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  1. Skillo

    How many prescribed texts do we HAVE to have?

    They can ask a question just related to the prescribed three texts...that's what I've been told. You don't want to be caught short...and its best to learn all 3 especially if they ask you a total arse of a question
  2. Skillo

    Shaun of the Dead

    I expected it too be funnier, but otherwise I thought it was good. The ending was a bit of a cop...I wanted something funny. :p
  3. Skillo


    Yeah. And he did for a reason.
  4. Skillo

    Anyone Just See The News?

    I love getting Victorian news... :p Can I ask why this is in the VA forum?
  5. Skillo

    Drama Essay Questions.

    Thanks for the Brecht questions Green Appletini. I've had no success with finding the CSSA trial...anyone else? I'm going into school tomoz to see if my teacher ended up getting it. 7 days to go.
  6. Skillo

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread!

    Hello hello. May I just state that I am against this spammy thread
  7. Skillo

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread!

    Any late night wanderers? :(
  8. Skillo

    Conflict in Indochina Essay Questions & Historiography

    Is it safe to say that there will always be a Cambodia question??
  9. Skillo

    Stockholm Conference

    Can't find much related with Stockholm Conference...can someone sum it up in a paragraph or 10 points for me? Premature thanks
  10. Skillo

    Different READINGS?!?!

    I one of threads I was just reading, Vally stated that there were different readings of BNW...feminist etc. Do we need to know this? Cause I didn't cover it in class...only thing I did readings for was Module B: Critical Study King Lear. I mean for a COMPARATIVE study of TEXTS AND CONTEXTS...
  11. Skillo

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEM!!! MWAH! Have a great time and go get absolutely trashed legally. :o
  12. Skillo

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread!

    Yes Dad... :p
  13. Skillo

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread!

    Damn damn damn. Now I'm the only innocent... *takes off halo and polishes it*
  14. Skillo

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread!

    Ohhhhoohohohhhh. This thread isssss dirty. Hello non dirty person...whereever you may be...I think Matthew (Xayma) has been the only one so far who hasn't committment some sort of flirtacious crime.
  15. Skillo

    Chaser Decides

    Yes! And making more of those DELIGHTFUL plates while she's at it... I want one...but without the head attachment thingy. I reckon the Chaser team are the thinking woman's sex objects... :D
  16. Skillo

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread! EVERYONE's in here...
  17. Skillo


    Mwah ha ha ha. How eeevil. Ours don't get marked until the last week of October...I'm hanging on tenterhooks to see who in our class (if anyone at that!) gets pre-selected.
  18. Skillo

    Onstage Nominatoins

    Meow. Watch out, I might start spitting/hissing. OHHH shit. Drama teacher coming up driveway...ohhh shit. Was supposed to be studying... :eek:
  19. Skillo

    VERY IMPORTANT!!! New Extra-Curricular Thread!

    The Dramarians Spam Thread has been invaded
  20. Skillo

    Onstage 2004

    I'm one for political debate, however can we please refrain from personal insults? It really riles me up :mad: Hence the mad font.