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  1. Rahul

    I Think My Teachers Dogged My Assessment Mark

    your school will submit the marks [that you calculated] to the board. what use are they? to find relative differences between the ranks. now, when you do the hsc exam. all the marks obtained by your school are pooled. then, the relative differences using the marks that were sent into them, the...
  2. Rahul

    I Think My Teachers Dogged My Assessment Mark

    the marks you calculated for your assements during the year is not your assessment mark. :) they havent jipped you.
  3. Rahul

    Little Fish or Big Fish?

    i'd rather be the small fish in the pacific. but then i would have to give up, to an extent, my social life. but for one year, i personally, would be ok with that....
  4. Rahul

    What didn't count?

    they count the best 2 units of engish. constipated probably did ext1 english, like toodulu said.
  5. Rahul

    ne1 wanna help another lost youngen

    it is log6.9/log1.3 :) use the log method to check your answer, and use the 'guess/check' method for working.
  6. Rahul

    Extra 5 uai points if in western sydney 4 uws?

    also, i have heard of many people who go to selective schools in the inner city that live in the west, and even families that have moved closer to the city for that very reason.
  7. Rahul


    i dont know....hard choice....close one between 2.....but pot pouri freshens up the toilet more than lavender.
  8. Rahul

    is it that hard?

    excel is poor for maths. ok for other subjects.
  9. Rahul

    anione goin to macquarie uni for commerce accounting

    if you can, how would you compare it to bba/accg?
  10. Rahul

    question - copywrite

    yep, they cant expect people to reuse old cssa, independent papers :p
  11. Rahul

    Extra 5 uai points if in western sydney 4 uws?

    lol @ cyph. took the words out of my fingers and keyboard. :)
  12. Rahul

    What didn't count?

    over 90 aswell....*high five* :p didnt get into my first pref either. but i'm happy with what i might get into. :) there is always hope for a chance at my first pref thanks to never know :p it is such a reassuring word that :D i didnt want to criticise why you did 14 units...
  13. Rahul

    digital camera opinions 2

    thanks huy and anti. :) huy, what exactly do you mean by videoout? how are XD cards in comparison to SD, in terms of performance/use and price? the 1.5" screen will be ok, not a real worry there. :) would you know rough prices for NiMH battries + charger? cheers again.
  14. Rahul

    What didn't count?

    ??? i am not saying that it was dumb to do 14 units. i was just curious as to why you wanted to. :) fair enough :)
  15. Rahul

    2003 HSC Mathematics Results

    lol @ "i can do that in my sleep". i am not going to look at any such paper and hold onto "If this student has sat for the 2 unit maths exam it is likely that he/she would have acheived band 6" for as long as humanly possible. :p
  16. Rahul

    What didn't count?

    hey tib!, how did you do? btw, huy 14 units man, why didnt you drop anything?
  17. Rahul

    2003 HSC Mathematics Results

    your jedi mind tricks wont work with me :rofl:
  18. Rahul


    if you are good at memorising, then sor, eng adv, ext eng to an extent and bio could be good for you. :) if you are good at legal, then you will get good marks in it.
  19. Rahul

    do u tink i can tutor wiv an uai of 90?

    2u maths? i got similar marks to you, and its ok i think.
  20. Rahul

    plz help

    kaspa, you might be better off in trying the university section. :)