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  1. saladsurgery

    welcome to the uts forum

    my uai was 97.95, but the cutoff for the course this year was 92 point something, having fallen from 94 point something the year before (can't remember the exact figures).
  2. saladsurgery

    welcome to the uts forum

    ooh ahh, a uts forum. i don't suppose by chance anyone else is doing visual communications there? the main building looks like a jenga tower :)
  3. saladsurgery

    Favourite Radio Staion

    jjj (sometimes newy uni student radio) mp3s are nice, esp for stuff that doesn't get on the radio, but i like listening to announcers, except for annoying commercial ones always trying to give away five hundred dollars coooold haaard caaaaaaaaash (know what i mean?).
  4. saladsurgery

    English texts you actually liked!?

    let's see... frontline was good, and ros & guil are dead was also an interesting read. over the years i grew to like shakespeare (all up the ones i did were merchant of venice, 12th night, hamlet, henry v, macbeth). and there are other things we just studied little bits of, like in year 10...
  5. saladsurgery

    Any Radiohead fans here?

    yep. :D
  6. saladsurgery

    VisuaL ArtS

    it was probably my favourite subject. here's my advice, for what it's worth: - study artists whose work you enjoy/like. i was particularly interested in new british art -- damien hirst, tracy emin, marc quinn and the like. see if you can do a case study on artists/movements/themes that you...
  7. saladsurgery

    How did you stay motivated for 12 months?

    hmmmmm, motivation. years 7-10 just cruised through, but i did pick up a bit around the school certificate exams. year 11: started working properly. did homework in all my free periods, as much work and study as possible before dinner, that sort of thing. year 12: more of the same, but less...
  8. saladsurgery

    michael moore

    i like his stuff, but i'm a bit suspicious. all this success could turn him into a greedy capitalist pig :p.
  9. saladsurgery

    Tori Amos?

    i've only heard a few of her singles, cornflake girl etc, and they sound allright. i might buy one of her albums if i see it in a bargin bin or something, or if i can get a copy of an album from a mate that'd also be good. *points to post count* ooh ahh, that'd make this the post of The...
  10. saladsurgery

    sigur ros anyone?

    :) :) sigur rossssssss!!! :) :) they are really, really good. i only found out about them a couple of months ago, but their music is really beautiful and moving. if they tour here, i'm definitely going.
  11. saladsurgery

    forums-a waste of time???

    what i did, most weeknights: get home afternoon tea/snack do a bit of work dinner finish rest of work get on forums, ask or answer questions' work on art major work (it was digtal media, so i just did bits and peices whilst on forums) go to bed (me, usually 10:30 -- 11:30) i used...
  12. saladsurgery

    Maths - 2 Unit or Extension 1??

    i had this problem last year. i seriously conidered dropping down to 2u (from ext 1). i wasn't too hot at ext 1 maths: most assesment/class test marks from 60-80%, but i stuck with it. i think studying ext 1 maths allowed me to more easily understand some of the 2u concepts, and gave me more...
  13. saladsurgery

    2002 art people

    i'm doing design (visual communication) at uts, and would also like to get into photography. heh, we might see each other around :)
  14. saladsurgery


    hmmm... interactives, i thought about doing one, but never did. here are some websites, but most are more design-oriented than visual art-y, but they could be good ideas for visual effects, animations, etc.
  15. saladsurgery

    examiners' reports

    does anyone know when the examiners reports get published? there are a few up now, but only about 10 or so. think they'll take too long?
  16. saladsurgery


    fencing? like with chicken wire and stuff? :p naah. sounds interesting though... UTS fencing club, eh? *makes mental note about fencing club and o-week* maybe it's just the whole "fighting with swords" thing... perhaps i oughta join a medieval club, if i can find one... :)
  17. saladsurgery

    Topics not in order?

    yep... it's doing that thing again... when none of the threads update... and all the thread icons look like this , even when someone's posted since you visited and they should look like this: ... it's got something to do with something or other crashing... ask laz or similar...
  18. saladsurgery

    Topics not in order?

    yep... it's doing that thing again... when none of the threads update... and all the thread icons look like this: <img src="images/off.gif">, even when someone's posted since you visited and they should look like this: <img src="images/on.gif">... it's got something to do with something...
  19. saladsurgery

    THE BEST SUBJECT???? if it exists

    vis art cos i liked it. chem was fun too.
  20. saladsurgery

    BoS quote of the... err... month or 3

    you lot are theiven all these out of the smh honour roll, aren't you?