing, which some people might like.
  3. saladsurgery

    gig guide

    haha, yeah, conned into it by a friend... doof doof doof.
  4. saladsurgery

    Digital Cameras

    gah buy a video camera for video, silly optical zooooooooooom... but if we're buying ragerunner a cheap camera, you mightn't want to spend th extra $$. i have a clunky old nikon coolpix... it was good for it's time, and is still ok now i suppose... 3.1 mp, but i want to get a newer...
  5. saladsurgery

    gig guide

    gah! i was meant to go to that. cursed family.
  6. saladsurgery

    94.5 FBi- New radio station

    fbi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a friend of mine co-hosts and oldschool rock/punk show on thursday nights at ten half aussie music, which is cool and 25% is sydney stuff, which is even cooler
  7. saladsurgery

    theory time!

    yep surrealism is part of podernism and andr breton (considered by some to be the founder of surrealism) labelled kahlo a surrealist, but she said she wasn't -- claimed she painted life 'as she saw it" or something, there's a good quote on this somewhere...
  8. saladsurgery

    theory time!

    i should use my mod powers to put those notes on the database. i will, over then next few days.
  9. saladsurgery

    theory time!

    [i] john berger is awesome! have you read his book "ways of seeing"? and as far as case studies go, modernism would be pretty big. that's impressionism ---> the 1970's (although then there's the stuckists who reckon they're remodernists... :p). perhaps it'd be better to do one section/area...
  10. saladsurgery

    theory time!

    ok so you've all handed in your BoW's to be shipped off and scrutinized by those strange marker types. now it's just theory. what sort of stuff hve you all been researching/working on? any particular areas of interest/favourite stuff -- artists, movements, exhibitions, etc? oh, and who...
  11. saladsurgery

    better to send artwork away or to get marked at skool?

    also, from my experience of regional markers (not sure how it is in sydney, i was at school in newcastle), they tend to be a bit less progressive. so if you've gone all postmodern and conceptual on us, and you have the option of sending your stuff to the marking centre, i'd go with that...
  12. saladsurgery

    international studies

    the first two years is language and cultural/social stuff. they have different level programs for different level language proficiencies, i think (eg. if you studied it the hsc or whatever). you don't have to have had any previous experience with the language though.
  13. saladsurgery

    international studies

    check out this thread: it has some info in it it's a pretty cool course. lots of hands on work, a bit of computery stuff too though.. lots of work though. at the moment i have... *counts*... 8 assignments. one...
  14. saladsurgery

    international studies

    i'm doing design (visual communications), which is in the same faculty. i've got a few friends doing industrial design though, and they all seem to like it. lots of sketching, technical drawing and so on...personally, not really my thing... i was never much of a design and tech person...
  15. saladsurgery

    international studies

    you could go to switzerland, too. they speak french there. that's probably where i'll go if i transfer to design (viscom)/int'l studies.... awesome swiss design :D
  16. saladsurgery

    independent trial results

    yeah, i found that sticking ot the proposed time limits is generally a good idea (for art at least)... perhaps spend an extra 5 minutes on one of the bigger section 1 questions or the essay if you're really getting into it, but i found that if i wrote too slowly or got stuck in the earlier...
  17. saladsurgery

    Communications Courses

    a friend of mine is doing writing and contemporary cultures this year. he likes it, especially the writing subjects (but he's a really writer-ish person: short stories and poems in his spare time, always carries a journal, that sort of thing). says there aren't many hours, and the workload is...
  18. saladsurgery

    Why is kath the mod???

    bah nepotism
  19. saladsurgery

    Usyd vs UTS (Open DAY)

    i was in a lecture in building 6 the other day and timbk2 had tagged the chair in front of me *cough*
  20. saladsurgery

    independent trial results

    *whips out calculator* that would mean you got about 21/25 in the essay (yay!), but only about 3 marks in section one. ouch! what made your section 1 marks drop so much, do you think?